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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Interestingly, while I mostly closely align with Republican candidates, I most closely align with Libertarians according to this, though I'm not super aligned with any one party.
  2. It's not a real presidential race until the true smearing starts.
  3. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc came out for Linux yesterday. I've been hearing all types of good things about this series for years but have never gotten a chance to play them as they've been exclusively on Sony platforms before. Anyway, a story-driven and completely bonkers game involving murder mysteries, catching people in lies, and puzzle solving? Yep, this definitely sounds like my jam. Between this and Sunless Sea, looks like me finishing my Satellite Reign playthrough is going back on the back burner. Sorry, Satellite Reign.
  4. I definitely have my share of facepalm moments. My videos aren't heavily edited, in fact, the vast majority are completely unedited. So, you're going to see my failings and I fail quite a bit.
  5. I was a moderate Democrat when younger and I know I've been slowly sliding more toward Republican as I've gotten older but I still thought of myself as slightly Democrat overall. I guess I'm just a flat out Republican now. Who knew? Jeb's out, so I guess Marco Rubio is my remaining closest match.
  6. True, I only joined these forums in 2012, that makes me a toddler or maybe a preschooler in forum years. Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread. I do agree there are a ton of really annoying YouTubers out there. I'm not into the whole overreact to silly jump scare games or act goofy while playing meme games created specifically for Twitch and YouTube stuff (glances in the direction of Goat Simulator, I am Bread, etc.). Like with any other medium, there is a big pile of garbage and mediocrity to sift through to get to the good stuff; what is defined as garbage, mediocrity, and good stuff will, of course, vary from person to person. I guess I am more inclined to watch Twitch or YouTube because I've completely abandoned traditional television. I don't even own a television, haven't in years. I don't miss it one bit. YouTube, Twitch, Netflix, Hulu, etc. have completely replaced television as a medium to me. So, when I get home from work and I'm looking for something to have on while I make myself something to eat, I turn to Twitch and Azubu, and Hitbox and such to see if there are any pro DotA2 games on. If not, I'll fire up a video from one of my preferred YouTubers to have as background noise while I prepare food and then consume it. It's a role that television used to take, but now television is obsolete to me and has been replaced.
  7. Yeah, that's terrible, especially if you're looking for just one bit of the video...and now you have to jump back and forth trying to find it using YouTube's awful video player (or heaven forbid, somewhere even worse)...a truly abysmal experience. The good YouTubers, if they're specifically creating a guide to help people get past puzzles/challenges, will put timestamps in the video to make things easy to find. [not specifically aimed at Barti or majestic, just a general observation] I do get a kick out of how many people on these forums fall into the "Harumph, back in my day we read actual words on a page, like civilized people. Get off my lawn." camp. Man, and I thought I was one of the older (39) members here. I guess not. [/not specifically aimed at Barti or majestic, just a general observation]
  8. I sure hope it's a lot better than the vast majority of Kevin Smith's movies.
  9. Story Mode might actually get me to play Pillars again... maybe. It doesn't actually remove all that combat I never ever want to do ever again, but if it makes it a lot easier and presumably (and more importantly) much faster and less tedious, that's a start. Pity it doesn't address the boring story. I started playing Sunless Sea. I'm only just dipping my toes into the zee but it seems pretty interesting so far. I just wish the fonts were much bigger. On my 1440p monitor it strains my eyes to read a bit, and there's a lot to read.
  10. Humble Indie Bundle 16 Pay what you want for: Retro City Rampage DX Outlast Never Alone + Foxtales DLC Beat the average for: Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Door Kickers Beat the average + $2 for: Else Heart.Break() Sunless Sea All games are available on Win/Max/Linux. I am most excited for Sunless Sea, a game I have wanted to play for a while, but that wasn't available (officially) on Linux until now. I have also mulled over Door Kickers several times but never pulled the trigger. In fact, through some black magic, I don't already own ANY of these games. How is that even possible? Anyway, this is a no-brainer insta-buy for me.
  11. I saw the announcement yesterday. It's coming out "officially" on Thursday, but, for all intents and purposes, it's fully released now. I look forward to playing it again after not having played it for well over a year. I'll probably give it a go over the weekend.
  12. Yeah, his OCD DA:I run is is quite entertaining. The internal struggle you get to experience as you see him look on a map, see the insane amount of markers he has yet to visit in that area, you could almost audibly hear his heart sink. But then you know he won't be able to just tunnel vision and do the main stuff only, he's going to go to every marker, do every meaningless quest, and pick up every bag of useless loot out there, because he can't help himself. It also helps that Jesse is very good at reading out loud, which probably comes from being a teacher before becoming a YouTuber. I haven't watched his The Witcher 3 or Firewatch LPs because those are both games I plan to play eventually (TW3 when it comes to Linux, assuming it still will at some point, and Firewatch when the price drops, as I don't want to pay $20 for a 3 hour game).
