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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The site is already online? I haven't even seen it in the #GG twitter-feed. She needs to promote it more. I don't think it's up yet. They sent me an email because I am a contributor and I registered for a user name. The email has a short survey and the option to review a game, which I did. I think they're collecting some reviews before hand so they can have something on the site when it does go up and not just "hey, here's our site with almost no content, stay tuned". Also, maybe (hopefully) they want to screen reviews for stupid JOKEZ reviews before putting them up? I'm not sure how "Needs Improvement" helps a shipped game unless the idea is that it can be fixed in a patch. I'd probably suggest a more complex (possibly byzantine) rating system, though so may not be the best choice for advice. "Needs Improvement" is a nicer war of saying "Bad" or "Sucks".
  2. No, but they will have community reviews. People often trust user reviews more than press reviews anyway, so long as they're not stupid "Within the first 10 minutes I threw my controller across the room. 10/10 would throw controller again" joke reviews. Also, I meant to obviously write "objective" instead of "subjective" (doh!). Changed in my original post now, but obviously not in your quote block.
  3. I just wrote my first review for Based Gamer (Bayonetta 2). I did my best to be thorough and as objective as I possibly could be. Plus, I left them some suggestions for things that could be improved. Most notably, there was no section for Content/Value (how appropriate you feel the amount of content was for the price tag), which I feel should be a section. On the bright side, I like the new ratings (Needs Improvement, Average, Excellent, Exceptional) better than the previous. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of this site. I'll certainly try to do what I can to help it along. I'll likely write another review or two tomorrow since I'll almost certainly be home (we're about to get hammered by a major snow storm), provided I don't lose power or if I do, for however long my laptop lasts. Edit: Thinking about it some more, I think I'm going to suggest that they change "Excellent" to "Good' or "Great". It just might be confusing having 2 ratings that not only start with the same letter, but also look alike a bit.
  4. Not really sure how this is relevant to GamersGate - and bothering to discuss it in a GamersGate context (IMO) just feeds the idea that GamersGate isn't about ethics in journalism. Agreed. I'd say the guy's past is neither here nor there.
  5. CDPR has stated that there will be no platform-specific DLC, no pre-order DLC, no store-specific DLC, plus they will be giving 16 pieces of DLC away for free to everybody that owns the game, regardless of platform (that number is likely inflated to sound more impressive than it is and some of the DLC likely could have been bundled together, but still, it's free). As of so far, CDPR has never gone down the milking their customers with DLC or only putting certain DLC on certain platforms route. The only fear I have from seeing all the XBOX logos is that the game will not be as great on PC as it could have been due to it being held back by console development.
  6. Don't know about what they said, but they played a trailer I think. Now this I want to play, all the cool characters and setting minus the gameplay I dislike from the main series. Hopefully Telltale makes a Linux version eventually. They make a Mac version already, meaning it already works with OpenGL and a unix-like OS. /crosses fingers
  7. That's pretty cool. I'm assuming it will be a for realsies Bard's Tale rather than the parody game they released a while back (which I kinda liked), right? As for Dying Light, I have to admit this game has me kinda interested after watching some Let's Play videos despite the fact that I'm pretty burned out on zombies. It looks like it might be Dead Island minus the crap that eventually made me hate Dead Island. Plus the whole idea of having to scramble to a safe house before it gets dark or you're totally ****ed seems like it will add much needed tension to the game. I'll be interested to hear how this game does once it releases in a few days.
  8. Rightfully so as it does indeed get repetitive. I did like the combat, though. Usually turn-based/real-time hybrid systems suck, but I thought that system worked pretty well. They could have done a lot more with it, though.
  9. Entrance theme for current World Wonder Ring STARDOM champion Yoshiko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp00Q0jFfMU While I don't think she's the best wrestler in the company, she is insanely good for someone who's only 21, plus her entrance theme is dope as ****. Not to mention, you gotta love a lady hoss.
