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Everything posted by Seari

  1. Haha, you're right. I had no idea. I wish I knew who made it, he did an awesome job.
  2. Yeah that one is really badass. Considering playing an aumaua for my first playthrough.
  3. I like them, esp. the first one. There's something wrong with the eyes in the third one. I'm pretty sure Kaz still has to polish those up. edit: They seem to be more in line with the two companion portraits, awesome.
  4. They are really good. Where did you get them? I'd like to add them to my portraits folder. I don't remember where I found them. Uploaded the best quality that I have, here you go. edit: You will have to resize them and change them to .png to make them work in PoE, I think.
  5. I like these a lot, but I have no idea who made them.
  6. I just wish obsidian would postpone the game and work on the classes(+combat system), because currently they're kind of ****. I esp. don't like what they've done with the wizard, fighter and rogue. Not a fan of the druid, ranger(too ranged focused) and monk either, but at least these have cool mechanics/ideas. Spot on.
  7. If you were talking about DnD then I would agree. However, this isn't DnD, and Paladins aren't holy warriors of a Deity. They are Soldiers with conviction based on an Order. Lay on Hands is a melee, single target heal. A modal aura that heals over time would make the paladin much less active, and allow the paladin to commence in melee or ranged combat. They only would break the combat rhythm when they need to lay on hands for VERY limited burst healing. Simultaneously, one player may not even opt into the modal heal, and make a different paladin with a healer behind him (druid or Priest). Priests sit back and buff and heal with some occasional debuff/damage. Best healers in the game because they heal for chunks of stamina. Druids are offensive with ranged heal over time spells, but no burst healing like the Priest. However, they have the ability to keep a party up in most situations. What I am suggesting does, in no way, make a Paladin a Priest. What it does is give 3 different types of healers that a player could use one of, or opt for 2 in the party makeup. It increases what the paladin is capable of as a class, and increases party diversity. I like the idea of a regeneration aura, but it would have to be minimal else it would be overpowered. The chanter would be a better candidate if you insist on having 3 healing classes.
  8. People are too ****ing touchy, in my honest opinion.
  9. Just make the druid a replacement for priest, albeit with a bit more offensive orientation and make them not as good at healing, but enough that they can replace priests. Leave the paladins the way they are, else they might as well be priests.
  10. Yeah... this is totally reasonable. The art in BG is *far worse* than the wholesale slaughter of millions of people. Good call. Really, truly, it is nice to see I'm among such well-reasoned posters here on the forums. It's hyperbole, don't be an idiot.
  11. Priests aren't really OP though. They are necessary because they are the only class that have a large amount of heals that can target party members. I would easily say that another class needs to be able to heal, but in a different way. Perhaps Paladins should have an aura HoT ability, or give the Druids a few more healing abilities. A class being necessary doesn't make it OP. It just means that its role is required, and perhaps another class should also be capable of that role to a different degree. Paladins and Druids should be able to heal others much more than they can presently to take necessity of a Priest in the party composition. However, if given too much then that begs the question "would you bring a Priest?" If you need the buffs then yes, but if you have a Pally/Druid and a Chanter then maybe not. Things are out of whack that is for sure. Paladins aren't fkin healers. Druids need to be a replacement for priests, like the IE games, else party diversity is ****ed on that aspect.
  12. Replace a priest.
  13. You should've just said like the attribute tomes from BG, instead of listing filthy MMOs I support this idea, finding tomes was a lot of fun.
  14. Edwin portrait from bg1 is my favorite, and I hate the bg2 derpy looking one.
  15. I hate that Jaheira portrait so much, I don't even know why.
  16. Take that back, you pieces of filth. But I have to admit that some BG1 portraits are superior.
  17. I'm gonna go with passionate. Don't be such a whinny snob.
  18. Thank you, that was my main gripe with the backer beta.
  19. With the inconsistency of the beta portraits, it's really got me worried about the companion portraits. I can live with the different art styles of the chargen portraits as long as the companion portraits remain consistent. This thread is a request to OE to make the rest of the the companion portraits the same art style as these two amazing portraits. Do you guys agree or disagree? Discuss.
  20. Now that it's known that this is a placeholder, I like it as well.
  21. Which, as we've tried to point out, doesn't matter yet. If it was heard in-game and sounded naff, then sure, blame away. As it stands, there's nothing to say that it's not placeholder. Placeholder stuff is generally rubbish. Hell, I've worked on games where the placeholder VO isn't even done by someone of the same gender, usually just a dev for example. That's not the point. They were saying that if this was actually the real thing, that it isn't bad. Never said it wasn't a placeholder.
  22. Stop deluding yourself, this VO ****ing sucks.
  23. Maybe I need to start going at this forum like I did about the Destiny Alpha. Here let's link a nice video so everyone understands what non final voices sound like. I am sure we will recognize this one. http://youtu.be/STlRBD3spIo?t=3m47s What's your point Karkarov? My point is simple. Stop trying to hack the game and base your judgements on what is actually presented in the beta. When we get Pallegina as a companion in game we will here her final real voice. If it sucks then feel free to unload. Right now there is no evidence to indicate any voice in the game isn't just placeholder. In fact this voice isn't even in the game so why did it even get a thread? I had no idea Pallegina will be a godlike robot.
  24. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67489-the-general-suggestions-thread/
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