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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. On the other hand, those claws seem exceptionally well manicured. Overcompensation? Fun fact: Dragon Wars originally began as The Bard's Tale 4.
  2. ^ Sad to hear the graphics are being held back by the consoles, but that is an unfortunate reality of cross-platform development, I guess, and at least they're honest about it. I am impressed by the amount of work they are putting in to make the game historically accurate. I can't wait to see what the combat looks like.
  3. I'd love to see XCOM 2 add the ability to stand, crouch, or go prone, regardless of cover, or lack there of.
  4. I watched Kung Fury. It was everything I had hoped it would be.
  5. It's all cinematic, so not much to be taken away from the trailer other than that it seems the aliens have taken over Earth, or at least part of it. Anyway, I'm down. I also like the penguin and jaguar logos at the end, meaning a Linux version ported by Feral Interactive. Hopefully day 1 this time around.
  6. I finished up Spec Ops: The Line. The game is notable for making you feel terrible about the stuff you are doing. It likes to throw around that you chose to commit the atrocities you commit, but in reality you never really have any real choice in the matter in the game. Still, it's a heck of a lot more interesting than the standard military shooter 'Murica **** Yeah *brofist* fare, it's just too bad it's packaged into such a dreadfully plain, paint by numbers cover shooter. About the only thing interesting about the gameplay is the few times you fight during a sandstorm where both you and the enemies have to deal with extremely low visibility. I also played through the entirety of the Serpent in the Staglands demo, at least I think that's the entirety of it (I reach the edge of the screen in all directions and cannot proceed). I have to admit the pixelated art style grew on me... a bit. I was initially put off by it since you start in an indoor area and I found the pixel art of the inside of the building to be, quite honestly, not very good. The character models are pretty mediocre too. I suppose there's only so much you can do with however many pixels make up each character, but still. Once I got outdoors, I found the game much more attractive. I'm still not impressed by creature designs, but I found the flora pretty interesting. Not as alien looking as, say, Morrowind, but completely familiar either. As for the gameplay, it seemed pretty standard. I will say that I found the story pretty interesting, the minuscule sliver of it I got to experience, anyway. I'm somewhat interested in playing some more of the game. Not enough to pay full price, mind you, but I could see myself potentially getting it on sale sometime in the future. Oddly enough, I really want to play Raven's Cry. Don't get me wrong, that game is crappy, but I really enjoyed playing it a few months ago, even with the myriad of issues it had (not to mention the fact that it was incomplete), but hitting quest breaking and borderline showstopper bugs halted my playthrough. They put out a couple of patches and supposedly fixed some of the issues, but not all of them, and the last patch happened a couple months ago and it's uncertain whether the company even still exists and whether there will be any more patches. I suppose there's always the chance the community comes through and patches and completes the game themselves, like with Gothic 3, though that may take years (assuming it ever happens). I hope somebody fixes it up eventually, because despite how jenky the game is, I really appreciated being able to play a pirate game where you play as an actual pirate, not the romanticized version of a pirate we usually get in games and Hollywood (you play a murdering, cheating ***hole in the game, you know, like a real pirate).
  7. I saw that Serpent in the Staglands has a demo, so I'm giving that a shot. I don't know what to think yet. I'm not a fan of the pixelated look; to be honest, I think it looks kinda crappy, but I can get over that. I don't know how long the demo is, but hopefully I'll have enough of a taste to decide whether I want to play the full game or not by the time the demo ends.
  8. Japan - One of the last places on Earth where fun is still allowed. There have been like a half dozen of these games, right? I've never played any of them, but it seems the series is selling quite well.
  9. Headphones - check Light switch (to turn off lights) - check Extra pair of underwear - check I'm ready for September.
  10. I have close to that amount of light bleeding on my monitor, maybe not quite as much (only 2 corners on mine) and I really never notice it. I also discovered I have 1 dead pixel, I didn't see it first for about a month of having the monitor and I never ever notice it unless I am specifically looking for it, and even then it takes me 15 or 20 seconds of active searching to find it, even though I know roughly where to look for it once I jog my memory (1 pixel out of 3,686,400 is a pretty tiny spec on a 27" monitor).
