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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Same here. My flightstick doesn't have enough buttons to accommodate everything, but there is enough for all my regular flight/combat stuff. Communications, maps, obscure squadron commands, and trading commands are all keyboard buttons. Right now, in X-Stillbirth, everything is done by keyboard and mouse because of the broken flightstick support (it's a friggin' space sim, how the **** do you not make flightstick support a top priority?) Edit: Holy ****, there isn't even a key for target next enemy? What the ****!? How do you not include a target next enemy key? Damn, I guess I'll go back to playing Terran Conflict until this reaches a somewhat playable state.
  2. The craziest part is that the consolitis excuse isn't even valid as it's a PC only game and controllers and flightsticks don't even fully function properly at this point. The UI is such a mess and for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I think eventually, once all the bugs are sorted out and the modding community rescues the awful UI it will be a great game for hardcore space sim fans, but their effort to open the game up to more casual fans is an EPIC FAIL.
  3. I'm so jealous right now. Us Muricans haven't gotten a demo yet. That game makes it look like there may yet be a little bit of Square left in Squeenix.
  4. Yeah, the on-foot part of the game is... awkward. Honestly, they should just not have included it if it was going to be this shoddy. This looks like something they hastily added so that they can add a line to the back of a box (ironically no physical version exists right now): * Walk around space stations and interact with its inhabitants! They should have just kept it as it was before where you'd just open a channel of communications to whoever was on the station. Whatever, the space part of the game is what really matters, and that part is quite good, even without proper flightstick support (*shakes fist*). So far the campaign is pretty awful, as per Egosoft protocol. I'd probably be better off just playing in sandbox mode, that's what these games are all about, but the completionist in me demands that I go through the nonsensical campaign at least once.
  5. As per standard Egosoft protocol, the game is a bit of a mess right now. Definitely a bit of a learning process for me, even as a seasoned X player. I don't know if it's not detecting my flightstick correctly or what, but I can't set it up entirely right now because it's picking up a couple axes as one and the same, so, begrudgingly, I'm playing with m&kb at the moment. As licketysplit mentioned, this is not an isolated issue (you'd think a freakin' space sim would take care to get its flightstick support in order before launch). Cringeworthy voice acting, which is par for the course for Egosoft, and some Morrowind-level character animations makes the on-foot parts of the game pretty hilarious. The space part of the game, which is obviously the bulk of it, is quite good. Even having to use m&kb, the ship controls quite well, once I set up the controls to my liking and inverted the Y axis (Why isn't the Y axis inverted by default? Who plays a space/flight sim without the Y axis inverted?), anyway. I'm not sure how I feel about the highway system yet, but you can always just not use them.
  6. Meanwhile, in Florida: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/man-impersonates-cop-for-dunkin-donuts-discount-576324
  7. Thifourf Ditches QTEs That's a nice bit of good news.
  8. There have been a lot of nice releases on PC when it comes to platform/arcade games. Both with old style graphics and modern top notch visuals. Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (though the devs are...) is a fantastic, stupidly hard, platformer with beautiful visuals. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to remember the good old days of Sonic etc. Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender is a great little arcade game with retro graphics, were you swim left and right, up and down in a little submarine, defending milk miner kittens from robot fishies. Even plays two player co-op on one keyboard Valdis Story (posted pics in the other thread) is a nice side scrolling hack and slash which reminds me personally of a modern day version of Wonderboy in Monsterland. Then there are the reimagined versions of Ducktales and Mickey and the Castle of Illusions. Both are not too hard but well worth it just for the nostalgia value. And they are well made on top of that. There are more of course... My problem is rapidly becomming that I can't keep up. Yep. If there's any type of game that's under-represented on PC, it's jRPGs.
  9. I don't have any swords, but I do have a flanged mace. I'm not exactly an expert, nor even trained, but I can swing it (it's surprisingly easy to wield) and I can guarantee that whatever body part it hits will shatter.
  10. I'll give impressions in a day or two, but a full blown review, for a game like this, will have to wait for quite a long time. I just hope they didn't destroy the game's complexity and depth in the attempt to make it more accessible. I know they've been saying all the right things about not making the game more shallow, but I'm still a little worried. We shall see.
