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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The joys of low level D&D. I got so sick of save scumming in BG that I would just use a save editor to boost my characters to level 3 at the beginning, then once I would get to level 4 or 5 I would subtract the appropriate amount of exp (like 3000 exp or whatever it was to get to level 3) from the characters to get back on an even playing field.
  2. I'm doing a poor job because I haven't gotten a single kitteh yet.
  3. I'm pretty excited about The Greek Freak.
  4. Thank goodness there's always the good ol' Saints Row Sex Appeal slider which lets you make some big uns. Then the community modders always put out a mod that changes the limits on those sliders allowing you to make even more hilarious proportions.
  5. That's definitely true. You expect forwards to be much better in the paint than guards. My favorite thing about Durant's shot chart is that you notice he doesn't take the corner 3s. That's because that's one of his weakest shots (and by weakest I mean he's only about average at the corner 3), but he's smart enough to recognize that and simply not shoot from those spots. Now if only Josh Smith could stop taking the shots he's not good at:
  6. They might both be aliens. Here are Goldsberry's shots charts for both of them from last season (I don't know if he has ones for this season yet). Curry: Insanely good 3 point shooter, a bit weak near the basket. Durant: Above average from literally every spot on the court. And let's face it, LeBron is an alien also: Insanely good near the basket, above average 3s, a little weak mid range from the wings.
  7. The handshake attempt was most definitely disingenuous. Richard Sherman is a pro-wrestling style heel, which is something I definitely approve of. Jake "The Snake" Roberts even offered to help him with his heel promos: https://twitter.com/JakeSnakeDDT/status/425104952499773440
  8. That's messed up. I like the C-Hox being a heel team, the NFL needs a few of those, but tossing food at an injured player is pretty low. On a more fun note, here's the C o c k y Pete Strut with added tophat, monocle, and cane: I don't know who made this, but I'd like to shake their hand.
  9. You should get an XBOne as that seems like exactly the philosophy Microsoft adopted for their new console. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  10. That picture doesn't do justice to how spectacular that play was, but I couldn't find a gif showing him twisting around in mid-air.
  11. Kevin Durant followed up his blazing hot 54 point night with a crazy efficient stat sheet filling performance in a win over the Sacramento Kings. In just 32 minutes of play Durant scored 30 on 10 of 15 shooting and added 6 rebounds, 9 assists, 2 blocks, and 4 steals, raising his PER to an unearthly 30.54. KD is in some kind of ridiculous zone right now. Either that, or he's an alien.
  12. Here's a youtube clip of the Richard Sharman interview: Best. Interview. Ever. Edit: I take that back. The Bart Scott "Can't wait" interview is still the best postgame interview ever.
  13. After completing some number of quests, they kicked me some free points to spend in the item shop, so I got myself this pimpin' outfit. It comes with a nice fedora too, but I prefer not wearing a hat. The outfit goes well with the pistols. The pickaxe... not so much.
  14. That was a horrific call. Ironically it wound up benefiting the Niners. Doesn't change how bad a call it was, though. I'm still cracking up about Richard Sherman's pro-wrestling style promo he cut after the game. The guy is definitely an a-hole, but he's also really good.
  15. He sure does. Stay classy, Richard. That was pretty hilarious. What an awesome and exciting game and what a crazy way for it to end.
  16. On the positive side of TSW, the investigation type missions are great, the ones where they don't put a marker on your map but simply give you clues or riddles and you have to figure them out on your own. More of that, please.
  17. TSW most definitely does suffer from a case of Kill X Monsters Syndrome, as most MMOs do, and I fully agree that it would have been a lot better as a single player and/or co-op RPG. The game has good enough voice acting and writing to pull off being a single player game, the MMO aspect of it seems to be holding it back rather than enhancing it in any way. I haven't engaged in any PvP, but with mechanics this bad, I can't imagine it being in the least bit enjoyable, especially since I'm not a fan of PvP even in games with decent mechanics. I've gotten to the point where I'm used to the atrocious controls enough that they don't (severely) hinder me, and seem to have settled on a weapon combo of sledgehammer and pistols (start battles with pistols then when enemies close in smash em up). I'm contemplating switching my ranged weapon to something else, though. Do assault rifles or some of the magics have longer range than pistols (the range of the pistols is pretty pathetic)?
  18. Yes. Yes I do. I mean I'm starting to get used to the control scheme, but I can't wrap my head around what the thinking behind it was. It's the retarded kid trying to pound a square peg through a round hole of control schemes.
  19. I'm wondering who at Funcom thought it would be a good idea to let someone with severe brain damage design the game control mechanisms, because that's literally the only possible scenario I can come up with as to how they came up with the control scheme for The Secret World. It's a testament to how good the setting and writing is that I'm still enjoying myself.
  20. Good gravy, I didn't realize KD's metrics were THAT good right now. His PER (Player Efficiency Rating), which is the closest thing we have to a single all-encompassing stat, is 30.1. 30.1! For reference, anything north of 20 is really good, north of 24 is great, once you start dipping into 27 and upwards territory, that's extraordinary. 30.1 is ludicrous. I don't think it's sustainable, because KD is going silly right now, but to even go above the 30 mark for a single game is ridiculous. I can think of exactly 2 active players capable of that.
  21. I named her "Squirrley" The mechanics are atrocious, even by MMO standards, but I'm definitely enjoying the game so far.
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