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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Are you trying to hook us up on the Fallout 4 train, becasue you have something in store for us in the production pipline?
  2. Hmm i had some flash of information about the published tape by Turkish army, with Turks sending a warning "Change course", but can't find any audio to it, and surely cannot verify the lenght of it and frequency, additionally the information "change course" is it sufficient and self explentory in the military airforce protocol? Or should another piece of information follow?
  3. Additionally, lets not forget that Russians have airbases in Armenia, and Turks like to cross their airspace once in a while, same as with Greek airspace...
  4. I am sure all will say they are gay...
  5. I mean... sure you can make fun of it with labaling some outragous conspiracy theory, but you probably are aware that politics and big business go hand in hand, right? I doubt it was 25 years, but are you sure that non hedge funds from "Cayman" have their money invested in the oil business there? Who are those companies trading with? on what conditions, etc? You do not have to stamp a big US trademark logo to own a business there... Lets be honest, while consipracy theories are ridiculous, we should acknowledge that there is a link between big business and politics. I mean, politcs need sometimes support and this co-operation is usually beneficial for a given country, if the big business can make extra money, it is also extra money in the pocket of the government, plus the political party running the government will surely get the support of the big business in their next election campaign... While it is not some evil organization bend on enslaving humanity, the pragmatism of this political-economic link can sometimes be brutal for the average joe.
  6. Riiiiight... because US cares so much about environment... And why would you not want to cut off the biggest source of income in the easiest way other than persevering it for own business to take over?
  7. NATO and the West having double standards? I'm shocked. Anyways, testimony of the rescued pilot: https://www.rt.com/news/323431-saved-pilot-turkish-su24/ Goes without saying that the pilot is lying, like all evil Russians do. It is known. Until the radio chatter between the two will be declassified and givne to the public it is probable that he is saying truth. He might be wrong in regards to crossing the 15s narrow strip of Turk airspace but i can see how it would be possible for Turks to shoot down the jet without a warning.
  8. http://rapecrisis.org.za/rape-in-south-africa/ According to the stats its actually higher ...but I would very happy if it was less We have about 50 million people Bruce, check your math. From your source: In total, 62,649 sexual offences were reported countrywide for that period (2013/2014) . That's 171 per day and not all of those are rapes. From another source: Reported cases of rape stabilised, with a slight decrease of 3%, since 2008/9 from 47,588 to 46,253 in 2013/14. That's 127 per day. I think your 1300 figure is based on an estimate of how many rapes go unreported. The estimate of the number of unreported rapes is the issue - some sources place reported rapes as comprising only 10% of the total which would make your number correct but how do you quantify an unreported occurrence? If that 10% is accurate, that translates to nearly a half a million rapes per year. That's a staggering number. I know, i still can't beleive it could be accurate... I mean, Bruce, how are your women even going out of their own home with such statistics... I surely would leave such a place if I were a woman there... I mean, even with 127 a day it rounds to over 46k cases per year... this is already staggering... cant imagine nearly 500k to be true... just can;t be..
  9. On some channels there seems to be a consideration that Russian jets used that path before and that indeed this might have been a sucker punch by Turks for Russians bombing Turkmen in Syria, to what Turks protested. There are also some rumors that Turks put a blind eye on illegal oil trade from ISIS and that actually Edrogans nephew gained some money on that trade through Turkish territory - and as we know, recently Russians decided to bomb those operations in response to the destruction of the passanger flight from Egypt. Considering the fact how fast the vidoe was put up, and that the Turkmen were already stationed directly on that flight path, I do not find it a completely crazy idea... unlikely, but not improbable.
