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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Hey, I am from EU, but in some countries, it's just stupid the point to which Political Correctness affects language and through that even data gathering. As for refugees. Yeah, the thing with Huns, it was not only them, but also some weather changes, right? Huns did induce some migration but they were not the only reason. As for heroes dying etc. We live in countries with free speech, right to vote etc. because our grandfathers and their grandfathers shed blood for it. They believed in the idea that we can have a society that can decide its own fate without tyrants. These people running from various ME and NAfrica regions are not even thinking of going back, fighting for their ideas and dreams so they can shape their world better there. No, they are here to reap benefits, but they will also improt with them the exact reasons why their societies did not build up better world for them there. Their beliefs, their grudges, their culture and way of life. Often those are vastly different from what we are used to and sooner or later it will casue even more clashes. If not in first generation, then it will in the next, as it did with all the immigrants from those regions that we already had in EU. If all those guys between 20-45 running away without families do not want to fight for the better wellbeing of their families and for their idea of the countyr and nation, then perhaps they do not deserve to have one at all. Send them back, and take here only the ones, really qualifying for the status, women, children under 20 and people over 45yrs, plus real educated specialists from that 20-45 that can actually bring something here other than failed attempts at living for minimum wage and social benefits. Because those will only cause more frictions and more trouble to already EU in crisis with non-assimilating minorities... not to mention potential import of the active terrorists.
  2. Nazi was always strong in EU
  3. Interesting, apparently my views about allowing Syrian refugees who would want to train and form units for 'boots on the ground' to fight for their country is not that odd. Seems like Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung defended Polish minister who claimed that perhaps Syrians should form their own forces in EU to go back to Syria, instead of just watchign and sipping coffee in our cities while our men fight THEIR war.
  4. I love'em consipracy theories... always a good chuckle
  5. So you're basing your statement on "videos from WW2", is that correct? Also, just because some people stayed doesn't mean they all became partisans. No obviously amount of civilians was larger than that, but it was not 90% of young men escaping, Only untis like that was retreating military units that were reforiming in other countries or in the far end of the country to fight back. These people are not interested in retaking Syria from ISIS, otherwise they would act differently.
  6. "Only elderly women and children". Citation needed. elderly, women and children. look at various videos from WW2 and check the refugees columns for demographics.. you will have to look hard for men in combat capable age.
  7. You know what is most annoying in this? that these days young men run away leaving their families behind, whiel during the WW2 young men stayed and fought, even as guriiella, while only elderly women and children ran as refugees. Compare vidoes from lets say Poland during Nazi invasion and compare todays video footage of those refugees...
  8. yes yes, we all know Jews, illuminati, anti-christ, yadda yadda yadda.... happy now?
  9. well another team richer for 1,1+ mln USD Quite some stories behind players on that team
  10. well, there were mentions of French and Belgian citizens killed in there...
  11. Interesting point of view, form "American" Syrians: http://news.yahoo.com/americas-little-syria-divide-accepting-054814341.html
  12. Name me an invention that moved the world forward in the last 500years coming from any other region than EU and in the last 100years from "The West". this is just BS. It is sad though as before Islam Arabic region was one of the most advanced if not the most advanced. Middle East advanced very fast and the only region competing with them was Ancient Greece and Mandarins' ruled China, at the times when they brough paper, gunpowder and built the Great Wall. Religion and stiff traditions in each region caused so called Dark Ages, but EU managed to move away from the rule of church and religion over their life, while at the same time spirit of co-operation and compasion among regular masses was maintained. Nations were forced to compete against each other fiercly, but mostly through building wealth and advancing knowledge that would give edge over other countries in the region also in the scope of the military power. To be honest it is Islam's own fault or actually the priests that rule the Islam world together with its 'kings' that they were on poor technoligcal level. Dumb masses are easier to control, but that control comes at a price of low technological advancement and once the various regions clashed, the one with superior technology won. Islam is around 300-400 years behind other religions in mentality, and people following it, will either adapt, or will be put on siderails for a very long time... Oil is a finite resource. If not for it though, the middle east would be nothing on the world map, probably of the same significance like some african country which has no natural resources.
  13. Offshore centers. Why to pay them on EU level when you can pay them half as much at their locations?
  14. Well i guess that's a matter of how well documented is the source of income/wealth. People in EU fear a bit of money from corruption activities or other activities considered crime in EU.
  15. Because they usually bring capital with them? Those are usually expats and not economic immigrants taking low skilled jobs for the minimum wage
  16. It is already a crisis. We also do not have enough resources to facilitate such a big number in such a short term. If you are so pro-refugee do it on your own. Invite one family to live with you in your house and support them. Get the expenses to be recognizee as your tax deductible from the tax base and voila. Do not enforce something on a state which you would be not comfortable with in your own house. Now imagine that 1 in 50 is a potential life threat to you and your family. Would you like to play such a game?
  17. Is Trump winning yet? I'd have a lot of laugh.
  18. Russians and their propaganda pictures :D On the other hand I believe these are first publically shown pictures of attacking the actual source of income for ISIS, i.e. oil infrastructure and transport routes. So it may seem that Russians indeed do not care about resources in that region, but more political influence, while Turkey&US avoided those targets probably in hopes of reclaiming them fairly intact.
  19. Bought it for dota 2 announcer pack, refunded. ez, wont waste money on a trash game. If I want FPS i still have recen Wolfenstein or the upcoming Doom.
  20. That does not differ that much from people trying o climb fast in the corporate world. I knew of at least one case when a manager in a big global corpo died of a heart failure before 30y old. He worked hard but he also was not unfamiliar with various "burners" that help you keep focus and boost your energy for various parties (quite often mid week) and meetings with either girls that liked to be paid in cash or the ones which were more playful and played slightly more difficult ones... (still had to pay for drinks etc,) I mean, any work is your choice and how you wish to live your life but my generation seems to see quite an increase in 30+ singles, corporate careers, ease of meeting new people and open world.
  21. ^ Where is Luke?!
  22. We replaced the British in U-571 about the capture of the Enigma machine in WWII, I don't think fidelity in film to history has ever been our strong point... wasn't it technically some Polish guys that cracked initial code and smuggled captured device?
  23. Aliens are from Malaysian special forces? *confused*
  24. BTW, it seems Russian start to use some new toys of theirs. Probably they decided to have field tests in real environment like US had for the last 15 years: http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/ready-war-russias-stealthy-kh-101-cruise-missile-debuts-14387
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