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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Started the day off with a bacon, mushroom, green pepper, and onion omelette.
  2. I might as well complete the full set then. You just never know what you're going to get with Mike Patton. It's telling when Faith No More is BY FAR the most main stream band Mike has ever been a part of, and Faith No More, aside from a handful of mainstream successes in the early 90s, hasn't even remotely attempted to follow popular trends.
  3. Challenge Accepted. https://youtu.be/glr878X82PE (Purposely posting as link due to profanity in title)
  4. Yeah, I guess that is Rihanna. She falls into the same category as Beyonce for me: Attractive singer whose music I don't particularly care for and has done some "acting" (quotes for sarcasm).
  5. He made it all the way to 90. I guess both Billy Joel and Iron Maiden were right.
  6. was that beyonce. pffffft. Maybe she'll be playing a Ruby Rhod type role? I'm not sure if Beyonce has the acting chops to nail that type of role as perfectly as Chris Tucker did, though, despite her decades of experience in the entertainment industry. I can't say the trailer leaves me inspired, apart from the visuals, but I'll hold out a tiny flicker of hope based on how freakin' awesome The 5th Element was.
  7. Failure to integrate the DLC into the main game aside, is the System Rift DLC for DX:MD any good, on its own merits? I've heard grumblings that it's a glorified advertisement for the Breach Mode that apparently no one plays. On the other hand, it does have Frank Pritchard, and I really liked that character in the previous game. If the story DLCs turn out to be crap, I might eschew them altogether and just get the base game and nothing more ever. I certainly don't care about whatever bonus weapons, gadgets, and one use currency they threw into the season pass.
  8. The cinematography in Prometheus was stunning. Possibly Mr. Scott's best work since Blade Runner, in that regard. The narrative, on the other hand...
  9. Maybe I'll switch to Jason Garrett pictures to lower the macabre factor a bit. Pittsburgh shellacked the Colts. Indy's O line is so awful, I feel like it's been that way forever. I feel bad for Andrew Luck, who wasn't even playing today. He's had to play behind that **** O line his whole career and keeps taking a pounding. They're taking years off his career.
  10. I thought the Daedric quests were the best quests in Skyrim.
  11. The Skins offense really lit it up in the second half. Unfortunately for them, by that time the Boys already had a double digit lead and every time they scored Dallas scored right after keeping pace and killing the clock. This 10th straight win, a franchise record, for all intents and purposes puts Dallas in the playoffs, not that that was really in doubt. It also effectively eliminated Washington from division title contention. Also also, this helps all the other teams contending for a wild card spot, like Barty's Packers. Of course, the Pack would have to take advantage of this Skins loss by ceasing to suck, something I'm not sure they can do. Skins are a good team, they're going to figure into the wild card picture when the season is over. Kirk Cousins is going to make himself some money this coming off-season. Anyway, here's your weekly Jerry: HOW BOUT DEM COWBOYS?
  12. My folks and my sister are 750 miles away up in the frozen wasteland known as Connecticut and I can't really afford 2 round-trip plane flights in the span of approximately a month (I'll be flying up for X-Mas), especially after purchasing a brand new car about a month ago. I'm also not in the mood to make a pair of 12-14 hour drives, I've already done the NC to CT, or vice versa, drive 3 times, I have no plans to ever do it again. With that in mind, no big family Turkey dinner for me this Turkey Day and I'm not really in the mood for turkey anyway. So I'm making gołąbki instead, on account of gołąbki being awesome. Terrible blurry picture courtesy of crappy phone camera (it's terrible at short distances) and awful photographer (me!) Nothing fancy, just a pound of ground beef, a pound of ground pork, boiled rice, lightly boiled cabbage leaves, and tomato sauce. Somewhere in the neighborhood of an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half in the oven at 350 and good eatins will be had.
  13. I almost never watch the halftime shows, on account of them being utter rubbish 95% of the time. As for the game on right now, Washington is moving the ball well, but Dallas' bend but don't break defense is keeping them out of the end zone. The 2 missed kicks aren't helping the Skins either. Kirk Cousins is playing really well, it's just not showing on the scoreboard.
  14. I'd wait until they hopefully make a version where the DLCs are in the base game. Right now, the way the DLCs are working is a complete turnoff and pretty much the reason why I haven't replayed the game yet. They're not integrated into the game? Is it like starting a separate campaign?
