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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Does a racing game work better with m&kb? How about action games like Batman: Arkham or Sleeping Dogs? (both notable for having similar combat systems to TW2) How about a platformer? Does a space sim work better with m&kb than with a flightstick? Mouse & keyboard is clearly superior for certain types of games: FPS, RTS, tactical RPGs, just to name a few. This is not a tactical RPG, it's an action RPG with a third person perspective.
  2. Did you unlock the secret achievements: "muscle ache the next morning" and "why did I think working out would be a good idea?" I'll let you know tomorrow.
  3. Just played a game of bicycle ride. Pretty decent hour and a half single player speedrun. I picked up the Good Workout and Healthy Sweat achievements. Next weekend I'm going to try to go completionist and find all the secret areas.
  4. True, a shame as well Why? Why wouldn't you design the game around the best available tool for the job? Would you be disappointed about space sims being designed around flight sticks? Edit: Heck, even TW1 would have been better with a controller, but it didn't have native support. Using Xpadder can make it work, but you still need m&kb for menus and some rarely used functions.
  5. In my opinion TW2 worked perfectly fine with m&kb, my whole first playthrough was with m&kb and I had zero problems with it, other than the combat being less responsive than I would have liked, but that's the same across all control configurations. Subsequent playthroughs were with a 360 controller, since I found that to be a superior/more comfortable way to play the game.
  6. Agreed, I'm just quoting the interview. Their stance all along has been that they want to deliver the same level of quality across all platforms, which is good. Just as long as the PC version doesn't become a second class citizen, I'm fine with it. I'm sure a controller is what they're building around, they should, the type of game this is just naturally plays better with a controller, it's the best tool for the job. Geralt isn't an archer so there's no advantage to mouse aiming and he doesn't have a large enough array of spells that he needs 20 different hotkey slots. The combat system, at least in the second game, is clearly inspired by Batman: Arkham, which is a good model for them to ape since Geralt has similarly semi-superhuman fighting skills to Batman and a small array of signs and tricks, similar to Batman's gadgets. That kind of combat system just works better on a controller, you can make it work fine with m&kb, but it will always feel more natural on a controller. I don't consider building around a controller some kind of affront to PC gaming, I would imagine that the vast majority of hardcore PC gamers have one. It's a rather standard peripheral that has been around for decades. With that said, it does make me feel better that they're currently focusing on PC development. In the end that may not mean anything and it's just a placebo I drank down with a glass of water, but I like feeling better so I'll accept the placebo and like it. As for their interface in TW2, it wasn't ANYTHING friendly. That needs a major overhaul for any and all platforms.
  7. Who in their right mind would pay for a Dandelion spin-off title? /points thumbs at self This guy. Other thoughts on interview: Board & sword? Since when does Geralt use a shield? Shields are for pansies... and regular humans that don't have superhuman agility and reflexes. //slaps interviewer Lead development platform - PC **** yes!
  8. Playing Legends of Dawn. The game is so clunky and unpolished, yet I find myself going back to it. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but a follow camera option would go a long way toward making the game a more user friendly experience. Anyway, the closest comparison for the game is Divine Divinity, but a bit less loot em' up and more cRPG than that. I do kind of like the system for collecting runes for opening chests.
  9. Legends of Dawn is a game that has all the features and components in place, but zero polish, none, zip, nada. The game plays like a beta (an early one at that) rather than a finished game. You can also tell it's made by an inexperienced team by a lot of the design choices. There are some cool things in the game but they're not necessarily implemented particularly well. Very little is explained, a few of the tooltips are actually helpful but many are pretty much useless. It's a game that hands you a bunch of stuff and says "figure it out", which is fine for me but will surely be a turn off for many people. The game, in many ways, plays like something at least a decade old, with some of the good and definitely much of the bad that comes with that. There's a bunch of neat ideas in there, but a lot of the implementation could have been much better. This is a cake that definitely needed to sit several more months in the oven. Still, it's got a weird clunky charm to it and I'm looking forward to playing it some more when I get home.
  10. Saints Row is wonderfully crude, sexist, immature, over the top, and absurd. It's a game series that looks at the politically correct folks, unzips its pants, whips out its ****, and taunts them with it. It glorifies sex and violence, but it does so in such an absurdly over the top manner that no one could possibly ever take any of it seriously.
