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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. Also there are magic users other than wizards you know (not that wizards aren't tied for strongest class in the game), Some of the priest buffs are kind of ridiculous. Crowns + Devotions for the Faithful especially, and then when you are done turning your party members into gods you can throw down Storm of Holy Fire and burn everything on the screen.
  2. And would you please change it back? " Boreal Dwarves gain Hunter's Instincts, granting additional Accuracy against creatures of the Wilder and Beast types. " - Sawyer: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66080-races/?p=1468913 Yes there is the obvious reason of dragons, which would probably make a +15 bonus to strong, but wouldn't nerfing it to a +10 vs beasts and wilder have been preferable? A bonus vs. animals certainly makes more sense for an ability called hunters insticts than a bonus vs. oozes. That would cover about half the hard fights in the game with a bonus slightly less than twice as strong as the wood-elf bonus (less since they also get reflex and deflection) which applies to all fights so seems fair. It would give us a third top-tier race up there with Wood Elves and Moon Godlikes.
  3. So for a barb going for maximum damage without using consumables: Gwisk Glass (Durgan Enhanced, 0 recovery penalty) + Vulnerable attack & Durgan Enhanced Shield (5% penalty), gauntlets (15% bonus) speed enchanted durgan weapon (35% bonus) and Frenzy (33% bonus) would get you to 78% bonus, or *0.22 recovery while still ignoring 5 DR. Doing the same with a non-speed weapon would get you *0.42 recovery, making you attack (1.84/1.44) 1.28 times slower, but probably weapon choice and enchantments will get you bonuses worth more than a 28% increase in attack speed, especially with Speed taking up room for 2 enchantments. It feels like it not truly incredible unless you can stack it all the way to 0% recovery, which seems to require potions or being a wizard. And if you are a wizard it means you cant use your stupidly powerfull summoned weapons. Dual-wield barbarian should be able to get there too with Frenzy (20 + 33 + 15 +35), but thats without Vulnerable Attack. Gods help you if obsidian throws in enemies with retaliate attacks though.
  4. From what its saying it works by adding and suptracting percentages, so minus 50% for the plate plus 33% for Frenzy would leave you at -17%, and then 15% from durgan enhanced would get you to -2%. Recovery penalty and attack speed basically work on the same 'track', so 20% attack speed always counters 20% recovery penalty, while dex is entirely seperate.
  5. I like Avellones writing (Lonesome Road is probably the only writing of his I didn't like, well maybe that and the bit with Kreia about the beggar) and love Torment to death, but for linearity and player agency PST is honestly not that much different from PoE. Side quests have 2-3 possible outcomes you choose from, and the main plot has to move through a number of chokes. PST for me stands out on the writing being good and the setting being fantastic, but concerning non-linearity or player choice it wasn't really much different. The interaction with Ravel in the maze is wonderful, but what you do or say there has 0 consequence, you are just clicking your way through the extensive dialogue. Pharod gets his sphere and then he dies, and while you can explore some of your backstory talking to him there are no choices there. Fallout 2 is the only one of the old Black Isle games I'd say was truly non-linear and had lots of player agency, and it does that by having every area in the game be almost completely seperated from everything else so nothing much has consequences outside that area.
  6. So cloth is basically obsolete once you get durgan steel, since robes can also have 0 recovery penalty with it. If it works with shields (from the wording it doesn't, but you cant always trust that) you could even wear Aloths Leather Armor with no recovery penalty, which would be nice for the AoE bonus. Actually even if it doesn't work for spells, it would work for a Barbarian for better carnage AoE with no recovery penalty once you've durgan enhanced the armor and your shield. Maybe just using Gwisk Glass and then using the shield enhancement to offset Vulnerable Attack penalty might be better though, and doesn't require you to use an adra dragon scale for superb.
  7. So for casting, best you can get is 65% (or rather *0.35 recovery time) with Gauntlets of Swift Action + Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, and then just have good Dex on top of that? Or is there some way to decrease casting recovery further that stacks? Does durgan enhancement on armor affect spellcasting recovery (so you could wear robes and still cast spells at full speed) or does it only affect weapon recovery? I guess Minor Avatar isn't as great for casting speed as I thought if you already have good dex, at 22 base increasing to 30 with Minor Avatar is only difference between 1/1.36=0.735 and 1/1.6=0.625 or just 17.6% actual casting speed increase, about a third that of Deleterious Alacrity.
  8. I think I'm going to try this on a barbarian with a draining weapon. Gambeson (+50%) plus Rage (+33%) plus Durgan (+15%) minus armor penalty (-4% with Durgan Enhacement on shield) would get you to +94% which would be almost 3x actual attack speed if I understand this correctly. Using Purgatory for maximum damage and healing.
  9. My computer's actually pretty stable, last i checked it could run OCCT linpack or graphic benchmarks overnight without a problem.
  10. IMO it'd be fine if you were limited to one food bonus per character, just like you are limited to just one resting bonus. Eating lots and lots of food (like you can do now to stack bonuses) could give you a 'stuffed' condition with assorted penalties.
