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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Definitely a major tragedy. Hopefully something can be salvaged, although it'll probably take decades to rebuild. This is also why all the world's great art and architecture needs to be digitally scanned in fine detail -- who knows when some random events will take it from us.
  2. Still a classic... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpypTXccG2I
  3. That explains the long face.
  4. Nerfing a product so it behaves according to the design specs... otherwise known as engineering. Yeah, who would do that?
  5. Kangaroo Rat Delivers a Ninja-Like Spinning Kick to Drop Rattlesnake Clearly a high level monk class critter with improved evasion.
  6. Scientists Find Fossilized Fish That May Have Been Blasted by Debris From Asteroid That Ended the Dinosaur Age
  7. And that's why Steam reluctance to curate their platform and relaying on users and algorithms to do everything for them doesn't work. It's a platform filled with misleading, broken or irrelevant content. Given that Steam is getting a 30% cut, they should be strongly incentivized to remove crufty reviews that add no information and potentially decrease sales. But what do I know?
  8. Do you have an example of where that behavior actually ruined a crowdfunding game? Usually crowdfunded games fail because the developers get too ambitious or have poor business skills, and thus run out of funds.
  9. The nullification of Cronau radiation through reversed charge hypermatter.
  10. More than one reality exists, shocking study says Nothing actually new here, but what I really appreciate is the irony of this coming from Fox News, our alternate reality news source.
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