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About Sistergoldring

  • Rank
    Marshmallow Priestess of the Obsidian Order
    (3) Conjurer

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  • Interests
    Figure Skating


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Well, I feel a little disappointed because I enjoy a bit of romance in my games. Still I assume the devs decided romance wasn't a good fit for the story they're telling and I respect that even if it doesn't align with my preferences.
  2. Just checking my badges, don't mind me.
  3. Fluffle! How's your year going so far? Good to see that you haven't been kerfuffled yet anyway! Everything's great at my end, same old - way too much cake over Christmas! Lephys - you're a sweetie and terrifically helpful.
  4. Hiya Lephys - I hadn't actually done anything necessary at all, so your advice is greatly appreciated. I'm just sending a quick message to Obsidian however before I can confirm to make sure that LC's OOE fee is taken from my pledge and then hopefully I'll have my badges too....so expect to see more pointless comments from me at that time.
  5. I guess the question is do they really want to do more 'stuff' for the game? I'm happy if they add stretch goals, I'll up my pledge depending on my post holiday budget and if I like what's on offer. I don't really feel that strongly either way.
  6. Yay badges! I have absolutely nothing to say, I just want to see my badges on screen.....my bad. Happy New Year etc OOE PS - how great was the trailer music. I loved it, I got goose bump shivers listening....new score or not, anyone know? I can't remember the original trailer music really, except that I thought it was awesome (I'm old and lost the bulk of my remaining brain cells over the holidays.) Edit - Damn, my badges aren't showing up. I want them....maybe you have to check something on your profile? I'm going to a) look and see then b) go and sulk.
  7. I'm voting Dragon Age straight down the line for this poll but only because DAO has been my latest gaming obsession and those characters are the nearest to my heart right now. Really there are so many amazing personalities in so many of the games on the list that it's impossible to really pick the 'best'. Although I think Varric from DA2 really might stand a chance of taking out my personal all time favourite party member.....it's the chest hair, I admit it!
  8. I like those coins and I want one! The only thing is those plastic sleeve things look tacky, too cheap and nasty for such pretty engravings. I've got a birthday coming up soon too so maybe I will indulge myself a little. Thanks Silver
  9. I don't know about best managed because I think the word implies things that we as backers aren't really party to but it's certainly the project that I've felt most 'kept in the loop' in. So what the hell, why not. Yes, Project Eternity is the best managed kickstarter EVER and I'm not even a little biased at all and know exactly what I'm talking about.
  10. Well if you write it as 8 weeks it sounds much more impressive. You totally white knuckled it there. Yeah, wordament - It's tough out there in the world of competitive wordsearch. If we had headsets it'd be brutal man. Not too sure on Satellite Reign - I'm not willing to risk the wrath of the husband on anything short of 'Baldur's Gate - Return to Awesome' today.
  11. Hiya Silver, I thought you were in kickstarter exile for a while? Well seeing I'm bored out of my mind this afternoon I'll have a look....might play wordament for a bit first. Does that read as 'tragic' as it feels? Wordament.....how has it come to this?
  12. I think that the Paladins are sounding really interesting. I'm looking forward to finding out more about them and of course the other classes too. Thanks for another great update.
  13. Idea: sparked. How badly would it suck if one enemy, in P:E, could drain your money, instead of your health or mana/stamina? NO! They can take our allies, our health bar and our special abilities but enemies can keep their damn hands OFF MY GOLD!
  14. Well don't get too comfy there Silver because I'll be thinking of you next Summer when I'm hanging out on the beautiful Aussie beaches while you are being turned into a human shaped icicle Actually I don't know how you cope in Finland, I haven't stopped complaining since the temperature dipped under 10 degrees. Lephys - looks like kickstarter has drained all our bank accounts now.
  15. Hiya Silver , It's freezing cold winter for me (so phooey to you!) and I'm not going anywhere near kickstarter for a while either.
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