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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm having a blast with Victor Vran, it's a really fun game. It reminds me quite a bit of Dungeon Siege 3 in the way the gameplay feels. I can also now confidently say that I'll probably never use my XBOX 360 Controller again except in case of emergency, it's essentially obsolete. Now that I've gotten really used to it, I prefer the Steam Controller in every conceivable way. Granted, Victor Vran is a game designed to be used with a controller, so my 360 Controller would work just fine, and the game, to its credit, even has a camera turn sensitivity slider in-game, but with the impressively robust Steam Controller config utility I can fine tune the sensitivity, dead zone, behavior of everything to a really fine degree, plus I can reconfigure button bindings in the case where a game doesn't let you reconfigure controller bindings, which is, sadly, all too often. It was a little awkward at first, just because I was so hard wired to the layout of a 360 Controller for so many years, but now that I've rewired my brain, it's great.
  2. ^ It took about 15 seconds for that joke to make it's way through my thick neanderthal skull, but it was worth it.
  3. How did you break it? Mine is solid as a brick. I mean the casing is plastic, but it ain't no cheap ass plastic, it's thick and rigid. I would need to apply significant amounts of force or use a tool to break it, I can't imagine breaking it by accident. Did you spill something on it?
  4. If you find something you like then absolutely stick with it. I loved my Microsoft Trackball Explorer so much that I wound up gluing parts I broke over the years (I was more careless with my stuff when I was younger) several times until it finally got to the point that it was beyond fixing. After finding out, much to my horror, that Microsoft stopped producing them like a decade ago I tried several trackballs and none of them could hold a candle to me beloved Trackball Explorer. I eventually wound up scouring the internet and finding a used one on Ebay for about twice the price I originally paid for a brand new one way back in the day (and that was the absolute best deal I could find). Worth every single penny and I baby it like my life depended on it. The point is, if you find something you really like, whether it's something that costs $5 of $500, stick with it. Don't let anyone else sway you to get something else if you're happy with what you have. If it works for you and makes you happy then that's all that matters.
  5. There are a whole bunch of reasons someone would choose a mechanical keyboard over a membrane one. Mechanical keyboards eliminate some problems that membrane keyboards sometimes experience, like ghosting. They're also more precise and durable and some versions have tactile feedback (I prefer the light tactile feedback of Cherry MX Brown myself). Now these days, even cheap ass membrane keyboards tend to be durable and precise enough that they're good enough for most people. Unless you're a professional gamer who needs every last millisecond shaved off their keystroke and every last bit of precision for any edge they can get or a serious typist typing pages upon pages of characters every day, then you'll be fine without a mechanical keyboard, it will be a luxury rather than a necessity. Still, it's as Humanoid says, it's something that you can completely go without, but once you try it, you very likely won't want to go back. I know I sure won't ever buy another membrane keyboard, I've tasted the sweet ambrosia of Cherry MX Brown and I can't bear to have anything else now. Luckily, since mechanical keyboards tend to be quite durable (there are IBM keyboards from the 80s still in use today, people swear by them) and the 10 keyless keyboard I bought is solid as a rock, unless I seriously abuse my baby, I won't have to buy a new one anytime soon, if ever. Anyway, the bottom line is that a mechanical keyboard is something that most likely you don't really need. If you're happy with your membrane keyboard then stick with that.
  6. It's the destiny of self-righteous people who are completely up their own *** to eventually alienate everyone. If they're a common person who hold no power to speak of, they will inevitably wind up alone, miserable, crotchety, angry at everyone and everything for abandoning them, unable to process that they are the reason everyone abandoned them. If they attain a position where they wield some amount of power, then they will manage to retain a core group of yes men. These yes men will still hate them, but they will go along with whatever they say and bend to their every whim in hopes of getting whatever crumbs said person throws their way, since that is the nature of the yes man.
  7. That's gotta be the same guy that voices Geralt doing the voice of Victor Vran, right?
  8. I started up Victor Vran. It's pretty fun, feels more like an action game than a standard loot em up. Plus, the narrator is a cheeky bugger, which is great.
  9. It's not like a MST3K version of the movie existing is what caused other versions of the movie to not exist. Were it not for the MST3K version no version at all of some of these movies would exist. So given the option of MST3K version existing and no version existing at all, you prefer the option of no version existing at all so that you can preserve some "precious memories" and no one else could enjoy these movies in any format? You are a sad and greedy person, Amentep and I'd feel sad for you if you didn't disgust me so much. Anyway, back to the fun.
