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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I have heard nothing but good things. How long a game is it? I'm hoping for something in the 5-8 hour range, which is pretty standard for P&Cs. That length game should do nicely to fill the gap between when I finish Tyranny (probably sometime this weekend) and Shadow Tactics comes out.
  2. I scooped up a bunch of Wadjet Eye point & click adventures during GOG's Black Friday Sale. I've enjoyed the few Wadjet Eye games I have played so far and I love point & clicks, which makes it a wonder I haven't played more of their games previously. This will give me something to play after I finish my first run through Tyranny (I don't want to do a second run immediately after) and before Shadow Tactics comes out. I'll probably wind up playing Primordia, or another of their standalone games. I want to save the Blackwell games for when I have time to run through all 5 of them consecutively.
  3. Commandos-esque tactical stealth game Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun now has a free demo (on both Steam and GOG). The demo is currently Windows only, but Mac and Linux versions should come before the game's release on December 6th.
  4. Giants are legit and almost certainly a playoff team. Odell is a monster. That's definitely going to be a really tough game for the Boys come week 14. I hope we can keep winning to keep our 2 game cushion in case we lose to the G-Men again. As an aside, Dak currently has the 3rd highest passer rating in the NFL of QBs that have thrown enough passes to qualify for season stats: 123.3 Tom Brady 115.1 Matt Ryan 108.6 Dak Prescott 106.4 Drew Brees 101.2 Matthew Stafford
  5. Maybe Spain has a scurvy problem and it's a citrus filter to help prevent the disease?
  6. Yeah, it seems my faith in the Pack was definitely misplaced. It mostly stemmed from how overall successful a franchise they've been during the Aaron Rodgers Era. Green Bay plays in a division that may well wind up with a 9-7 champion, but until we reach week 14 or 15 and things become clearer (by virtue of only a few games remaining) I tend to stick to the 10 wins and you're in rule (there have been years where 10 wins didn't get you in, but that's rare). The Pack would have to win all their remaining games to get to 10 wins, and I can't see that happening with how they've been playing.
  7. Ninth straight win for the NFL leading Cowboys. The Ravens did a good job of limiting Zeke on the ground (he still rushed for 97 yards), but Dak was spectacular and shredded the Baltimore D en route to a 3 TD 300+ yard day. At 9-1, we're 99.9% in the playoffs with 6 games left to play. As always, here's your weekly Uncle Jerry (with bonus Jason Garrett!): HOW BOUT DEM COWBOYS?
  8. I am sad to see the great pacing of Tyranny's Act I give way to the relentless combat grind of Act II reminiscent of Pillars. On a positive note, I find myself constantly actually role playing in Tyranny. I have a vision for my character, her goals, her motivations, her tendencies, and I act accordingly. I don't try to power game it, I don't look at the choices presented to me and think "well, this might net me a nice item, or some money or favor with this companion", I make my choice in accordance with how I feel my character would handle the situation and then deal with the consequences. I was never really able to get that into my character in Pillars. It wasn't for lack of trying, it's that I never cared about the story nor the setting nor the characters enough for it to click like it has in Tyranny. The fact that I wield great power and have people's lives in the palm of my hand really helps in Tyranny too. I feel like my choices really matter, even if some of them are only an illusion of choice. The Conquest thing at the beginning and having characters in the world refer to the choices I made and shift their reputation accordingly was also a stroke of genius, IMHO. I feel immersed in this world, I never managed to get really immersed in Pillars' world.
  9. Clearly, Obsidian Entertainment adhere strictly to the age old RPG tradition of defiling the dead. They merely put up a roadblock to your progress until you did your sworn duty and followed the proper cRPG code of conduct. Truly champions of the esteemed and honorable ways of our cRPG forefathers are Obsidian Entertainment. In my game Eb suggested to me that I make the people bow to me instead of Kyros. While I wholeheartedly agree with her sentiment, I would never voice such treasonous thoughts out loud myself. I will be the most loyal of loyal bloodhounds, at least until I am completely sure that an opportunity to usurp power has presented itself.
  10. Checking in with my master, Tunon. Coincidentally, this meeting took place the very day that the edict would have killed everyone in the valley, myself included, had I not so deftly stomped out the filthy oathbreakers.
  11. Negra Modelo Far and away the best Mexican cerveza I've ever had. It tastes like a German dunkel, a good dunkel at that. Drinks easy with a medium body and a nice caramel taste.
  12. I gotta say I really love the art in Tyranny. I think the art in both games is great, but I'm finding the art in Tyranny more appealing.
  13. I miss Mr Bungle. Such a weird band. There is really no way to describe their sound other than "experimental" since they were so all over the place.
  14. Firewatch had great dialogue, but I thought the story was nothing worth writing home about.
  15. Well, Tyranny is a prettier looking game.
  16. @majestic - Yes, because the show stopped having a stick up its behind and stopped trying to be intelligent (which it did quite poorly in season 1) and instead went for fun. I mean, they scrapped what they were trying to do in season 1 because it clearly wasn't working. Also, I wanted Hercules in Space. Who doesn't want Hercules in Space? As an aside, is there a movie called Hercules in Space? If not, why the **** not!? Somebody make it happen!
  17. Graven Ashe is indeed a terrible name, not to mention a boring character. Voices of Nerat, on the other hand... /kisses tips of fingers Magnifique! (So long as you can stomach over the top characters with a penchant for the dramatic) He's like a more criminally insane Q from Star Trek: TNG, and Q is one of my favorite characters ever.
  18. I can't help it, I have a thing for campy stuff... and shows with Kevin Sorbo. Also, as Lexx wrote, Andromeda got significantly better after the first season.
  19. I haven't finished Tyranny yet but I'm liking that better so far on the strength of more interesting setting, story, and characters. Also, while the combat feels just as tedious and mediocre, there is less of it, which is a plus.
  20. If the Packers don't turn it around and make the playoffs McCarthy is almost certainly getting ****canned, right?
  21. It's definitely possible the NFC East puts 3 teams in the playoffs, but with 3 games against the other divisional teams left each and very little separation between the teams not named Cowboys in the division, I can see the teams knocking each other out of playoff contention, especially if both NY and Dallas go 2-1 or better in the division the rest of the way. Lots of games left still, though, so who knows?
  22. No, I didn't. The Giants are the only team I can see realistically taking the division crown from the Boys, since they're only 2 games back and currently hold the head to head over us. The Skins are 2 1/2 back and we hold the head to head over them. The Eagles are 3 back and are in the worst tiebreaker scenario possible since they've lost every divisional game so far. They pretty much have to sweep their remaining divisional games to have any chance in tiebreaker scenarios. I'd estimate that there is a 95% probability of either the Boys or the G-Men taking the division. It is entirely possible that the NFC East produces 2 WC teams, but I think it's too early to try to predict such things with 3 divisional games left for each team. My point was that the G-Men are the only team I can see denying the Boys the divisional crown. Plus, I can still somehow see the Pack getting its **** together and making a late season run to sneak into the playoffs as the second wild card. My faith is probably misplaced given their recent performance.
  23. I didn't expect the Bengals to beat the G-Men, but it would have been nice and opened up some cushion in the division. Oh well. The Boys have an important stretch of games coming up playing the AFC North leading Ravens, then a division game against the surprisingly not terrible Redskins, than a trip to Minny to face the quickly sinking Vikes, then at the Giants for the game that will likely decide which team wins the division and which team goes in as a wild card. After that, Tampa, Detroit, then (possibly a meaningless game against) the Eagles.
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