  11. I never actually played Dragon Wars. I played the entire Bard's Tale Trilogy, but never Dragon Wars. My friend had Dragon Wars on his Apple IIgs and I watched him play a little of it, but I never got to play it myself (I had a Tandy 1000, so I couldn't just borrow the game from him). I might scoop it up and give it a go. Edit: Dat dank Boris Vallejo box art tho I demand Boris Vallejo or Julie Bell box art for The Bard's Tale 4.
  12. @Meshugger - That was the peak of Polish military uniform magnificence. Our uniforms got more and more plain over time from that point onward. Anyway, I found this while reading a game preview that has nothing at all to do with this topic and got a chuckle out of it:
  13. Oh please. If SJWs had the fashion sense like this, we would be in real trouble. I'm Polish, my homeland got freakin' obliterated by Nazis and there are plenty of people in my family a generation or two ago that directly greatly suffered and/or died as a result of Nazis, and even I will admit that their uniforms were freakin' magnificent. I suppose that if you're going to be an evil scumbag, you might as well be a fabulously dressed evil scumbag. That said, Nazis got nothing on Polish Winged Hussars in the fabulous military outfit department.
  14. While I'm not a huge fan of boob plate overall, I'm not bothered by it either. I'm a heck of a lot less bothered by it than by obscenely gigantic (often spiky) pauldrons, I really hate that trend, but that's a personal pet peeve. It really comes down to stylistic choice and whether it fits within the context of the game/setting. For example, if your game has exaggerated, hyper sexualized characters (think Dragon Crown) then mail bikinis and boob plate fit perfectly. Likewise, if you are making a game that takes place in a scorching hot desert or jungle environment, loincloths and skimpy outfits make perfect sense, since wearing heavy full armor would be rather uncomfortable, if not detrimental to your health. On the other hand, if your game takes place in a temperate environment and the aesthetic looks to mimic real medieval armor (think Pillars) then a mail bikini would feel quite out of place in a game like that.
  15. I'm definitely curious about this game. The biggest thing holding me back is that it's RTwP and Pillars completely wore me out on that style of combat. Plus, I fear this game might be very combat heavy, like Pillars was, hopefully I'm wrong about that. Anyway, I'm looking for plenty of feedback on it.
  16. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Ian Miles Cheong is not the Muad'Dib.
  17. I finished Invisible Inc. over the long weekend. I loved every minute of it and will almost certainly play it some more. It's not a particularly long game, you can beat the campaign is some 3-5 hours if you don't get your team wiped and need to start over, but it has a lot of replayability with procedurally generated levels and loot and character and program unlocks. I really like how there is nothing left to chance in the game, beyond, obviously, the procedurally generated nature of the levels and gear. There is no hit percentage, evasion percentage, or anything like that. Everything either works or doesn't work every time, depending on the circumstances. If something doesn't go your way it's because you made a mistake, not because of a roll of the dice. That final mission was freakin' tense; so much heavy security. Time to try playing on Ironman Difficulty (no rewinds).
  18. Yeah, if you don't plan to overclock, there is no point in getting the K variant over the non-K variant (unless you can get it for the same price), especially in the case of the i5-4690, where both variants have the same base and turbo clock speed (whereas the i7-4790K is 400 MHz faster than the i7-4790).
  19. I'm still playing Invisible Inc. I've reached what is supposedly the "final mission" as before the last mission I did I was told to choose carefully as this would be my last chance to get gear before the final showdown. Of course, there is the very real possibility that there's a swerve heading my way. I also just finished another playthrough of Metro Last Light (really great shooter) and I'm playing Spec Ops: The Line (really mediocre cover shooter).
  20. Well I was hoping we'd see a Giant Green Walking guy like in the original Planescape: Torment (around 0:35). Mind you, he didn't appear in Planescape: Torment the game, but you know eventually we'll get a game with a giant green walking guy that has Torment in its name. I want to believe! After the first playthrough I thought that the giant might be the Siege Tower golem released from the confines of his tower, on viewing again however I just don't see it. What if that giant represents you, the player, looking down upon the world and the characters you're controlling?
  21. How many times have you visited The Caveā„¢ so far?
  22. @Bartimaeus - I fully agree about the trash mob filler battles. I get why they were in Pillars; filler battles were a (unfortunate) staple of Infinity Engine games. Filler battles are one aspect of RPGs that I dearly wish would go extinct. To that end, I really really hope TToN delivers on their promise of no filler battles (and the possibility of a zero combat playthrough).
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