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About bonarbill

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist
  1. Microsoft these days don't care where their games are as long as they're making money. They're even releasing some of their games on the Nintendo Switch.
  2. I never buy games from the Microsoft store, but looks like I'll be buying this game from there. No way are those money-hatting **** at Epic are getting my money. I refuse to use their launcher if they are going to doing crap like this.
  3. I am also sure that POE 3 will be the next big project from Obsidian No it won't. Sawyer has made it very clear he wants a nice long break from PoE They can make PoE3 without Sawyer. Sawyer wasn't even the director the PoE2 DLCs. They can, but they won't. But there's no harm in holding on to your dream. Feel free to show your proof kid. But even if you don't show any proof, there is no harm holding on to your dream either.
  4. I am also sure that POE 3 will be the next big project from Obsidian No it won't. Sawyer has made it very clear he wants a nice long break from PoE They can make PoE3 without Sawyer. Sawyer wasn't even the director the PoE2 DLCs.
  5. Pretty sure you know it's already optional since it was stated a few posts up. It's obvious that you're trolling.
  6. And I killed her in the first game. (Crazy cat ladies. Ew.) You seem obsessed with hating this fictional character.
  7. No. The whole point of the world map is exploration. Just use fast mode.
  8. "wahh, he disagree with him, so he's a troll." If you don't have anything useful to say, then stay out.
  9. Rekke is definitely coming back if there is a pillars 3 coming. If you take him to Ukaizo, he will ask to stay with you. There also a bunch of hints near the end of the game and in the last DLC that Yezuha will play a big role in the coming years.
  10. Makes sense. Rarely will people play the highest difficulty, but a lot of people will complain about bugs.
  11. I swear you sound like one of the regulars I've seen on 4chan.
  12. In the currrent beta, food is only consumed while you're sailing. If you're on foot, only daily wages are consumed. This is a recent change that I think they're sticking with.
  13. I work freelance around 5 hours a day. I have no need to take vacations since I'm single with no kids and have a lot of free time throughout the day. :D However, I'm still going to wait a few weeks to a month before playing. I'm busy playing a few other games at the moment.
  14. Yeah, it's truly insane to assume that a company would try to be as good (or better) as their competition. They have completely different gameplay, completely different class systems, completely different tone, completely different stories, the graphics are very different both in style and presentation, one of them is even multiplayer focused while the other is explicitly a single player game. Other than being isometric RPG's they really aren't similar at all. Many don't like Eternity that much, but loved Original Sin, and vice versa. They tend to appeal for completely different reasons. Some people may like both, but that doesn't mean they are competing. Case in point, I won't play Original Sin unless I have a friend online who wants to play with me. Because as a single player RPG, I think it sucks. Just because both games aren't similar in exact features doesn't mean they're not competing with one another. That's like saying Final Fantasy and the Tales series aren't in the same genre because they play and look differently. Both Divinity and Pillars are top down western RPGs that focus on gameplay, roleplaying (C&C) and story. One series has a multiplayer, but the entire game can be played as a single player story driven rpg. Deny it all you want, but they are competing with one another. Both games always get compared when someone is looking for a CRPG.
  15. Agreed, especially the street fighter sub class rogue. IMO, it's probably one of the most dangerous front line subclasses in the game. I certainly don't think they need any buffs right now.
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