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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That statue is probably triggering some people
  2. Hmm, let's check this thread out. /reads a couple posts
  3. Is the rash on the outside or the inside?
  4. I built a Lasertower factory complex in Patriarch's Conclusion. It's an ore mine, chelt space aquarium, rastar refinery, and lasertower factory all connected, so it only needs energy cells (conveniently found at either of 2 solar power plants in that same sector) to operate. I built the complex for 2 reasons. First, I can make some good money as there are several military outposts around that want to stock them but currently don't on account of there not being a lasertower factory anywhere near, hence demand. Second, I'm going to use lasertowers myself, likely in the very same sector, to set up defenses. I've settled on either Patriarch's Conclusion or Contorted Dominion as the sector where I'll put my HQ. The 2 sectors are right next to each other and I kind of consider them both to be my home, so they will both be "core" sectors to me. I'm going to plant a bunch of lasertowers for defense around both sectors, a bunch near every gate, some toward the center where the shipping lanes cross, and some near all my facilities. I'm going to make my core sectors so heavily defended that my allies, and just everyday non-aggressive pilots, can feel completely safe traveling into them to do business or just passing through (but really, they should stop and buy some of my wares, my prices are unbeatable!). Any enemy so much as entering one of my core sectors will be straight up committing suicide. I want them turned into debris within seconds. I'm almost at the point where money is no longer an object. My dozen or so stations and complexes pull in decent steady income and with my fully armed Tiger I can do the super lucrative combat missions that go a little something like this: "So and so did some terrible stuff to me a while back and is a wanted fugitive. Homeslice is flying in a heavy corvette or a frigate and has a fighter escort so he's very dangerous. Also, you only have 12 minutes to get the job done." That would be a problem if I wasn't flying arguably the most powerful frigate in the galaxy that also has a jumpdrive. Jump to sector > target fugitive's ship > fire all IBLs > kaboom > get paid 3 million for about 2 minutes of work. Good times. I only wish those missions popped up more often.
  5. That part I definitely agree with. Milo and Breitbart have always been opportunists. I've only seen Breitbart as an "ally" in that we happen to have a common "enemy" in certain radical "feminists" trying to push an agenda on the world of gaming. I have no doubt whatsoever that Milo, or anyone else at Breitbart, for that matter, would sell Gamers out in an instant if it furthered their own goals.
  6. Oh, I agree with that. Sarah Nyberg allegedly being a pedophile doesn't necessarily make anyone also in aGG a pedophile. On the other hand when you put together evidence that Sarah Nyberg is a hypocrite, Anita Sarkeesian is a hypocrite, Brianna Wu is a hypocrite (also completely crazy), Jonathan Macintosh is a hypocrite, Arthur Chu is a hypocrite, Ian Miles-Cheon will switch sides at the drop of a hat and is a hypocrite, it's a little difficult not to sense a pattern forming, and I see nothing wrong with pointing out said pattern.
  7. So are we just supposed to turn a blind eye to pedophilia because it falls outside the bounds of journalistic ethics? Nah, that's cool, go ahead and **** kids since it has nothing to do with journalism. I don't limit my own scope to just 1 topic. That fact that this person allegedly engaged in acts of pedophilia has nothing to do with GG, outside of it being someone who has in the past publicly and very aggressively attacked GG, making it tangentially related. I don't see a problem with pointing out someone's hypocrisy and alleged wrongdoing so long as it is supported by credible evidence, especially given said person't highly vocal admonishment of others in the past. Yes, reporting said evidence to the proper authorities is also something that should, and hopefully already has been done, given that pedophilia is very much illegal. There's really no need to say "hey, I'm calling the poilce" you just need to do it. I will say that pointing out the evidence and saying "Damn, this is ****ed up if it's true" and contacting the authorities is the extent of what I personally would consider appropriate. Any threats and repeated harassment go well beyond those bounds IMHO and I condemn those actions and kindly ask those people to stop.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, it meant that from the very start. The core SJWs, I don't mean the gullible masses that parrot them, have always been hypocrites.
  9. No worries, Nonek. Also, you're preaching to the masses as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather have static levels and if you want to play the dracolich adventure with a level 5 party you get horrifically murdered. People can solve this partly for themselves by picking adventures appropriate for their party level or the DM altering things on the fly, but I'm not a fan of level scaling for the sake of "accessibility". The whole point of a dragon is that it's supposed to be a super powerful creature that will annihilate you at low or even mid level, you have to go through many trials, collect artifacts, harden yourself, just to have a chance against, instead of "oh look a level 3 dragon".
