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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Still not enough. They'd have to pay me more money than that to suffer through Ride To Hell: Retribution.
  2. The only way it could be is in a scenario where the extra 6 GB of vRAM is more beneficial than the extra two thousand whatever cores. I don't think such a scenario exists, even taking into account that SLI doesn't scale quite as well from 2 to 3 as it does from 1 to 2.
  3. And Victorino strained his hammy in the last spring training game of the year despite the fact that the Sawx only played him in 9 games during spring training specifically to try to avoid having him sprain his hammy. I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be the first of many visits Shane makes to the 15 day DL this year.
  4. I concur. I actually managed to get 3 out of the 4 final four teams right in my bracket: Florida, UCONN, and Wisconsin. I have Florida beating UCONN and Louisville Kentucky beating Wisconsin. I would love nothing more than to be wrong on both accounts. In NBA news: KD extended his 25+ scoring streak to a mind boggling 38 games (just 2 shy of His Airness!). More importantly for the Thunder, Russ looks no worse for the wear after his latest scare (though I'm still frightened that his knee will shatter into a billion pieces at any moment) and the they might get both Perkins and Sefolosha back by the end of this week. The top 2 spots look pretty much set in the West with the Spurs being on a winning streak that seems like it will never end and the Thunder with enough cushion to third place and likely more concerned with keeping KD rested and Russ healthy than trying to catch the Spurs. Over in the East, the Pacers look like they don't want that 1 seed after all. Outside of their win against the Heats, they've been self destructing, with an embarrassing blow out loss to the Cavs being their latest stumble. I'll be curious to see if the Heat will rest guys or try to get the 1 seed. If the Pacers keep playing this poorly, the Heat might be able to do both, get the 1 seed while resting their guys.
  5. Note to self: If ever visiting Candyland, politely decline any invitation to sample LadyC's cooking.
  6. I feel for you. I call this spring time in Hartford, Connecticut: That was taken at 9am March 31st, about 3-4 inches fell in the span of about 3 hours. Luckily, it will be gone by evening as it's supposed to get up to high 40s today, but I've lived in Connecticut long enough to know that there is a reasonable chance that this won't be the last snow we get this "spring". We've gotten snow as late as the last week of April before. I imagine people in North Carolina aren't used to the weather we've gotten this winter and having snow this late in the year. Here it's standard procedure, though this winter was one of the coldest I've every gone through in Connecticut. We didn't have a February and a March, we had 3 months of January instead.
  7. By an excess of cheese I mean the physical amount of cheese on the pizza, not amount of different cheeses used (I don't count cheese as toppings either). I make pizzas with multiple cheese varieties all the time, but I never go overboard with the total volume of cheese on the pizza. Yes it is possible to make pizza with 4 or more toppings that is delicious, my point is that the combinations are few and far between. There are tons of two topping combinations that work really well, a moderate amount of 3 topping combinations that work really well, and a very small amount of 4 or more topping combinations that work really well. The point is that beyond a certain amount of toppings you are a lot more likely to ruin your pizza than make it better by continuing to add more toppings.
  8. I don't see any situation where this card makes any sense to buy. I mean, I suppose if someone only had one PCI-E lane for gfx and needed that amount of power, but, realistically, anyone that needs that kind of power has a motherboard with at least 2 lanes. The only advantage this card gives is the 12 GB of vRAM over 6 GB you'd get from a SLI setup, but not even a 5k setup would effectively use 12 GB of vRAM. In a 5k setup the extra 6 GB of vRAM might give a slight benefit, but certainly not $1000 worth. The other scenario is if you want to SLI two of these monstrosities together, but there is nothing out there that requires that kind of power, nor will there be anytime soon. This card is for people with money to burn that want bigger numbers on benchmarks because pen1s size, or whatever.
  9. No one is forcing you to use a red sauce. I've eaten many a pizza with either a white sauce or a pesto sauce. With that said, I'm assuming Bruce's pizza had red sauce. I would use red sauce with banana and bacon and ham myself, I would just go very light on the sauce as the acidity of the red sauce might clash with the sweetness of the banana a bit.
  10. With bacon and ham, yes. I can't see it working with anchovies, mushrooms, and garlic. Also, pizza pro-tip: If you're adding more than 3 toppings, you're almost always doing it wrong.
  11. This Wildcats/Wolverines game is really entertaining. I don't care who wins, I want to see triple overtime.
  12. Cleared out the lightower. No choice but to so the den of thieves now, which means I'll lose Rosalie and free secret passage locations. Oh well. I killed Mamushi first try, he came close to wiping me out right at the very beginning, knocking both my barbarians unconscious, but I managed to hang in there and keep my bladedancer conscious long enough for the regenerate spells to heal my barbarians back to consciousness. After that, Mamushi never came close to taking me down and I made fairly quick work of him. So, only the den of thieves and Castle Portmeyon left in act 1.
  13. The Huskies win! The Huskies win! BAH GAWD the Huskies win!
  14. An excess of cheese on a pizza is a sin, and that's coming from a guy who LOVES cheese. Otherwise, the bacon, ham, and bananas go well together, but the anchovies, mushrooms, and garlic sound really weird with the rest of the ingredients.
  15. Curry chicken with rice & beans and veggies. One of the advantages of moving to Hartford is that there is a plethora of Jamaican food joints close by, and Jamaican food is awesome.
  16. Spartans built a lead up but the Huskies clawed back to tie it. Both teams are really struggling to score.
  17. Great start for UCONN. Hopefully the Huskies can keep it going.
  18. Aw come on, it's a joke. Lighten up. Predictions: AL East: Sawx (yes, I am being a homer) AL Central: Tigers AL West: Angels AL WC: Rays, Rangers NL East: Nats NL Central: Pirates NL West: Giants NL WC: Cards, Dodgers
  19. I'm getting ready to enter the Lighthouse in M&MX. I've done almost everything else I could do so far, save the Den of Thieves, but I'm holding off on that so that I can keep my freebie hireling that detects secrets for me as long as I can, on account of not having anyone in my party that can cast Whispering Shadows.
  20. The Trout deal is very reasonable. He's the best player in baseball and he's only 22. There is always a chance of things going south because of injuries or whatever, but chances are the Angels don't wind up regretting that deal. Miggy is terrific, but he turns 31 in 3 weeks. The Tigers are most likely getting 3, maybe 4 more years of greatness out of him at most. After that, they'll be stuck with a past his prime first baseman with steadily declining numbers for another 6 or so years. Of course, if they win at least one title with Miggy, it will ease the pain during those later years, but if they don't, this will wind up being a massive albatross around their necks.
  21. The game feels easier this time around. I don't know if it's changes they've made in patches since my last playthrough, or if it's an all-might party suiting the early part of the game better, or if it's simply the experience of having played the game all the way through before and knowing the tricks of the trade?
  22. The Wisconsin/Arizona game was pretty awesome. That makes up for the boring first game.
  23. While the first game tonight was a bust, at least the Badgers/Wildcats game is exciting so far.
  24. Classic! Just for fun, here is The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Zap Rowsdower: He comes to save the day in a broken truck With a stinky denim jacket on his back
  25. Plus, Florida obliterated Dayton on the offensive boards. The amount of second, third, and fourth opportunities the Gators were getting, particularly down the stretch, was staggering.
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