  13. Like with any medium, there's no one size fits all answer. Different people watch Let's Plays for different reasons. For me, personally, there are 3 reasons I generally watch Let's Plays (sometimes the reasons overlap): I am interested, but undecided, in a game and I watch some Let's Plays as research to help me decide whether this is a game I want to purchase for myself. In this case, I'll usually only watch the first video or two of each LP, especially if it's a story driven game, so as to not spoil it for myself. It's a game I'm interested in but it's on a platform I don't own and the prospects of it ever coming to a platform I own are slim. This way, I still get to experience a game, to a lesser degree, that I would not have been able to experience otherwise. For example: I'll probably never get to play Until Dawn because I don't own a PS4 and have no plans on getting one, but this way I can still experience the story. It's a game I'm not interested in playing. I'm mainly watching because I like the YouTuber and I find his/her personality entertaining. For example: I watch Jesse Cox's Dragon Age: Inquisition LP. I would never consider putting myself through the dozens and dozens of hours of picking elfroot and doing MMO-esque quests that are that game, but Jesse's personality makes watching him go through it entertaining for me.
  14. That's not to say it wasn't, this is just even more insanely priced.
  15. I got a kick out of all the phony Kobe love over All-Star Weekend.
  16. My thoughts exactly. I love tactics games and would welcome a big budget well made one. But, are BioWare 2016 capable of making a good tactics game? I have my doubts that they are, but I welcome them making an earnest attempt at it.
  17. One of the most famous and most beloved classic jazz tunes, and for good reason. 5/4 is a seldom used and very rarely mastered timing, but boy oh boy do Dave Brubeck and Co. get it right here.
  18. The breakdown and slow build section starting at 3:24 is so basic yet so f'n good. Then, just as 99.999% of bands would have just called it a day and faded back into the chorus, Iron Maiden, because they're geniuses, instead take a sharp left , change tempo, and go into a next-level solo/jam session. A heavy metal band playing by jazz rules. It's on the surface surprising, though it makes perfect sense once you give it deep thought, how many hard rock/metal classics incorporate free form jazz elements (timing changes, counter-builds [probably not the right term but that's what I call builds that seem to slow down as they build], instruments playing non-standard roles).
  19. For me 74°F is the sweet spot. I'm quite happy with anything between 65°F and 80°F. I can wear shorts and t-shirt (my preferred garb) and neither be cold not sweating (so long as I'm not exerting myself seriously) in those temps. In Charlotte, that temp range (65-80) is essentially second half of March through first half of June and the last week of August through the first half of November; about half the year total (minus unusually cold and unusually warm days here and there, obviously). Edit: Where do you live, Hiro? (general location rather than exact town if you prefer not to give away your exact location). Sounds like you live between the tropics.
  20. Yes, overall this winter has been really mild, but we've also gone through some crazy temp swings. November, December, and January were all above average. We had a couple days in January in the mid 60s that SHATTERED previous records. A day in the 60s in January in Connecticut is basically unheard of (until now). We also had a bunch of average temp days in January and a little over a foot of snow total. February has been more of a typical February. We had the aforementioned high of 10 degrees day and the very next day we had a high of 52, though. Connecticut is known for rapid weather changes, but that's crazy even for CT. Still, overall it's been a mild winter so far, which is nice after last year's historically cold winter where we were way below average (I'm talking like 10-15 degrees on average) for like 6 or 7 weeks straight from mid-January to the beginning of March. That was the winter that was the feather that broke the camel's back and I made up my mind after that winter that I was finally moving somewhere warmer... and cheaper, CT is very expensive (I had been mulling over moving out of CT for years). I didn't have enough saved up last year though, so I stuck it out 1 more year while tightening the belt and putting away contingency plan money for my move. Now, all of that saving is coming to fruition.
  21. Average high in January is about 35°F. In a typical winter we'll get a handful of days where the high barely reaches 20°F or stays in the teens. We had a day this year with a high of 10°F and a low of -12°F, that's unusual but not unheard of. The coldest day I can remember had a high of around 6 or 7°F. We usually get 2 1/2-3 feet of snow total in a typical winter.
  22. I'm shivering cold just from reading that. As a Minnesotan, or a soon to be Minnesotan, you must think me quite the wuss for complaining about Connecticut being cold.
  23. I've lived in pretty much every part of the spectrum at some point in my life: On both extremes, in podunk little towns in the middle of nowhere and in big cities, and smack dab in the middle in medium sized towns. When I was younger I thought I'd want to go rural too, but as I've gotten older I've found myself more drawn toward big city life. It's obviously not without its issues, but I find the positives of big city life outweigh the negatives for me. Purely personal preference, of course.
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