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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Cook Out is my go to guilty pleasure ****ty fast food joint, but I'm not sure they have those outside the Carolinas. I'm a sucker for their Cajun Style and Cheddar Style Chicken sandwiches. As a bonus they have a selection of sides you can get in a combo, not just fries. Best of all, it's dirt cheap.
  2. SteamWorld Dig 2 releasing on PeeSee on Sep 22. The asking price is $19.99/€19.99/£14.99.
  3. Still playing West of Loathing and I just encountered the mother of all fetch quests. It's at the same time hilarious and infuriating. Hilarious because it takes the piss out of fetch quests in RPGs, infuriating because, well, it's a fetch quest, and trust me, it involves A LOT of fetching.
  4. I don't understand the appeal of top of the line extremely expensive phones. What exactly do $600 phones do that my $80 LG Stylo 2 doesn't? All I really care about is having a halfway decent camera (which I do). Beyond that, all phones make calls, text, and run google maps just as well as any other phone. What do you get on a $600 phone that you don't get on a $100 phone? A nicer shell? I use a wallet case, I never see the shell. A higher resolution screen? Do you really need anything above 720p on a screen thst small? I won't give you the myth about the human eye not being able to tell the difference beyond a certain pixel density, but at a certain point you get insanely deminishing returns for a hefty markup. The ability to play ****ty mobile games with shinier graphics? WOW! Candy Crush at 4K, what a time to be alive.
  5. My parents are safe, though without power, after Irma. I hope all our Floridians are safe also and everyone in Georgia and Alabama gets through the storm safely.
  6. I'm definitely happy with the Boys win over the G-Men, but I'm not going to read too much into it, for a few of reasons: It's week 1, sloppy play is expected and teams aren't yet the teams they will be at mid-season. The Giants didn't have OBJ. We only had 1 TD and settled for 4 FGs. Still, a win is a win, and a divisional win is even better. Edit: Also, this ridiculous Cole Beasley catch happened:
  7. Still having a great time with West of Loathing. The character system and combat are both fairly simplistic, but they allow for a decent variety of different strategies and you can't just do every battle the same way. Basically, you have 6 stats: Muscle, Mysticality, Moxie, Grit, Gumption, and Glamour. The 3 M stats determine damage, both given and taken. Muscle is for melee, Mysticality is for magic, and Moxie is for guns. You compare the attacker's stats versus the defender's stats. If the attacker's pertinent stat is higher then the damage is increased from the weapon's base damage. If the attacker's stat is lower then the damage is reduced. Nice and simple, but it ensures that you don't want to neglect the other 2 M stats that you don't usually use to attack, lest you take a ton of damage from enemies using those stats to attack you. There are also a bunch of (humorous) spells and special abilities to spice combat up, plus items to use. Also, your choice of companion is going to affect how combat plays out. The game also has a lot of different ways outside of combat to deal with enemies, utilizing a variety of skills you can pick up during your travels.
  8. Oh for ****s sake, we gotta stop outsmarting ourselves. We got 1st and goal on the 3 and throw the ball 3 times. Just stop trying to be "clever" and cute and hand the ****ing ball to Zeke, 3 times if necessary, though it will likely not take him 3 tries. It's so simple, we have the best O line and the league's rushing champ from last year, let the man do the job you have him on the team for. Gah, we're moving the ball well, meanwhile the Giants have done nothing on offense, yet all we have to show are two measly FGs. I've seen this movie before. This is THE script for losses you look back on and say "we gave that game away". Edit: Finally a TD, about time. We should be up more than 13-0 right now, but I'll be satisfied if we can keep the G-Men at zero going into the half. Edit 2: Woot, we added 3 more before the half. I'm feeling better about this game now, though far from secure.
  9. Not the game the Texans were looking for to lift the spirits of Harvey-battered Houston in their home opener.
  10. Exclusive footage of the Washington Redskins from the 1st quarter:
  11. I assume this is customary in Russia, correct?
  12. We're just a couple hours away from the NFL season starting in earnest. Also, we're just a few more hours away from people overreacting to what happened in week 1. Remember, if your team wins in week 1, you're not necessarily going to the Superbowl, and if you team loses in week 1, your season isn't necessarily over... ... Fast forward to me overreacting to the outcome of the Boys/G-Men game tonight. Side-note: Is it just me or does it seem like we play the G-Men in week 1 every year?
  13. Hopefully it's just the PSU.
  14. The tracker keeps moving further west. It looks like it's going to make landfall in Tampa, or even miss the peninsula entirely. Stay safe everyone!
  15. With or without Zeke, our offense should be great, unless Dak comes down with a serious case of the sophomore slump. I seriously doubt that will happen, given that Dak showed more poise in the pocket and understanding of reading defenses as a rookie last year than most QBs in their 3rd or 4th season. It's as if he was already a senior last year. Anyway, it's going to come down to what kind of voodoo magic Rod Marinelli can pull off with the patchwork defense he has. I'll give a conservative prediction of 11-5.
  16. Congratulations to anyone that drafted Zeke in their fantasy football league.
  17. A Texas judge has blocked the suspension the NFL handed down to Zeke. Until the matter is resolved he is free to play any and all games.
  18. I'm slightly less nervous than I was yesterday. The hurricane tracker looked super scary for my folks yesterday when a good chunk of the spaghetti plots had it making landfall in Miami then heading up the Atlantic coast, right by where my parents are. Since then the projected path has moved west quite a bit and it looks like it's going to ride up the gulf coast instead. That sucks for the people living on the gulf coast, and I feel bad for them, but it's very good news for my parents who live on an island just off the Atlantic coast. Further good news has the storm turning further west toward Nashville once it gets further inland meaning we'll only get the very furthest outer bands here in Charlotte if the current predictions hold true. Redneckdevil should be unaffected completely under the current projected path.
  19. According to that check I was not affected. :D
  20. I've been trying to talk my folks into driving up to Charlotte to stay with me for the weekend, but, like your dad and brother, they are stubborn and will almost certainly ride out the storm. Where I'm at, in Charlotte, I'm not worried about it. Absolute worst case scenario will be 70ish mph winds and a ****ton of rain, which will still suck, but won't be catastrophic.
  21. Good luck and I hope all our Florida forumites stay safe, as well as my folks and those in the Caribbean.
  22. ^ Wait just a second, the NFL made errors during its investigation? Say it ain't so! And they had such a spotless record in their previous investigations.
  23. More often than not romance in video games is really poorly implemented, usually as a kind of mini-game where you bring the person gifts, and/or make the "correct" dialogue choices. The vast majority of the time it's a throwaway part of the game that's simply there to appease those wanting to live out their waifu fantasy within a game. It's difficult enough to write good, nuanced relationships, even for movies or books where the story is completely set and if a focal point. It's that much harder in a game where the player has at least some agency. As the romance is practically never a truly integral part of the game's plot it's usually an afterthought, thrown in to check off a box on the gamebox for that subset of fans that demands it, like crappy tedious crafting or a useless stronghold building/management mini-game. I wouldn't mind seeing a RPG where romance (and not just bang this person to create an offspring you will play as later) is a focal part of the plot to see if a company could pull it off well when they devote a good bit of time to it.
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