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Everything posted by Seari

  1. Oh sweet, time stop shouldn't be hard to implement then.
  2. Isn't the party AI that cancels your orders due to engagement? edit: Characters are definitely more visible in this build.
  3. Sick mspaint skills and micro bruh. How about if they make the disengagement attacks less devastating? edit: The way engagement overrides your orders is beyond annoying.
  4. Probably a bug. They should do it like in BG2, where you have 3 slots to put spells on the action bar.
  5. That reminds me of NwN2. The tank in the front, and the rest just spam AoE spells. Not very fun.
  6. I am very much a noob at monks, but how about you don't damage the monk guy, so he doesn't get wounds for abilites. Would that help?
  7. I really like what they did with the loading screens in MotB.
  8. What I meant is that I don't want the game to tell me which item is better. I'm fine with how it is in the beta, as long as the game doesn't show which item gives more +% or whatever. edit: This is what I was referring to.
  9. I don't know about everyone else, but I would find the aforementioned feedback really annoying.
  10. I don't really care about loading bars, I'm fine with how it is now.
  11. ^what, more hand-holding? Choosing between Might and Perception is just confusing and really bad design. I hope they make some kind of change to accuracy/hit system, because right now it sucks.
  12. Just decrease the movement speed, probably the worst offender. Removing the engagement mechanic altogether might be needed as well, but not sure on that one.
  13. Yeah, that would be perfect.
  14. Embrace your heritage.
  15. The images used for the loading screens are too sharp IMO. I hope they use some kind of filter on them in the final release. I do like the concept a lot.
  16. Josh Sawyer on the change: Don't know the actual source, copied it from the codex.
  17. I see the skill bonuses as a kind of requirements. If you want to have a dual wielding character, then the character has to be athletic, which makes a lot of sense. I guess I would prefer a system where you could assign points to skills as before, but with the talents having actual skill requirements. You could see all the talents and the requirements from the start, so there would be no trap builds or whatever. But I don't mind the way it is now either.
  18. How are all attributes not in some way useful to every class atm?
  19. I didn't like the idea of stealthy fighters or barbarian scholars, so I actually like these changes. edit: Then pick dual wielding and something that gives survival. Makes sense to me that you would be athletic to be adept at dual wielding weapons.
  20. Not all talents have to have the same level of usefulness, just having the option and variety is good. Not everyone is a powergamer.
  21. Well your wording was kind of confusing there. I hope we get some enemies that are immune to those kind of spells, that put them out of combat for so long.
  22. Might =/= strength, it's the power or "magic" of your soul, from what I understand.
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