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Everything posted by draft1983

  1. philosoraptor.jpg If feminists don't want gender equality, then who does? i'm not a sexist guy, i'm all for equality now matter where from, what sex or which colour of skin. But feminists now are far past equailty, just as health and safety is getting rediculous, they want more and more. All feminists i have ever come across are always extremely arrogant, and self absorbed, just because they are female.
  2. $5 million??? i want what you are taking. i think by looking how much it's slowed down, $3 million- 3.5 is realistic. unless there are 20k people sitting ont he fence right now
  3. If i remember correctly, im sure in bg2 there was a fair few " princes in distress" And no, i don;t think we need a femenist hanging around. They don't want equality, they want the world to revolve around them and only them.
  4. 29 baldur's gate, bg 2,and both icewind dales
  5. I'm just concerned that adding such big changes is goignt o use up too much resource and move the project in a different direction. So far i have heard "i dont want isometric" "i want first person" "i want create whole party" "i don't want romances" "i want centaurs" "i don't want dwarves" "i want aliens" "i like dibalo so i want zombies" 2make it like wasteland" "3d portraits" "steampunk" "no elves" blah blah. I was excited aboutt he game obsidina was selling to me, not some hashed up mess that people want put in because it was in a game they liked 3 weeks ago.
  6. And people saying about how great it was in wasteland.. that was wasteland, if you want that then play wasteland. This is a different game and if major things liek this are changed then im sure it will lose backers that purposely backed the game for what they have read the "core" of the game will be. When you walk into an area/inn etc and one of your companions knows the inn keeper, or the lord etc and they have a conversation or start bickering about something and this opens a new quest.. i love this, and will be lost if you can only create 6 chars yourself. ofc if the option is there that obsidians npc companians are included and the option of create how ever many members u wish at the start then fine.... that player chooses to lose alot of story and background, their choice. But if it's one or the other then obsidians npc's please, thats a big draw to this game for me, i miss the minsc' etc. I really want obsidina to make the game they had planned and not get pulled away from that
  7. personally i loved the characters in bg1 and especially bg2. If the option of creating your whole party resulted in obsidians npc companions becomign obsolete then i have to say i'm against it. I really love doignt he companians quests, hearign their storys and listening to them argue and fall out with eachother, it really adds to the immersion and the feel of the world as a whole, really makes it feel as if there are more things happenign to the world than just to yourself. I really feel the deepness and complexity of the npc's really added to the story in bg2 and without them the game would ahve been alot poorer for it.
  8. but the baldur's gate multiplayer and iwd mutilplayers were great and ofc did not make any difference to the single player experience. soemthign along the lines of them but easier to access would be perfect.
  9. it's because the majority of people have friends. I like to play a game through on my own, and then have the opportunity to play with a friend too to experience the world etc with another. I have always longed for an elder scrolls game to have a co-op feature, to explore the world with another is so much more fun than on my own. And i think it's a selfish attitude for peopel to sayt hey want a game with no mulitplayer because it ruins the experience... if you don;t want to play with another then don;t, noone forces you and it doesnt harm your own experience have the option available- elder scrolls fans are the worst for this. Of course it must not damage the single player experience... and if it would then i'm all for it to stay as single player, but if it's a viable option then i would be happy.
  10. I really dislike DLC. I hate how within a week of a game being released they offer a DLC for 7.99, for an extra few missions. I'd rather pay £30-50 8 months later for an expansion,and get it all in one go, adding a lot of new content to the current game. DLC is such a console concept.... the first DLC i saw was for one of the call of dutys, and i first though about how previous cod games for the pc you get all of this for free download just as an update. i thought thank god i play pc but then it started for pc games too O.o it's lame.
  11. Maybe if you steal unique items they can have bounty hunters after you like in skyrim? a group of them but only 1 time for each theft and its totally random when they attack so you cant quicksave in preperation....
  12. hmmm.. maybe, bit of a shame i think it would do pretty well :< surprised there hasn't been more opinions on this tbh
  13. Hey, was thinkign it would be a good idea to add signed original concept art to one of the packages, a limited number perhaps? think it would be a cool thing to have a piece of the original art hanging in a frame!!
  14. "This game is for us who miss the old IE games and yes, that means fixed isometric camera. They were very up front about this in the kickstarter video and if they weren't I'm not so sure I would have pledged." Not just for those that miss the old IE games, but for the ones that also missed the IE games. now when people look at these great rpgs and think "i'd love to try this as they are so highly rated" but ultimately don't due to the low resolution now. This game will bring back the epic IE game sand make them much more sharper presentation wise. I think this game will show that these games really are still wanted. But yeah it is annoying actually when people say they dont want it to be isometric. do they also post about upcomign football games saying they want it to be a racer not a football game?? it is what it is and it will always be what it is... because.. that's what it is!
  15. well if we want originality, why don't we just ask them to scrap the usual humaniod forms, lets have gas clouds instead? thats new, we can change our colour in the char creation, mayeb i can be a methane cloud,,, and i can move but not speak... whenever i click to move i make a fart sound. let's scrap trees too because every rpg has trees, and rocks and houses are boring too.. so 2006..
  16. Personally i like dwarves and elves. soem of us don't play every single game released. it's been awhile since i experienced these races and i like what they bring to the table. if you read what the devs have said about the game thus far, then you would have grasped the knowledge that they are having the normal races and some others which they are designing. They already know what is goign to be in the game... this isnt a clear canvas which they are only just designing the world and lore etc.... i saw one early post askign for it not to be an isometric game, which it was actually stated it would be?? i think they should make it into a football game or a racer because i think so...
  17. I think the point of doing more damage with a backstab is the fact you are catchign someone un-aware, extra tiem to hit that vital artery?? -well for a stealthed backstab anyway.
  18. Baldur's gate 1 & 2 for me. I remember watching a friend play #1 one day, after he finished the game he urged em to give it a go. after playing it for a day i gave it back to him- i told him i needed to buy this for myself as he wouldnt be getting it back. I had never been so engrossed in a game before, i litrally thought about it when i wasnt playing it, the story was so damn well grasping and i loved the characters. The second one was better though, and i actually only had a play through on it around 10 months ago. I havn't actually been excited about a game comign out for a long time.. i would say which game it was but i really can't remember as it was so logn ago and it really would pale in comparison to an infinity engine game. I used to dream of this for a long time, but gave up on the dreams thinkign it would never happen, a new infinity type game, with a new story to play through by the old black isle boys - <3
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