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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Use the reassembling zealots
  2. Seems the game got some good reviews on Steam (!!!)
  3. ehhh kids... Illuminati have the moonbase and they send U.F.O.s to leave chemitrails and control media from it as well.... you will never learn *evil cackle*
  4. Eaziest game is the zealot sentry dragoon spam until you get zealot archon spam with some collosus once in a time. My friend basically went all the way with zealot+dragoon/archon spam on hard and muta spam on last mission. But he used to be low high skill so somewhere around the level where once in a while he would get matched against some lower tier pro I think he finished it in one morning.
  5. One could expect it really. I am more amazed by 2 stupid 'dunnoHowToCallThem' who decided to have sex with him without protection even though he told them about his HIV
  6. Alarak and his faction reminded me more of Mandalorians than Sith
  7. What if it is the reality and you are in the fantasy? People refused to believe it because they don't want to accept that their life is not their own... yeaahh... not going to argue about it.... cause its pointless. no matter what I would say, you will claim its brainwashin and you will keep to your dellusions. sorry and have fun living life btw, my life is my own, i've proven this on countless time. the only limitations are, how much you are willing to trade off for money and how resilient your body is.
  8. Meanwhile, reports say that there was another group ready to action in Paris, which was dismantled during the recent police raids. How much of it is a propaganda and how ready they were, hard to say, but considering the scope of recent activities in Saint Denis and the number of wounded officers, I would say it is fairly probable. BTW. i love various consipracies, they make me chuckle each time for the people how detached they are from reality. Although the one with Irish is the most credible.... so many people in high positions have the Irish accent....
  9. Russians getting mad at everyone in their way in Syria: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/11/17/russia-pounds-isis-with-biggest-bomber-raid-in-decades.html
  10. Technically US commit genocide on native americans right?
  11. Meanwhile in regards to Paris attacks - Gunshots and firefight in northern Paris as police moves into Saint Denis district. Police forces use helicopters, several police officers reported wounded.
  12. rumors from one of Hannover's newspapers (Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung) claim that police found an ambulance filled with explosives near the stadium in Hannover, Germany. No official word about it yet. EDIT: additionally German officials explained that devices found around Hannover stadium were fakes.
  13. Quickly tell everyone on Twitter that they probably deserve it. That always help things in the long run with excellent results. See the Weimar Republic for a good example. So what we are going to tell about the game in England? England vs France - a **** load of security staff and rifle armed police forces in and around stadium securing the match.
  14. meanwhile.... big football games being canceled and people evacuated from various stadiums due to high terrorist attack risk after discovering some bags etc around the stadium. Hannover - Germany vs Netherlands
  15. This sentence is quite dangerous, when spoken by the head of internal affairs... 'The state of emergency should allow us to act more rapidly' I think it's just a prelude to some ugly pictures in the coming months.
  16. It seems it's decided. Bernard Cazeneuve, French minister of internal affairs and security publicly confirmed that they will start removing mosques, in which hate speech is openly cultivated and which encourage aggression. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-attacks-french-interior-minister-bernard-cazeneuve-calls-for-dissolution-of-mosques-where-hate-a6736591.html
  17. Well a lot of people criticize various EU countries and their policies towards "refugees", meanwhile in the land of "Freedom" http://news.yahoo.com/four-u-states-shut-doors-syrian-refugees-paris-165757926.html
  18. Well technically it's been a while since a large conflict. Say what you want but we live in the most peaceful times in human history. It may change however if radical nationalists will start steering the global politics. Radicalism is bad in any form. So far we've been in power of fairly radical left wingers. Ideology should never be both the goal and driving force. Ideology should be a destination but the driving force should always be a sensible pragmatism and slower pace of any cultural changes.
  19. They have great beer
  20. Well tbh it is starting to look like treading on a really thin line that is between freedom of speech and on the other side providing security for law abiding citizens...
  21. I do agree that if there is a valid concern for security do it. However there is a difference between convert at gun point with do it or die msg and read the book and devide yourself
  22. Yes, if these Mosques are allowing Hate Speech then you need to close them down...harsh but fair But yet you guys complaining my country police raid a church.... Do they openly manifest hatred towards citizens of your country and talk about infidels that need to be killed and your laws forcefully changed? They create disharmony, their new version of Malaysian Bible causing too much already, despite it being banned, they insist on publish it. The raid is to confisticate those books, it's illegal books. By that reasoning we should expel all muslims from EU, because they create disharmony with the cultural background of the EU continent... I mean, how can you even compare Hate Speech leading to violence and mass murders vs. publishing a book? What is in it that creates disharmony? I mean I'd like to try to understand it... I just can't see it being anywhere on the same level of threat to civil population (knowing the christian rhetoric and how their leaders present themselves).
  23. Yes, if these Mosques are allowing Hate Speech then you need to close them down...harsh but fair But yet you guys complaining my country police raid a church.... Do they openly manifest hatred towards citizens of your country and talk about infidels that need to be killed and your laws forcefully changed?
  24. Yes, if these Mosques are allowing Hate Speech then you need to close them down...harsh but fair I agree, but this is first time, since ever basically, when such action is even considered. This will obviously result in street riots with more radical muslims, which in turn again can lead to extending the emergency state beyond the initial 3 months. It actually can turn into fairly ugly internal conflict for some time.
  25. Interesting... there are voices within France's government saying that in addition to extended period of "Emergency State", they will be actions such as demolishing mosques in which speech of hate is present openly. This might be a really big thing if true...
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