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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Welp, there goes the Cowboys season. Rogders is straight up steamrolling us.
  2. Prediction 3: Dem Boys 27-20 Cheeseheads
  3. I was pretty close on the score. Second prediction: Deflaters 24-13 That Other Team From Texas
  4. I'm not a fan of either team, I don't care who wins. I just like safeties.
  5. WOOOOO! We got a safety! I always get excited for safeties.
  6. I'm enjoying a lightly chilled glass of Riesling/Rivaner wine.
  7. The divisional round, at least on paper, looks like it should be a heck of a lot better than the wild card round. Let's hope it lives up to that because, let's face it, the wild card round was a **** show. First prediction: Dirty Birds 31-20 C-Hox
  8. That still holds true if you play a Shaman.
  9. Who says they are evil? The corrupt New Republic rebel scum propaganda machine, of course.
  10. The Empire may be evil, but those officer uniforms are stylish as ****.
  11. 20 years later and this track is still dope as ****.
  12. I think the price tag of the Switch is kinda prohibitive. $300 on its own doesn't sound that bad until you find out that it (seemingly) comes with no games. So you have to drop another $50 just to have something to play. Then come the prices of the accessories, which are just plain preposterous. I don't think even Sony gouges their customers this bad with their proprietary tech. $90 for a dock? $70 for a pro controller? Are you ****ing serious?
  13. I started mission 12 in Shadow Tactics. I probably shouldn't have asked how they were going to up the difficulty because... Dear God! Making this mission even harder is the fact that I'm going to try not to kill anyone, soldiers included, in this mission, for reasons I shall not disclose (because spoilers). Even if I did kill soldiers, this mission would still be ludicrously difficult, but only being able to knock them out (they wake up after a short period and are in an alarmed state) makes things flat out absurd. To top things off, there is snow everywhere which leaves footprints for a little while that give you away. This is going to take many many hours and some serious trial and error.
  14. I think the Chargers should change their name to LA Smog or California Emissions. In all seriousness, they should go with LA Olympians. First, Olympians is a cool name. Second, it would be a nod toward the 1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics. Third, they could have a logo of Zeus holding the thunderbolt as a nod toward Chargers.
  15. That Zelda video does nothing to move the needle either way for me. I bought a Wii U some years ago because of Bayonetta 2 and Mario Kart 8 and I don't regret it because Bayonetta 2 was ludicrously amazing, plus I got to play Wonderful 101, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and am still looking forward to playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions at some point. That said, I've mostly given up on Nintendo these days and only Metroid could possibly get me to buy their next console... portable... thing. At this point, it seems as Samus Aran has been reduced to nothing more than Smash Bros. duty, so... yeah. I suppose the new Zelda is coming out for Wii U also, but I don't know yet if I'll ever bother picking it up.
  16. I have a Tux. University bookstore had one, grabbed it for $10 or so. Even has a badge! Pic please
  17. If you haven't already named one of the penguins Tux then you should probably name one of them Tux.
  18. I finished mission 11 in Shadow Tactics. Insanely difficult mission that involved carrying an unconscious body across a heavily guarded map. My penchant for not killing civilians made this mission extra difficult as they are littered all over the map and will give you away to the guards if they see you. I am both scared and excited to see how they ramp up the difficulty from here. /rubs hands together
  19. Are you a Linux enthusiast or do you just like penguins?
  20. I tried to play Borderlands 2 again. I tried the game a while back and gave up after 4 or 5 hours. I figured maybe I'd have a different perspective on it now and could grow to like it. Nope. It's a popular series, so there's obviously something there people like, but I sure can't see it. I like the setting and characters, that's the only positive I have to give. Besides that, there are a billion guns, but they all suck. The gunplay is rubbish and the levelling system is bad.
  21. That's how I feel about the upcoming Disgaea 2 PC port (comes out in about 3 weeks). Luckily, the only game I need to finish is Shadow Tactics and I'm confident I'm fairly close to finishing it.
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