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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Have you ever been to the Straights of Gibraltar? That would be one ginormous ship.
  2. New theory suggests large blobs of material in Earth's mantle are remnants of protoplanet Theia
  3. I want one of these cups. Just 'cause.
  4. In the end his behavior fits the definition of the slang term "gaslighting"; that is almost his entire body of work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting If you haven't bought into it, he does come across as completely bat****.
  5. Yes, the amount of just pure voter suppression going on around the US right now is just a sad indictment of our supposed "democratic" political system.
  6. Ideally we'd GTFO once the Syrian civil war started to wind down, but then some other issue would crop up such as Iran. It wouldn't surprise me if the last administration was actually stoking hostility toward Iran for that reason. As long as Iran acts belligerent toward its neighbors, then we have an excuse to keep troops nearby. The only real solution is to fully convert the USA to renewable energy sources.
  7. There's an interesting chart on the bottom of this NPR article: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/01/28/960901166/how-is-the-covid-19-vaccination-campaign-going-in-your-state What really stands out to the eye is how larger states are having a more difficult time getting their population vaccinated. The states of CA, FL, NY, and TX are all on the low end. They must be having more of a challenge getting the vaccine distributed.
  8. Well that is weird and random. Not sure it's interesting though.
  9. Just ask them how they think Biden and the Democrats managed to steal the 2020 election? If they go ape-sh*t crazy in either direction, you quietly lock up the gun cabinet.
  10. New result from the LHCb experiment challenges leading theory in physics Here's the paper: Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays They're now at the 3.1 sigma significance level, but need to reach 5 sigma to be considered definitive.
  11. Politicians will be politicians. At least they have to put on a show of pleasing the voters, instead of doing whatever the heck the want in a despotism.
  12. Turns out, social media is the test. People getting canned because of something they posted a decade ago.
  13. Oh sure, deploy them in the most expensive manner possible. That will encourage their adoption. Right.
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