  10. It's not. Throwing their own absurdity in their faces is not only funny, but exceedingly appropriate and very much called for, in my opinion.
  11. Splatoon came out of nowhere at E3 2014 and has rapidly gone from "heh, that looks interesting" to "whoa, this looks pretty fun" to "I MUST HAVE THIS NOW" for me.
  12. I'm putting in my daily hour or so of Infinity Wars and getting back out on the road with Euro Truck Simulator 2. It took me a little while to dial in the sensitivity on the steering and the acceleration and braking axes, and to get comfortable with all the buttons on the wheel, but now that I have, cruising around with a wheel and pedals setup is so much better than playing with a gamepad. Now, if I just had an Oculus headset, I'd be in for full immersion. I'm still going to wait a couple more iterations before I consider getting one of those headsets, though.
  13. Yeah. Sheeple can be easily manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy, and sensationalist bull**** is quite effective toward that end, but you gotta ground it in reality at least a little bit. That article is so over the top ludicrous that I think even most sheeple would go "get the **** out of here with that crap" after reading that.
  14. Sure, if you can get a R9 280 at $150 that's a killer deal. I wasn't factoring in rebates. Regular prices, as of now, for the R9 280 (no rebates included) are in the same ballpark as the GTX960 (often about $10 cheaper) and the GTX960 is just about always faster at 1080p. And don't give me this 1440p bull****. NOBODY seriously wanting to game at 1440p is buying a ****ing R9 280 or a GTX960. I know you're not that stupid so please, do me a ****ing favor and don't try to assume other people are that stupid. You're not doing anyone any favors by implying some people on here might be stupid. Could you feasibly in theory game at 1440p on a R9 280? Technically yes, but with sacrifices and no path for the future without buying another card. Would anyone with even half a brain who invested in a 1440p monitor be buying a video card in the $200 range? Absolutely not. So don't try that stupid crap, that's just ridiculous. If you're going for 1440p you're buying AT LEAST a GTX970 or a R9 290X, period.
  15. Wouldn't the 280X be a better value? That's definitely debatable. The R9 280X is certainly a little bit more powerful, but it's also about $40 - $50 more expensive.
  16. She's showing so much wrist, I am so sorry. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.
  17. I would say the GTX960 seems to be the price to performance king at $200 right now. It seems about the same, maybe a hair more powerful on average than a R9 285 at 1080p (let's face it, if you're going to run 1440p or 4k, you're not buying a $200 video card, so any benchmark above 1080p is irrelevant), which is a card going for about $20 more, as of right now (that may change very soon). Nvidia does indeed have a gap in its lineup at the $250 price point right now.
  18. "A few years ago I started provocatively exterminating Jews whenever I saw them trying to make money off others. I only murdered in ways I agreed with, but I did it in an overly antagonizing way designed to enrage specific hateful Jews. The goal was to draw some of their fire and distract them from their money hoarding ways. It's shockingly easy to drive these Jews into fits of rage. Simply put them in concentration camps and attempt to wipe them off the face of the Earth." - Adolph Hitler
  19. I thought I'd have some childish fun. In a perfect world we'll all poke some fun, it will run its course, then on its own fade into the oblivion known as off the front page. Of course, there is the potential for people to take this too seriously, puff their chests out, and this going horribly wrong. If that happens, accept my apology and by all means, nuke the thread.
  20. A side benefit of the highly fashionable fully body coverage wear, besides the obvious rape deterring properties, is the protection from the sun's harmful UV rays. Imagine the money women will save by not having to purchase SPF 30!
  21. This one is not only highly fashionable, it also has the practical purpose of allowing you to camouflage yourself in case of tiger swarm.
  22. @Fighter @Longknife - You monsters, how could you!? You can see their entire faces! The shame! Urge to rape rising...
  23. Quality work. I hear the 2015 spring floral burqa line is going to be quite exquisite!
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