  10. From what's been discussed over on the game's forums, it seems level scaling is in right now, though it's always possible they could add an option for static levels in the future. I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, I understand why level scaling is there. The game is designed so that any party can play any module, regardless of level, and level scaling is a necessary evil in order to make that viable. On the other hand, the idea of running into a level 3 umber hulk doesn't sit well with me. Ultimately, I think it will be up to the community at large and the DMs running campaigns to fix the issue. First off, adventure authors should clearly state what level their adventure was designed around in the description, that way if it is a high level adventure you'll have an idea that if you run it at level 4 you might run into level 3 frost giants, if this appeals to you, go for it (it doesn't to me). Second, the community will need to curate adventures via ratings and reviews to make it easier to weed out the good from the crap, because some people will design sensible adventures while others will think it's fun and cool to have a dracolich and kobolds of the same level (it's neither fun nor cool). Finally the person DMing the game will be able to make adjustments on the fly to fix what they deem silly discrepancies (e.g. replace a group of goblins with some bugbears or flinds since it seems more level appropriate).
  11. I got my 7th and 8th IBL for my Tiger, now it's at full firepower. I've also hired the full 20 marines that the ship can carry and begun training them for future boarding operations. I'd like to capture a destroyer at some point, any destroyer, I don't much care which one. I'll never buy one because I think they're a waste of money; for the same price as a bare bones destroyer straight from the shipyard I can buy 2 frigates and equip them fully. Sure, if you park a frigate and destroyer side by side and have them trade cannon fire, the destroyer will win, but I like having a mobile fleet and destroyers are so slow and cumbersome. I just want a destroyer to park in whatever sector I choose to make my home sector (i.e. wherever I place my HQ), more as a message than anything else, a show of force, puffing out my chest, if you will. It tells anyone entering my home sector to be nice and keep their fingers far away from the trigger, because if shots are fired in my sector, whether or not they're looking for trouble, trouble is going to find them. Meanwhile, I built another solar power plant and converted it to crystal-less, that makes 3. I'll need at least a couple more before I scoop up another Tiger and a couple Panthers (The Split Panther frigate is the sister ship of the Tiger. The Tiger is a pocket destroyer while the Panther is a pocket carrier). At that point I should have a decent enough economical machine to fill up the hangar bays of the Panthers at a reasonable rate (the Panther can carry 20 fighters). I should also get back to doing the shady business plot missions so that I can get the Acinonyx Prototype heavy corvette, my ultimate flagship. I now have a ship (my fully equipped Tiger) capable of doing the final parts of the plot where I will need to take on destroyers. Also, sometime in the future, once my marines are well trained, I'm going to start doing unfocused jumps (I was given an unfocused jumpdrive as part of the HQ plot) in hopes of stumbling across a Goner Aran. The Aran is one of the weirdest ships in the game and it can't be found in any of the regular sectors, you only might stumble across one by chance in an unknown sector you reach by doing an unfocused jump (it literally jumps you to a random part of the galaxy). The Aran is technically a carrier, but it is really more like a station... a station that can move, albeit very very slowly. The Aran, like any Goner ship, mounts no weapons, but it is very well shielded, has the largest cargo capacity of any ship, by far, and can carry corvettes in its hangar bay, a feat unique among carriers. It can also dock capital ships, though only one at a time. With its massive cargo capacity, the Aran can serve as a mobile supply station to a fleet. Fit it with a jumpdrive, stock it full of energy cells and various missiles, then jump it into the sector where you're waging war and have it move to some out of the way corner of the sector (it will take a good while to get there). In a prolonged battle your ships can fly to the Aran, dock with it, and get resupplied, rather than having to take the time to jump or fly to another sector to do so.
  12. That one definitely wasn't on Bradford, that was 100% on Jordan Matthews. It's week 1, a lot of teams aren't at full speed yet; the Niners could still be garbage and the Vikings could still be wildcard quality.
  13. I mean, you can make Mage/Decker work, if you're not worried about min-maxing.
  14. The Iggles offense was all types of out of sync in the first half, then they got rolling in the second half and looked pretty damn good for most of that half, then sputtered when it mattered most. In the end, Iggles loss = me happy. I won't be watching the 2nd game because I'm on the east coast and the late Monday games are on at a downright ridiculous time. I'm not about to stay up until 1:30 AM when I have to be up at 6 AM.
