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Everything posted by KennethTopp

  1. that and in Dragon Age 2 the ability scores were useless. there were no benefit to have a warrior with alot in Cunning or whatever. Str and Con. all Abilities scores should be desireable for all types of characters you create.
  2. I like hybrids too, but do they have to be in Project Eternity. probably not, at least not as a playable race I guess or perhaps that is the Sub race for the Humans?
  3. personally I think it comes from always loving a rogue/warrior mix, an agile light armored warrior who can take some hits.
  4. Such as choosing a couple of levels of Thief and then Warrior and maybe a bit a of mage, to be give an example. I was a Multi classing addict in 3rd ed D&D and always loved the ability to do so.
  5. I'd like them to stop and consider how many classes the game need, instead of just promising class upon class and so forth. If they're redundant it doesn't really matter they're there, does it?
  6. What is your opinion on a possible New game+ taking a already maxed out character and throwing him into the campaign again?
  7. So... how long until Bioware is shut down after disappointing sales or merely creating Call of Honor or Medal of Duty for EA as their third try at beating Call of Duty? 2-3 years?
  8. depending on the amount of classes we'll get, would you guys like Multi classing? I was always a sucker for it in 3rd D&D.
  9. I am not against, perma death it could tell some great stories I'd reckon with the companions you have and even better if your companions react to it in game, but if your main character dies in an encounter what then?
  10. I wouldn't mind a setting that was more inspired by the Wild West, Victorian, especially the wild west eras. Then yeah I'd love guns.
  11. depends, I mean I would assume even for an Isometric game, the possibilities for visual fidelity even from a distance have become much more feasible since IWDII
  12. Why would people hate this, I think you mean something in vein of NWN2 , and I must say I liked it , but if this is meant to be a isometric point of view than I think portraits would be better overall, althoug I won't lie is my pure nostalgia for infinity engine games. yeah maybe, I mean I always loved putting my own spin on the main character of role playing games, I never use the default head, and I love tinkering with the sliders and I thought a way that could be possible in this game would be in the portraits. Now secondly, I am curious, seeing as this is Isometric would something like different body shapes for the characters not be more feasible than for instance in a full 3d, rotate around HD game? Would be nice to have some choices in that regard, like: thin, medium, medium buff, really buff.
  13. I am really curious to this Either/or business of choosing races. What about a little bit of both?
  14. People are going to hate me for this I'd imagine, but as I am a custom appearance prostitute I would love a fully customizable 3d portrait head. That's just me.
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