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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The only one of those I have played is Planet Stronghold. It's a Ren'py game, so obviously a visual novel, but also an RPG. The combat is turn-based and menu driven, like old-school jRPGs. The combat is surprisingly decent given it came from a company that had previously only done visual novels. You get to make a few (very few) choices that have some impact on the game and you can choose to hook up with one of your party members (/looks in Bruce's direction), though sadly no nudie scene. It's not particularly good, but it's not awful either, it just kind of exists.
  2. I'm thoroughly impressed by the Sixers' EPIC 26 game losing streak. They're scrapping with Milwaukee for that coveted bottom spot. The best part is that there's not even a surefire superstar in the coming draft. There's no LeBron or KD or CP3. The draft is deep and there's probably over a dozen quality starters, but most likely not a franchise player.
  3. Early Access is a mixed bag. You have some games that are quite playable and well into the process and some, as you described, that are as alpha as alpha gets with nary a thing to do in them. This is the reason why I mostly stay away from them. I've gotten 2 early access games so far: Grim Dawn and Might & Magic X: Legacy. Grim Dawn is a game I've been following for years and supported long before their Kickstarter because I was such a huge fan of Titan Quest, so I got the access even before Early Access because of my pledge and I knew the game was in a decent state because I'm a regular on the Grim Dawn forums and had been seeing the progress closely. Might & Magic X I admittedly took a chance on because I couldn't help myself because OMG A NEW M&M GAME! I lucked out with that one since the Early Access was a decent chunk of fully playable goodness and the game turned out to be awesome when finished. So my experiences have been positive, but I'm still generally not going to buy Early Access games because I know stuff like what you described is lurking out there. Heck, even some games I have access to because of my pledge, like Divinity: Original Sin, I have not played because I simply would rather wait for the finished product.
  4. I'll be giving the new content a spin soon. I still keep going back and forth on what kind of gimmick to go with for my party. All might? All archer? Zero magic quad-barbarian (that party would have some serious problems with stats effects)?
  5. Dayton is thoroughly entertaining to watch. The good news is that they'll be moving on so we get to see them at least once more.
  6. I played pretty much nothing all week. I had time, but no desire to play games until yesterday when I started up some Expeditions: Conquistador. I'm definitely liking the game so far. Since this is my first time with the game, I'm playing on normal difficulty and carefully selected my crew. I'm going as diplomatic as I can and will try to make nice with the natives, so I selected mostly open-minded individuals. If the game turns out as good throughout as it is so far then I will do another playthrough on a higher difficulty level in ironman mode and with a randomly selected crew for extra challenge. This coming weekend looks super dooper ****ty weather wise so I'll have plenty of time to play when not watching March Madness. I'll likely start up a new game of Might & Magic X: Legacy soon as the DLC is now out and since I have the deluxe edition I got it for free. I might do an all-might party with no spellcasters (no one focused on spellcasting, anyway). I have mulled taking that to the extreme and going quad-barbarian for absolutely no spellcasting ability whatsoever.
  7. Hello chap, how's the weather? Now, let me introduce myself: I'm an emeny of man. You too? Sure are a lot of us these days. I don't suppose you happen to have wealth and taste? I am also enemy of man, what a coincidence!
  8. Yeah, I never read the comics. To be honest, I never knew there was a TMNT comic until you mentioned it just now. My introduction to TMNT was the cartoon in the late 80s. Sadly, the chances are probably pretty low that we'll get a Vanilla Ice rap in the new TMNT movie. Go ninja, go ninja, go!
  9. My biggest problem with it is that, although I'm sure they'll throw in a few jokes, it look like this is going to be yet another Dark and Gritty™ reboot. TMNT isn't supposed to be Dark and Gritty™, it's supposed to be lighthearted and fun. Why must every single reboot these days, and lord knows we're getting more than our share of reboots, be Dark and Gritty™?
  10. Dear lord, he's actually going through with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nCjsWpM9zFU
  11. I've been watching the gif on the right for about 3 minutes straight hoping that one of these times I'll get to see him land that Ace Crusher.
  12. The Spurs are having one of the quietest 15 game win streak ever.
  13. Always love the "anonymous source" reports. What's the batting average on those?
  14. On the non-Facebookgate 2014 front: Wolfenstein: The New Order will have a $100 Collector's Edition that doesn't include the game: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-03-26-wolfenstein-the-new-order-panzerhund-edition-doesnt-include-the-game
  15. If Notch said it's bad then it clearly MUST be bad. Grab your pitchforks and torches, everyone! In all seriousness, journalists must be high-fiving over this news. We're going to be bombarded with approximately 800 bajillion editorial pieces about how Facebook buying Oculus is the end of the world and how Facebook buying Oculus is the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity over the next few months.
  16. I'll bet you would be if EA was taking over PE... which is exactly what this is like to the OR backers. I'm going to write Kickstarter over this and if they cannot draft terms to prevent this sort of thing in the future then they can just remove my account, because I won't be supporting anything else. Your comparison is incorrect. Oculus did a Kickstarter for an early dev kit. To the best of my knowledge they have delivered a dev kit to each of their backers, fulfilling their obligation. They have since gone on and made a second iteration of the dev kit and now they were bought by Facebook. So if you want to make a analogy with Pillars of Eternity, this would be as if Obsidian finished Pillars of Eternity, went on to make Pillars of Eternity 2: The Search For More Pillars independently, then were subsequently bought out by EA. I wouldn't be thrilled with that happening, that's for sure, but I wouldn't be screaming bloody murder at Kickstarter either since Obsidian had fulfilled their Kickstarter obligations.
  17. Well, while I'm not thrilled about the Facebook buyout of Oculus, I'm not flipping out about it either. I am, however, enjoying other people losing their **** over this. Highly entertaining.
  18. Like Sarex, I can't imagine a single scenario where this card would be the ideal choice. I imagine Nvidia figures there are people stupid and/or snobbish enough to buy the card. They're probably correct.
  19. A single 6GB Titan is $1000, this is essentially 2 of those fused together. /does math Something is not adding up here.
  20. That looks and sounds really interesting. It will be interesting just how far the game will let you "break" it.
  21. I leave this thread for one day and THIS happens?
  22. In memory of the passing of Dave "Oderus Urungus" Brockie (NSFW lyrics): R.I.P. Oderus
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