  15. What is wrong with Buzzfeed? It's garbage. Sensationalist, click-bait, unethical filth. That's not to say that every single story on there is always garbage, but the site itself is cancerous enough that I'm not about to visit it for the few legit stories that may appear on there occasionally. I'm surprised you haven't heard of Buzzfeed's reputation, they're pretty much synonymous with sensationalist click-bait.
  16. I'm going to go out on a limb here; single coverage on Julio Jones - not ideal defense.
  17. As if I'm going to click on a Buzzfeed link. The story may or may not be legit, but Buzzfeed? Seriously? Come on, man.
  18. Great game, even if still unfinished. Granted, the last time I played it was nearly a year ago. I made the decision then that I didn't want to get burnt out on the game before it actually fully released, hence I won't touch it again until then.
  19. Bradford can throw fairly well, but his body is made out of papier-mâché. Also, you're a terrible person for rooting for the Iggles.
  20. I'm up to 6 IBLs on my Split Tiger frigate now, still 2 short of the max, but my ship is now ready for serious combat. To prove the point, I took on a combat mission to defend against a Xenon invasion in Scale Plate Green. The invasion consisted of a Q, a frigate and the largest and most powerful Xenon ship that ever leaves Xenon sectors, and 7 or 8 fighters of varying sizes. I cut the Q to shreds in 2 passes then mopped up the fighters. Easy peasy and lucrative to boot. The mission itself paid almost 1 1/2 million, plus I got paid for each kill since I have a Teladi police license (I have one for every commonwealth race). Fighters pay chump change for kills (5 thousand for heavy fighters, significantly less for light fighters and scouts), but the frigate was worth nearly half a million. Nearly 2 million for less than 5 minutes worth of work. Good times. Meanwhile, I have a transport servicing the IBL forge in LooManckStrat's Legacy to keep it producing IBLs for me. I need 2 more to max out my Tiger, but I'll also need more in the future, since I plan to buy/capture more frigates for my fleet. IBLs take a long time to produce and the forge is located in pirate space, so it's a dangerous area to fly in, that's why I'm using a military transport to do the job. The freighters original job was to service my frigate, since large ships like frigates, destroyers, carriers, etc. (basically anything larger than a heavy corvette) cannot dock at most stations, they are simply too large. So it is necessary to have a smaller ship dock with those stations for you, buy whatever wares you need, then fly over to the frigate and dock with it to exchange goods. I picked a military transport for the job since, while it has significantly less cargo space than a regular transport, it is faster, more well armed, and, most importantly, much better shielded. If it's going to follow my frigate around, while I'd do my best to keep it out of harm's way, it would be bound to catch some stray fire at some point, so strong shielding would help out quite a bit. These properties also make it the perfect transport to operate in pirate sectors without needing a fighter escort. That transport has a jump drive, so, in a pinch, I can have it jump to me to service my frigate, then jump back to the IBL forge and resume its duties there. Conversely, I have jump drives on my frigate, corvette, and 2 of my heavy fighters. The military transport can handle itself against light fighters and scouts, but if it gets set upon by heavy fighters and/or corvettes looking for a juicy score on a lone transport, suddenly a wild frigate appears. I'm also pondering a trip into Yaki space with my frigate and corvette in tow. If the Yaki play nice and leave me alone and allow me to dock at their stations, then I see if they have any IBLs for sale (I'm pretty sure there's at least 1 IBL forge in the core Yaki sector) and buy them if they do. If they decide to get aggressive, then I blow them up and see if they drop some IBL freebies for me. There's almost certainly a Yaki Akuma destroyer in their core sector, easy pickins for my Tiger as the Akuma is a rather lightly shielded destroyer and one that is fantastic at shredding fighters and small warships, like corvettes, but lacks the anti-capital ship firepower of other destroyers. The trick to fighting an Akuma is to keep it facing you, as it has tons of broadside turrets, but only a scant 4 forward facing guns. It's easy enough to do with a Tiger frigate, as I can easily outrun and outmaneuver an Akuma. Even if it is one of the fastest destroyers out there, my Tiger is still almost twice as fast and can turn way quicker. So, all things considered, it would be in the Yaki's best interest to play nice and let me conduct my business in peace.
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