  11. If it comes to Android I'll likely get it. Edit: I'm also thinking about scooping up an Android copy of Shadowrun Returns. That game would be perfect for my phone. I wonder if there would be some wacky way for me to share save files between my PC and my phone. It would be pretty sweet to play the game at home, then be able to continue on the go, and vice versa.
  12. I don't quite understand why people target iOs for anything but puzzle games. Am I just so out of touch? A windows release would have me interested. Ossian did well with Mysteries of Westgate. Yes. I actually think RTwP would work quite well from an overhead/isometric perspective. Touch controls would be even faster and more intuitive than moving a mouse pointer for selecting targets, and multi-touch is perfect for AoE spells, allowing you to very quickly and intuitively not only determine where you want to center the spell, but also allow for further refinement by allowing you to adjust the size of the area of effect. Selecting abilities/spells from a quickbar would also be quick easy and intuitive, though it would work a lot better on a tablet, as a phone's screen is just to small to make the quickbar icons large enough to be tapped easily.
  13. 3 hours to go until it arrives 7 hours to go until I actually get to play it At least it's pre-loaded so I won't have to sit through an hour of downloading.
  14. Mobile games have come a long way. Though, I'm not sure how well this will play. RTwP, I'm assuming that's how the combat works here, may not be particularly well suited for mobile, especially if it's played from a 3rd person perspective.
  15. Wow, this debate is still going on? I'm of the mind that there is no out of bounds in comedy. Pushing boundaries and wading into questionable territory is what comedy is all about. The world is a ****ed up place, and the best way to deal with it is to laugh about it. People need to grow thick skins, they need to fail, they need to get insulted, they need to get bullied, they need to get beat up. When they do, they pick themselves up and grow tougher from it. It's part of becoming an adult. But this next generation won't because we coddle and shelter our kids so much these days. Everyone's a "winner", no one can be picked on, no one can even be put in a position to fail, everyone is a "superstar". They're growing up to be a bunch of spoiled, entitled, self righteous pieces of ****, and it's the people that are coddling and sheltering them from everything that are making it happen.
  16. If this comes out on Android then I'm all over it.
  17. They could take this a step further. The sexy time scene could have a chance of creating a baby down the road (9 months down the road to be precise), but conception is not a sure thing. So, in addition to the boner pill microtransactions, EA could offer fertility pill microtransactions to increase the chance of conception. They could completely milk provide outstanding value to the suckers their beloved customers.
  18. I was also disappointed in the lack of BRAHHHHHM! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLDv-fUINM On a more serious note, I have this pre-loaded. Just one more day until my galactic trading empire begins to take shape. /rubs hands together
  19. The DLC idea is pretty brilliant. EA would make a fortune off dudes living in their parents' basement.
  20. That would be pretty great if BioWare did a sexy time scene where one of the characters can't... shall we say, get his soldier to properly salute. That in turn opens up the possibility for Cialis product placement. It's a win-win.
  21. So it's a case of BioWare saving their thrusting animations for hilariously awkward sexy time scenes rather than combat?
  22. I'm not sure what you mean here, it was hardly the only reference to fandom peculiarities in the DLC. Considering the air time it has gotten here and elsewhere, it would have been a surprise had it not been referred there. This is an old discussion but still relevant, to be honest I'm not sure what the fuss is? So 12 fans or so took a real interest in a topic that most of wouldn't even think about. So what? Let people discuss what they want about a game, they aren't harming anyone are they The main reason I have an issue with this discussion is that its used in numerous debates to highlight how depraved and bizarre BSN has become. When in fact it represents one discussion compared to hundreds that occur on a daily basis at BSN. I just think people are making a big deal about a small minority of hard core fans as if everyone at BSN is like that Denial ain't a river in Egypt. Also not a river in Egypt: Wisła Back to the subject of Dragon Age. From the video, it seems they're sticking with two-handed sword/axe/maul and long/broadsword or hand axe and shield for fighters. So, likely no spear? Not even just Dragon Age, but a lot of RPGs, and just fantasy games in general, are sticking with sword, axe, and mace/hammer mostly. Why do they gotta be hatin' on spears? Can a gamer get a spear up in this piece?
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