  15. They made it exciting at the end, that's for sure. I guess it sort of makes up for the second, third, and most of the fourth quarter being pretty boring.
  16. If only the rest of the world cared as much as Faith No More We would be in a lot better shape.
  17. I just finished watching Elimination Mode 2.0 on Moonduck. It's tournaments like this and Captain's Draft why I love Moonduck so much (and why I subscribe to them and throw them $5 a month). 99% of pro tournaments are Captain's Mode and I'm glad they are, because it's the mode most suited to finding out which pro team is the best. With that said, I'm super happy to see Captain's Draft and Elimination Mode tourneys happen once in a blue moon, since they limit the hero pools for the teams to choose from and force them to play heroes out of the current meta. Elimination Mode 2.0 was a particular treat since it came down to game #5 (in this mode more heroes get eliminated each game. By game 5 almost the bare number of heroes remain, mostly **** tier heroes). It forces teams to play heroes they almost never currently play and makes for really weird and interesting games you would never see otherwise. I mean, we got a w33 mid Lina, something that would be commonplace in 6.84, but is unheard of now. Even more surprisingly, we got a carry Visage by Arteezy. When is the last time you got to see Visage in a pro game? Even LIL, widely considered the best Visage pro player ever, hasn't played Visage in ages because it's so weak right now. Arteezy played carry Visage because there were no heroes left. It was amazing. I love tourneys like this that force players out of their comfort zones.
  18. I'm waiting until I can get DX:MD with the season pass (essentially the Complete Edition) for around $40. That probably won't happen during either the Autumn Steam Sale nor the X-Mas sale. Hopefully I can get it at that price during the Spring Sale.
  19. Ugh, I just encountered 2 things that really drive me insane in cRPGs: Long "cut scenes" where your character just stands frozen like a dumbass for several minutes and does nothing while the antagonist does something terrible. This is not unique to Tyranny, of course, Baldur's Gate games had this bull**** too. If you're going to have my character stand there like an idiot while the antagonist gives a 3 minute long speech then does something nefarious then runs off the map and disappears, at least work a way to have some sort of barrier preventing me from reaching him or her into your scripted ****ing sequence. Like holy **** this is some lazy ass game design! Dude is going on a 3 minute speech while I just stand there, no obstacle whatsoever in my way, I could literally reach him in 15 seconds. Better yet, I'm a ****ing archer, I don't even need to run over there, I could shoot a ****ing arrow at the guy right from where I'm standing. It's what my character does, she shoots people with arrows! Let me shoot a ****ing arrow at the guy or contrive a reason why I wouldn't be able to, like an energy barrier, I got caught in a net, an earthquake knocked me prone, something, anything! People asking me to do menial tasks for them during times of pressing urgency. So, said antagonist just stole an artifact of great power that was keeping the town safe from spooky evil forces, took the forge master prisoner, ran off (because ****ing cutscene where I'm not allowed to act even if I'm right ****ing there), and is executing a plan to kill most of the town dead. I am told to speak to the mayor since he might know where antagonist went. I do so. The mayor has no useful information for me whatsoever then asks me to speak with the townsfolk to see if I can help them out with stuff. You wot!? You want me to hunt down townsfolk now and see if they have menial tasks for me to perform while the antagonist is executing a plan to murder everyone in the town dead? This seems like a good time for that? Now, this isn't as bad as in a BioWare game where you're literally THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP THE WORLD FROM BEING DESTROYED and they have you picking ****ing elfroot, like they couldn't get one of the hundreds of regular soldiers go out and pick them instead. Let's have THE CHOSEN ONE pick ****ing berries, that seems like a good use of resources. This isn't as egregious as that, but you're having the ****ing mayor of the town ask me to talk to his townsfolk and lend a hand while there's a madman trying to destroy said town. Call me crazy, but maybe I should concentrate on finding said madman and snuffing him out first. That seems like it should be a top priority. These ****ing ridiculous RPG tropes need to die in a ****ing fire.
  20. Most old skool Sierra point & clicks could be beaten in an hour if you knew what to do. The game length came from trying to figure out obtuse puzzles (and I say that as a big time Sierra fan) and finding the hilarious death sequences. Leisure Suit Larry and Space Quest had the best death sequences. That's something I always thought Sierra had on the competition (LucasArts mainly), the death sequences. Some people think they don't belong in point & clicks, but I disagree. Sierra death sequences were amazing.
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