  11. Buff. Accuracy as debuff is pretty low since it has no +10 or +15 unlike most offensive priest spells and also doesn't seem to get the level-based bonus to accuracy which means it has 29 accuracy less than Shining Beacon at level 14. Edit: Well that's what it says, but now I actually tested it and it seems it actually has incredible accuracy. Mouseover says 68 but combat log says 130, which is a bit of a difference. So maybe using it as debuff is a good idea after all. OTOH the spell is really buggy for me for some reason so could just be something wrong on my end.
  12. I certainly hope we wont get just another town but for some reason every city-guard and ruffian is an appropriate encounter for level 17+ characters, and spellcasters in every street corner are throwing 9th level spells. Preferably a high-level adventure should be set somewhere where an abundance of high-level threats feels at least a little bit plausible. Maybe the living lands? Its described as being full of giant nasty dangerous beasts. Or some other more out-there locale.
  13. I'm almost certain they've planned to have PoE 2 to continue following the same watcher we played in PoE 1. For one thing the +1 Dex bonus from Skaen that you can get after the final fight seems kind of pointless if it's not planned that you're going to be able to import your character into PoE 2. One problem for PoE 2 is what level to start the character if its a continuation of PoE 1. With BG 2 the difference between base BG1 xp cap and Tales of the Sword Coast xp cap wasn't that significant, but for Pillars it'll be level 12 vs level 16 which is a huge difference. Also what will they do with caster progression? Starting at level 16 casters would get 9th level spells on their first level-up in PoE 2, and then pressumably only getting more talents and spells becomming per-encounter on level-up untill level 25 when they'd have 9th level spells per-encounter and then get nothing but accuracy/deflection/endurance on odd-numbered level-ups. Certainly they wouldn't be hurting for power but maybe some people would find not getting any 'new stuff' other than talents for the entire game unsatisfying?
  14. Have reinstalled and verified. Savegame where it happens for me: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ee3bd65mtsnwrt/489b69f86b584ae8a591e429c0b9bf73%207664341%20Encampment.savegame?dl=0 Also here's a shadowplay recording to prove I'm not insane: https://youtu.be/C1CcibpGOgw?t=25
  15. I tried it again hiring a new monk on another save, after re-installing and verifying, this time without using the console for xp and got the same result. Here's two saves, one just before hiring a new monk and one after a few retrains: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ka5idjthdncy4kk/59e276c78acc44f385b4c00a1c9ab83b%2019614787%20TheBlackHound.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oqfyinhtsr3f4h9/59e276c78acc44f385b4c00a1c9ab83b%2019615409%20TheBlackHound.savegame?dl=0 I'm not running any mods of any kind. Running 2.03, though saves are from games started during earlier versions. Here's an output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ij8tqgbt0ctq092/output_log.txt?dl=0
  16. Isn't PoE's perspective* about what we had for Fallout 1 & 2? The perspective* in Pillars hasn't bothered me one bit controling my party, and it provides a nicer view of the scenery. *Well not technically a perspective since its a projection rather than a POV.
  17. In a thread started by someone playing the game for the first time and planning to play a 2H-weapon fighter on hard, I think one can pretty safely assume he isn't soloing.
  18. Thank you. I don't want to be nagging and complaining about such a relatively minor issue but 3-4 months felt like a reasonable time to bring it up again.
  19. wot? There's nothing you cfan buff easier than Might in the whole game, accuraccy isn't even close to being as easy. Dex was for me always a caster thing and I don't think I'm the only one. :D Give me one thing in the game that buffs damage party-wide as easy as Devotions for the Faithful increases weapon accuracy (and since this is about a fighter, weapon accuracy is what matters). Just one priest with Galants Focus + Crowns + Devotions for the Faithful gives you +30 accuracy with weapons for the whole party. To add to that, a lot off CC lowers enemy Deflection, but there's not that much CC that reduces DR. Add blinded (-20 deflection) enemies on top of that +30 accuracy and you've shifted the hit roll by 50 points, at which point whether your fighter started with 10 or 20 perception really doesn't have a huge impact on if he hits or not. For ranged, just being an elf gives +5 accuracy. No race just gives +15% damage. Now obvoiusly if you are a CC caster (or a CC/interrupt barbarian), you want Perception all the way, but that's not what we are talking about.
  20. There's more cost effective ways to increase weapon accuracy than buying Perception, compared to limited options for increasing attack rate or damage vs. buying dexterity or might. If you're not a barbarian getting AoE interrupts or on-hit effects perception is not something a melee character needs to invest that much in. Take Devotions for the Faithful, +20 accuracy is equivalent to 20 points of perception for weapon attacks, the theoretical equivalent for Dex or Might would be an AoE buff that gave +60% attack rate or +60% damage with melee and ranged.
  21. I don't completely understand what is happening, but Devotions for the Faithful seems to apply itself multiple times on cast if there's multiple enemies in the area of effect, though the multiple active DftF bonuses don't stack it severely lags the game. To replicate: Start a new game with a priest, give yourself xp and level up, start a fight, and cast devotions for the faithful so it hits as many people as possible. Screenshots are from just one casting of Devotions for the Faithful.
  22. Can confirm that this ability still autohits. It just "affects" targets instead of missing/grazing/hitting/critting.
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