I became lactose intolerant after about age 50, and thereafter switched to products such as almond milk. But you can get lactose-free milk pretty readily now so I buy that.
The charge is 2nd degree unintentional murder, so there's no need to prove intent to murder. At a minimum it is involuntary manslaughter, but that charge may not apply for a police officer. The challenge for the jury will be determining whether there was intent to do harm. To me it doesn't look good.
A September/October mass release of a revamped COVID-19 vaccine would help keep the cases down for the 2021/2022 winter season. But that's only 5 months away.
No, I'm being realistic. A political career requires that you have enough intelligence to do the job, but not enough that you are bored by it. Believe me, I've met plenty of people who are a lot brighter than our typical political hack.
Our state (WA) has been using all mail-in ballots since 2011 and it works great. You don't have to drive to an election booth and decide who to pick; it can be done at your leisure at home with full access to the internet. I'd like to see more states adopt this system so we can get rid of all this legalized voter suppression nonsense.
Been enjoying Resident Alien. It's quirky and amusing.
Not sure whether I like Debris yet, but I'll keep watching.
The Gloaming is one creepy series, but it has me hooked.
Clarice is better than I was expecting.