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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Hopefully the balance update helps some of the more tank type companions to pull aggro more effectively. They're still likely to go down fairly quickly because they're stupid and won't get out of the way of big charge up attacks and AoEs like (good) players will.
  2. Oh man, Zardoz. That movie tried to be all artsy and profound, but instead would up being hilariously cheesy and ridiculous. On the plus side, it featured plenty of nudity.
  3. What about mankinis? Can we have male characters wearing mankinis?
  4. Noted. Record updated. I don't fear their bodies, but I do fear women.
  5. Well, at least it took until page 3 to turn this fun joke thread into a morality crusade.
  6. The game comes out of beta and goes live on the 20th. I hope there's no character wipe. Also, they'll be adding the Gauntlgrym end game content which will be a weird 20 on 20 PvE/PvP/PvE hybrid. Sounds intriguing, butalso time consuming. I'll definitely give it at least one go, though.
  7. I was already all types of sold on this game, but nooooooooooo, they had to go ahead and sell me some more on it. You already got my money folks, you don't need to try so hard.
  8. Soon. w00t. /rubs hands together
  9. I have to look at my **** every day in front of the mirror too. I'm just I happy I can still see it. My stomach hasn't gotten that large yet.
  10. Bioware - Using stock photographs for female characters since 2000. Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, you are not alone.
  11. She'll be real happy she wore that outfit if she dumps it.
  12. Double DLC. Congratulations, sir. You just won the internet.
  13. Project: Eternity - Project: Sexy DLC Featuring HAWT Orlan *****es!
  14. But what about dudes showing off package? Notice the unflattering baggy pants, how are we supposed to see his (impressive?) package in those?
  15. Tablets are a platform still in its infancy. People are still trying to figure out how to utilize it to its full potential and the hardware is only beginning to mature.
  16. I'm not good on motorcycles either, they're just too twitchy. More importantly, the story in Lost and Damned just isn't particularly compelling, mainly because there really are no standout characters. Ballad of Gay Tony, on the other hand, is a return to form for the series, more along the lines of Vice City or San Andreas in terms of colorful characters and interesting story. In my opinion: San Andreas > Vice City > Gay Tony > 4 > 3 > Lost & Damned
  17. Nah, not dyeing anything yet. I'll be replacing most, if not all, of those purples at some point. Once I get higher tier purples, like the Titan set, I'll think about making it extra spiffy with colors. I'm mostly about fusing high rank enchantments and runes right now. I'm going to try to get as much life steal as possible since that's how the Acolyte of Kelemvor heals you, she buffs up your life steal so you heal yourself when damaging enemies. At the same time, I'm trying to sacrifice as little critical as possible to achieve that, since that's what my character is built around. I've got nearly a 30% chance to critical as my base, but once I begin hitting enemies I get a stack that raises that up further. Plus I have +95% critical severity, so when I do critical, which is quite often, I do massive damage. I've had as high as 32.5% critical chance at one point, but I've sacrificed some of that as I've changed gear and haven't socketed enchantments into everything yet. I'm only socketing the purples I expect to keep for a long time right now, otherwise I'd just be wasting enchantments. I might eventually drop some rank 4 enchantments or something into the weaker purples, that way when I replace the gear I'll only be losing mediocre enchantments, and not something like a rank 6 or 7.
  18. Decked out in almost all purples: The shirt and pants I'll have to make myself.
  19. I don't begrudge them making a mobile game, it's a rapidly expanding market. I do question the timing, though. And since I don't have an iWhatever this doesn't interest me at all. If they made an Android version I'd definitely consider it.
  20. "We are here to introduce another entry in the Deus Ex franchise" Interest level rising. "...and it's coming to your iPhone and iPad" Interest level plummeting.
  21. Sleepy Rat Is Sleepy

  22. Oh man, I want to sink my teeth into that slice of bread. What sort of bread are we talking? Is it rye? Please tell me it's rye. Anyway, the dungeon concept looks great. I'm already examining where to position my casters so I can cast Cloudkill some kind of lingering and debilitating AoE spell into the circular room.
  23. Yeah, Kaveri is something that I'm really interested in. Not because I want to buy it, because I'm not doing a new system no matter what for at least 2 years (barring catastrophic failure), but because it will introduce HSA, which, at least in theory, is a pretty exciting step forward. At the very least, HSA should minimize latency of communication between the CPU and the GPU since they will be sharing the same memory and address space and won't have to make redundant system calls to fetch the same piece of data. In theory, this reduced latency should more than make up for the reduced bandwith of standard DDR3 versus the GDDR5 of high end discreet GPUs. Once DDR4 appears commercially (2014?), the bandwith issue should be further minimized.
  24. Honestly, DS3 is very far from a clone of Diablo 2. I'll agree that DS3 is VERY different than DS and DS2, so those that had the expectation (a reasonable one at that) that it would be another game like the previous two, I can definitely see why they would be angry and disappointed. I personally think DS3 is a good game if you take it for what it is, and not what may have been expected. It's barely a loot em up, it's significantly more story driven than pretty much any other game in the genre (Divine Divinity is probably the closest in that regard). I have my own criticisms of the game, namely the disappointing loot and the narrow corridor nature of most of the maps (Treasures of the Sun is slightly more open), but overall I thought it was a great game. I personally think that DS3 is more engaging than most loot em ups with the block and dodge mechanics, compared to the usual, click click click click click. Also, as Hurlshot mentioned, this really should be in the DS3 section.
  25. My cheap ass 8" dobsonian is bigger than that. Why even bother sending something that small out into space?
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