  11. So far, mind you I only played for a few minuted, the graphics are straight out of 2006 and the game seems quite rough around the edges. The "story" seems like the prototypical "find the mythic artifact to save the world" crap that's been done a billion times over. The controls seem fairly awkward, though I haven't tried remapping anything yet. I guess I'll get used to it eventually. So basically, not exactly knocking my socks off right now, but I'm barely scratching the surface. Anyway, I'll report back once I get deeper. Look forward to hearing more. I already have it downloaded but can't play till Tuesday. If its decent that'll be enough for me till now till other games start rolling out and maybe with a couple patches it'll be better. It's pretty rough. Tooltips are either nonexistent or pretty much useless, there's some stutter, it's crashed a couple of times Yet I'm kind of enjoying it so far, for whatever reason.
  12. Now that I actually have armor I'm going to stick with, I'll likely invest in some dyes eventually. Not sure the colors yet. Black always works.
  13. So far, mind you I only played for a few minuted, the graphics are straight out of 2006 and the game seems quite rough around the edges. The "story" seems like the prototypical "find the mythic artifact to save the world" crap that's been done a billion times over. The controls seem fairly awkward, though I haven't tried remapping anything yet. I guess I'll get used to it eventually. So basically, not exactly knocking my socks off right now, but I'm barely scratching the surface. Anyway, I'll report back once I get deeper.
  14. I agree with Drudanae, the combat in Mirror's Edge is garbage. Just because the blues are easy to defeat doesn't make the system any good. It's not what the game was built around, it's built around running.
  15. I'm playing Waiting For Legends of Dawn to Download. Not the most thrilling game in the world, so I guess I'll play some Unepic in the meantime. @Drudanae - The speedrun challenges are the best part of Mirror's Edge.
  16. The great Kickstarter deluge is upon us! First Grim Dawn Alpha, now both Legends of Dawn and Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded in the same day, then Shadowrun Returns in one month, then Wasteland 2 just around the corner, then Divinity: Original Sin. Goodbye social life, I hardly knew you.
  17. Gah. All this wait and now 2 games I kickstarted release on the same day: Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded and Legends of Dawn. I definitely do this too oftentimes. To me a really good measure of how good a game is, to me anyway, is if it can grab my attention long enough to play it through all the way. The last 2 games to do this were Sleeping Dogs (PC) and Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS). In both cases I played them all the way through and then some, and the thought of firing up some other game never so much as entered my mind.
  18. Get out of my head Amentep. I fully agree 100%. While I don't hate Dark Sun, I was never a big fan of it. At least it's different. I love me some Al-Qadim, too bad it had such a limited run. Mythical Arabia is such a fantastic setting, it's too bad it doesn't get utilized more. I mean we got what, the Prince of Persia games, Quest For Glory II: Trial By Fire (such a fantastic game), Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse, and ... ... ... ... I definitely like Ravenloft, and, of course, Planescape is awesome.
  19. Woot! I just played and beat Activate Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded Steam Key! Unfortunately, I encountered a secret level at the end called Go To Work that lasts 8 hours.
  20. Animal attacks were the least of Two Worlds 2's problems. Where do I even start? While the skill system offered you a bunch of different skills and special attacks, none of that changed the fact that combat still far too often came down to stun-lock or be stun-locked, or pew pew pew, run away, pew pew pew, run away if you were using bows or spells. Voice acting and dialogue that ranged from mediocre to unbelievably horrific. Highly uninspired and boring loot. A crafting system that became its own monotonous tedious grind. Some of the worst animations this side of Morrowind. The starting island is a boring slog, after that the game opens up and becomes... mediocre for a while, then it winds down with a slog so horrendously tedious and boring that it makes the starting island seem like paradise, only to be capped off by, and this is NOT hyperbole, one of the worst final boss fights in RPG history.
  21. The game is definitely full of ridiculous and impractical designs. I'm just happy I have armor that doesn't look identical to all the other armor.
  22. Ugh. Two Worlds 2, while not as downright awful as Two Worlds, was still quite bad IMHO.
  23. Yeah, the level of detail for such small figures is impressive.
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