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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That's bold, departing from the classic Doritos and Mountain Dew combo. This man is a rebel.
  2. Damn, Tale, which layer of the Abyss do you live on?
  3. Still playing J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars. The game keeps getting more and more interesting and I'm really excited to unravel the mysteries I keep finding as I head toward the finish line. Hopefully everything gets answered before the game wraps up and they don't do a cop-out ending. I will be super pissed if they pull a Lost and do a cop-out ending.
  4. Apparently the Eagles think so. I think Goff got dinged by some folks at the combine for having "small hands". Scouts come up with the most ridiculous reasons to raise or lower someone's stock. I personally feel teams put far too much stock in measurables (height, weight, how fast they run the 40, apparently how big their hands are, etc.) and not nearly enough stock in how players perform on a football field during games. In my opinion, this is doubly important for QBs, since so much of that position relies on what goes on between the ears.
  5. So, is Wentz being considered the better prospect over Goff? I honestly don't think either guy is a franchise QB, which is why I hope the Cowboys don't take a QB in the draft, even though they desperately need someone soon to replace Tony Romo, whose body is held together by formaldehyde and the hopes and prayers of Cowboys fans. That said, I'd take Goff over Wentz.
  6. That's also me when I make pizza. I know it just came out of the oven, I can see the cheese bubbling, I know it will burn my mouth and I should wait, but I can't help myself.
  7. Kimchi Also, I'm a terrible photographer
  8. Loaded salad with romaine, radicchio, endive, carrots, red onions, cucumbers, bacon, peppered turkey breast, and provolone. Sadly, I had no capers on hand (I have failed as a human being). Also, I need to get a better salad bowl.
  9. I'm watching Jordan Spieth having one of the most EPIC meltdowns I've seen in a long time in the final round of The Masters. We're talking near-Jean van de Velde level meltdown. My man was leading when he hit a QUADRUPLE BOGEY on 12, which included not 1, but 2 balls going swimming on a relatively straightforward approach shot.
  10. ^ Sounds good. I may give that a try when I inevitably revisit the game at some point, though after completing the main story I mostly play it like Death Race 2000 and just drive like a madman and run over zombies. Good times. I'm having a lot of fun with J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars. It's been a pretty interesting mystery so far, hopefully it doesn't end on a sour note, like so many games with promising stories tend to do. I appreciate the mini-games that are included besides the regular point & click fare. They're not brilliant, mind you, but I like having something else to break up the regular p&c gameplay so long as it's not frustrating. This has done nothing to ease my current point & click addiction. I'm already looking around, trying to find another p&c to play after this.
  11. Noticed you talked about it some time back in screenshots thread: Normal or hard mode? I play on normal. I've never actually tried hard mode.
  12. Getting my ass handed to me in Enter the Gungeon. It's the mark of a good game when you get horribly murdered again and again and instead of getting frustrated, you want to play it again and do better. The game is definitely tough and the RNG factor means you'll have a tougher road sometimes, but the fact that I suck is probably the greatest factor in my many many many deaths.
  13. How did it compare to the base Binfinite campaign? I've yet to play Burial at Sea myself. As for myself, I've been playing J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars, a point & click, and Enter the Gungeon.
  14. I've been in Charlotte for a week now and I've finally properly stocked my fridge. I'm the sort that I get uncomfortable inside a store after a while, so I'm unlikely to spend and hour and a half inside a supermarket, I generally get in, grab a few things, and get out. Normally, that works out for me because I only need a few things, but since I moved, I cleaned out my fridge before I left and started over from scratch, so I had to make many trips to the store because I'd always forget something. Today, I discovered an Asian (it's marketed as international and does have foods from other regions, but Asian foods are clearly dominant) supermarket not far from where I live and finally got some things I have been missing since the move, including my beloved kimchi. The market also has a food court inside with a pork bun place and a Korean restaurant, so I took some kimchi stew back home with me. I love kimchi so much. My place is located in a nice spot that's near a major road, but tucked just far enough away from it that I don't hear any of the traffic (just birds outside my windows). So I get to live in a nice quiet place, yet I have all the advantages of a big city, meaning anything I could ever want to buy is right there within a few minutes, much of it within walking distance, plus there are plenty of attractions nearby (the place I'm going to for a rasslin' show next weekend is literally right up the street). Now I'm relaxing at home watching DotA on Twitch and drinking sake, because that's how I roll.
  15. STILL the best car combat game ever made IMHO. **** that game was awesome. I imagine Activision still owns the IP and I doubt they need to crowdfund anything. So it would either have to be a spiritual sequel (I refuse to acknowledge Interstate 82 exists) or someone would have to buy the IP from Activision or get the rights to use it in order for that to get crowdfunded.
  16. Since I'm a lazy bastard, I'll just copy & paste what I wrote on TechRaptor regarding this game: Best of luck to them. I hope I get the chance to buy a finished Consortium: The Tower some day.
  17. Legend tells that the Trigger Twins were triggered by The Gorgun's cleavage, clearly trivializing her as a sex object.
  18. It's a Platinum game, of course it's fun. Platinum is the epitome of a developer that remembers that games are still supposed to be fun.
  19. Enter the Gungeon, it's pretty damn great. It's kinda like Binding of Isaac, possibly even better.
  20. On the one hand, that seems like a really odd and deeply personal thing to tell someone you just met and know next to nothing about. On the other hand, RPGs, and video games in general, are filled with complete strangers volunteering personal information at the drop of a hat that a sane person probably wouldn't tell someone they just met, so par for the course, I guess.
  21. I completed my move today. It consisted of a roughly 14 hour (counting stops) drive that began at nearly midnight last night and finished with a sweaty and grimy Keyrock running on fumes signing a lease and moving stuff into an apartment (than goodness it's ground floor) early afternoon today. I have a lot of unpacking to do over the next few days, but I'm now a resident of Charlotte, NC. Got out just in time too, as there might be snow tomorrow in Connecticut. Instead of dealing with snow, I'll be wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
  22. I'm one of the few people that liked the game, so I'm sad to hear this. Hopefully we still get the Rage of Demons DLC at some point.
  23. more collecting pointless shards, constellation, etc! except now you're in space! yaaay! Collect 20 elfspaceroot.
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