  10. I might drop a 50 spot if the t-shirt is cool.
  11. Ruined? You can't ruin a pile of garbage, but you can make it fun to watch by riffing on it. Also Zap Rowsdower - Canada's Greatest Hero
  12. You, sir, have a cold, black heart. Big McLargeHuge - never forget
  13. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mst3k/bringbackmst3k
  14. Receivers definitely get away with PI more often than DBs.
  15. That's not necessarily true; if the college or university has a "free speech" space and they were at it the student could say whatever they want. Also, generally speaking, colleges tend to try and give students leeway when not dealing with incidents "in-class" in the idea that their can be something learned from the moment. I'm all for allowing "free speech", but in my opinion, that should mean being allowed to express your ideas and ideals freely without fear of punishment from those that do not share your beliefs, even if those people are faculty members. That should not, however, allow for students to yell expletives at the top of their lungs in a faculty members face. You can express your beliefs and concerns without being crass, vulgar, and belligerent. 100 or even 50 years ago such an outburst toward a faculty member would not be tolerated and would most certainly be punished, rightfully so, in my opinion. It seems discipline and decorum don't exist any more and it's sad.
  16. There was a time when a student would (rightfully) be disciplined, possibly expelled, for going on such an expletive-laden tirade toward a faculty member (who showed exceptional tolerance and decorum in remaining calm in the face of that). Sadly, that time has passed and we live in an age where harpies like this are coddled and enabled, instead of disciplined, like they should be. This does not bode well for the future.
  17. I definitely share your sentiment, but I feel you may be addressing the wrong people. It's Bethesda's ZeniMax's decision whether or not to shop out a follow up to Fallout 4 to Obsidian, or any other independent developer, for that matter.
  18. I finished the campaign, it took me a little over 41 hours. The final battle was shockingly easy, particularly the final portion of it. I guess I had a good party makeup for it and was well equipped, plus I had so many weapons and abilities that slow/paralyze/stun/etc that I essentially chain stunned the final boss to death. Really, there were only 2 battles in the entire game that I found at all challenging: and So, I guess the advice to anyone looking for a challenge is don't play on normal difficulty. Overall, I had fun with the game. It's not a great game, by any stretch of the imagination, but it was an enjoyable enough way to spend 40 hours. The story is fair to middling and the characters are rather forgettable. None of the characters are really bad, they're just not memorable. I guess Izhkin and Hommet are the characters I liked the best, on account of Izhkin being insane and Hommet being a doofus. On the other end of the spectrum, Illydia was the only character I kinda disliked, but that comes down to my own prejudice against elves (bleh). Hopefully we wind up getting an expansion with a much more interesting story in the future like what happened with NWN 1 & 2. I didn't mind the cooldown-based combat system and the game's bastardization of 5E D&D, I just think the cooldowns are much too long. I very much appreciated how capable the companion AI was and that I could control just one character and leave the rest of the party on auto-pilot for filler battles, because there was a metric ****ton of filler battles to go through, so it helped that I could blast through them quickly and without having to micromanage. Apologies for repeating some things I put into previous posts, I kinda wanted to summarize my feelings on the game in a final post about the campaign. I look forward to trying out some co-op, I'm open to play any role, be it player or DM, so if anyone wants to do that, hit me up and we'll figure out when we can get a co-op session going.
  19. Ah, liking the Panties explains also your qusetionable opinion of da2... Well, unless my plans fall apart terribly, I'll be moving to Charlotte come spring time, and since the Panthers are not a division rival of my Boys (even if I moved to say Philly, I couldn't bring myself to cheer for the hated Iggles) and I've never disliked them, I decided to adopt them as a 2nd team to cheer for. To be clear, on the weekend that they happen to play against the Boys I'll be rooting for the Boys and against the Panthers, but every other weekend I can cheer for them. As an aside, Joe Buck's pathetic beard is both hilarious and sad. Edit: Cam Netwon is trying his hardest to give this game away. Edit 2: And the Panthers still win despite being screwed not once but twice by the refs on reviews and Cam Newton making some horrible throws. (He makes some great throws, but when he's off he's WAAAAAAAY off)
  20. I didn't notice the change in font for W2 DC either. Doesn't bother me at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. I feel like I'm closing in on the end of the campaign. I recently had a Russo swerve moment that I have to admit was fairly well executed. The game dropped a few hints earlier and there were some behaviors I questioned a bit, but there were potential justifications in place too, so the behavior didn't bother me too much. Now with the reveal, all of that makes perfect sense. Then there was another mini swerve, though you could see this one coming from a mile away, one of my companions even commented as such. Also, I got to feast on a delicious dish best served cold. I have a few loose ends to tie up, including a personal quest, and then it's likely I'll be into the final stretch of the game.
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