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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. There are some rumors that there will be The Witcher movie made in US, but with camera lead of Tomasz Baginski, and participation of Thania St. John, produced by Sean Daniel Company. Does anyone think it might be real, and if so, would yo watch it?
  2. hah: Entrepreneur (ESTP-a) Variant: Assertive Role: Explorer Strategy: People Mastery
  3. Interesting way, TBH the first movie seems a bit out of place. It does tell us of the Anakin's origin and the initial manipulations of the would be emperor, but I do not feel that it's critical to the plot line, especially with all that jar-jar and naboo crap.
  4. well, now they will have even more SAMs http://news.yahoo.com/russia-sent-missile-systems-syria-air-force-head-055654199.html
  5. It seems that some US and EU intelligence suggests that it indeed could have been a bomb planted on the plane. If that will get confirmed I am sure as hell that a ton of various consipracy theories will rise up, from Russians government planting it to validate their intervention to US/Israel to force Russian intervention more towards the ISIS/terrorists to Sauds playing their own game in the region, etc... Fun times ahead if it confirms....
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/epic-star-wars-force-awakens-191900833.html interesting posters, where is LUKE?! I can only hope that H.Ford will be keeping this movie on quality on par with the original 3 episodes. He is such a great actor and I hope he had his input in how Han would actually act and say. If he was bold enough to improvise in the original series at times, I do hope he did it so in this movie too
  7. I've recently just noticed this title, not sure if anyone is following it and has some more information on it. Would like to know some opinions as it seems it will be released in this month.
  8. I agree with representation, but i think that most women like to be sexy and like their idols sexy too. Why not to keep both? I mean... why forcefully remove something that was in the story in the movies. Some like to be the strong leader some like to be "slave girls" it's not that hard to comprehend. Same as some men like to be Conan, some like to be Legolas and some like to be an orc or a dwarf or even a goblin. *sighs*
  9. not sure if this was here already, but SJW awakens in SW industry world :D https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/rumor-disney-retire-star-wars-172900640.html
  10. I guess 'muricans in pentagon are retarded. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-moving-jets-intended-air-203433421.html Why would this ever be a good idea? it is straight antagonizing. Now what? Russians will start sending their own air fighters and advanced SAMs into the region?
  11. Embarrassing to admit, but I did say "What the ****?" out loud when we find out the Overmind's 'nobility'. I am just expecting us to use some magical Galaxy Pylon to destroy Amon as he arrives using Zerg and Terrans to hold the line while Zeratul and Kerrigan sacrifice themselves. did you read Blizzard's script ?
  12. Ahh am i the only one who built his paladin i 3.5 around super.high charisma and smites, divine shield and might and spell buffs. Sure it were bursts but with spells buffind charisma you could have extra.dmg and ac and smites really worked well. I miss my Paladin of Torm... PoE paladins somehow lack the punch for me.
  13. I started with Warcraft when i was what, early teen i think, but when the WoW came out, I just refused to play it. By then I had awesome RTS series along with Starcraft and I had also the best PvP MP game ever created originating from Warcraft 3 - DotA, mother of all modern age MOBAs
  14. Does it mean we might have an actual series of movies that will finish with the Frozen Throne theme? I'd dig it, if the first one will be at least decent
  15. Apparently, if it's not fake, the movie got trailer and will be in the cinemas in 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AQ-tn9gGvI While for me the Warcraft franchise finished with Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, I'm mildly interested in the movie.
  16. Not convinced. Shooting down is definitely out of question unless they got specialized surface to air missile systems, which would mean that Sauds or USA delivered them to rebels. I doubt that any of that happened. The Saudis or US would not be arming rebels in Egypt. There were rumours that the ISIS chapter in Egypt may have got hold of a high altitude capable SAM via capture off the Egyptian army, but I don't think anyone seriously believes it given that the whole rebel force in Syria has captured one functional non manpad SAM system despite being far more organised and having captured far more equipment and territory. On the other hand, an airliner that had to reduce altitude due to cabin pressure loss or similar would be in the danger zone for man portable air SAMs which it is very credible that they would have a limited number of. Overall though it is highly unlikely to be a SAM even given that, and I think 'Sinai State' have actually denied it as well. hmm something fishy is going on here. It seems that the plane DID NOT send any SOS message and it started to shatter on high altitude as the remains are scattered across a large region. It may have been something sudden, but the questions is what. What kind of technical defect would trigger a destruction in air, the plane crew first wanted to land on the nearest airport, and later on there was no SOS, no mayday, just disassembled in mid air on high altitude. perhaps there was something going on during the flight among the passengers. if it would be indeed SAM, then this thing would have a really smelly background. I mean, this would mean that someone sold a complex SAM system to "rebels"
  17. you dont see things like this everyday. athlete giving away his just won world champion medal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nk48fzP3KQ
  18. Probably. The story isn't awful. It's just unremarkable. It's a C+, two stars out of five, a ham sandwich. I hate it for the rules implementation, game (particularly combat) mechanics, level scaling, and cool downs. Don't even bother playing a magic user type. My party took literally 7 minutes to dispatch a pack of level scaled wolves. It was just terrible to have to watch the damage numbers roll by and the damned things weren't dead yet. But if you can tolerate the flaws and just want a romp through the FR, it's good for that. I would rate the story content better (to me it's a solid B), because they managed to do party banter well and i actually like some of the NPCs, it is standard FR high fantasy story with saving the world, but it is done in FR flavor which i like. Just the combat is uninspired to say the least, the scaling kills any sense of progression and unless you will abuse cooldown reduction gear spells are basically useless.
  19. Considering that they'd rather have an FPS team doing work for FO and focusing on shooty aspect I doubt Fallout will ever be back in RPG genre and thus any co-operation with Obsidian is highly unlikely...
  20. Not convinced. Shooting down is definitely out of question unless they got specialized surface to air missile systems, which would mean that Sauds or USA delivered them to rebels. I doubt that any of that happened. The only way it would be possible is that they somehow planted some explosive on the plane. Also highly unlikely. There were comms from the flight captain that the demanded landing priority on the nearest airport, which hints that it was some technical issue and the crew knew about the incoming danger. What exactly happened is tough to determine until the investigation is completed, but surface to air missile strike on a target 9,5km attitude... not possible by regular ISIS.
  21. So in other words you say we should have double morality... do not bat an eyelash against those who sell us oil and give space for military bases, but hinder economics and fight the ones that do not like us, because we were not very good to them in the past, like Iran? What is the difference between Sauds, Assad and Iran? NONE, aside of the branch of muslim belief and who allows military presence... We either condemn ALL such behaviors and alienate all of them, or we stop playing judges and consider ourselves better than such primitives. Do you think that countries like Syria and Iran do not have moderates? they do, but when the moderates in those countries want some support they gt weapon and insurgents, but if someone does the same in Saudi Arabia, they get beheaded and no one in power does anything about it.
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