  10. You mean except for this? Without concrete proof and the proper of the sequence of events that is a meaningless claim. The Russians could claim that they: 1. were not in Turkish air space 2. didn't lock on at all 3. that the plane was defending itself outside of Turkish air space etc. etc. Except the Russians admitted that they were in Turkish airspace on both prior occasions but said it was a "mistake" caused by "navigational error" or "weather conditions" (the reason tends to vary depending on the phases of the moon). Google it yourself. @darkpriest I've seen the same info - both about the warnings and the time over Turkish airspace. If the radar track is accurate, the time over Turkish territory was indeed brief. The Turkish response may have been disproportionate but why continue on a track where you're WARNED to stand clear. It would taken a minimal course correction to avoid the situation. How many times do you need to be warned? Well in EU we simply escort them out to the borders... but we have experience from nearly 50 years of cold war... Turks apparently do not have, and likewise Russians did not have previous experiences with Turks... I am willing to bet, that Turks launched their missilies the moment the Russian plane "crossed the border" for an inch... IF the track is accurate... there is no other chance that given the time and flight path it would get hit just 1km outside if the Turks would wait even 10s. But even this, considering the time it spend in the Turk airspace, it may be accurate, that Turks launched the missiles, while the Russian planes were already OUTSIDE of Turk airspace... I am no expert on military protocols, especially when it comes to the airgame, but I would assume that certain things require contacts with command, such as changing flight path etc. and that might take time.
  11. http://rapecrisis.org.za/rape-in-south-africa/ According to the stats its actually higher ...but I would very happy if it was less We have about 50 million people I am sorry, but what the actual F...?! WOW... I am speechless... with the rates we had it should be around 1,800 cases PER YEAR!!! There is something fundamently wrong in your region... and I am willing to assign it to the native populace... WOW.... just WOW....
  12. Well, If I am not mistaken, if the body is churned by fire, tunred to ash and not buried, they are denied access to their paradise, right? So Chinese might be just smart about it.
  13. From unofficial US info, it seems the Russian craft entered Turkish airspace for a few seconds, Turks also claim thet this plane and another which was nearing the border were warned 10 times in the time of 5 minutes about them entering Turk airspace. Considering that it was shot down 1km away from the border it is no impossible that there was accidental crossing for a similar distance into Turk airspace, but that still does not justify the retaliation type, considering those were on a mission vs terrorists and were clearly no threat to Turkey.
  14. PLEASE lets nto derail it to another religion interpretation and identification topic that will further derail into food topic... lets stay focused... It's still surprising that no statement was presented by NATO countries.
  15. killing per se is not wrong... is why you kill, who you kill, and in what purpose you kill that matters... you kill animals to eat, you kill plants to eat, you kill some individuals, that are a threat to a peacful co-existence. I mean someone famous said this thing: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing. Sometimes you just need to kill a few so many can have peaceful lives.
  16. Northern France - Roubaix - armed men took hostages, gunfire reported.
  17. Siergiej Rudski, Chief general - their offical said this during their press conference, that was on one of the news agencies that deliver information to news outlets, can't give you a link. I am assuming that it is mainly targeted towards Turks and their self governance of airspace over north Syria.
  18. Which, of course, means these are the reported numbers, and given that rape is one of the most underreported crimes... Yes, but this is relevant for every country, so if you are comparing official data with official data the variance is comparable, if not in favor of the ones with higher rates (you can assume that they also have higher rate of unreported ones)
  19. Might have double posted... the last one is the one i edited most recently. Was using a phone and then laptop :D EDIT: edited the previous one.
  20. First offical response: - all military contacts and discussions are terminated with Turkey - A Heavy Rocket Cruiser is relocated near Syria with the high tech "Fort" anti-air systems (they are equivalent of land based S-300) https://en.wikipedia...S-300_(missile) - fighter jets will be now escorting bombing operations. - all targets posing even a remote threat will be engaged and destroyed.
  21. nvm - newer post on next page.
  22. 1) Russian fighters get a green light in rules of engagement towards turkish airforce nearing a combat distance, plus electronic warfare from the Russian instalations in Crimea base and Syrian basin fleet 2) Turkmen in Syria will get bombed HARD 3) Russia will put economic pressure on Turkey (oil&gas, plus other economic deals) these are the most probable outcomes, others more atagonistic would mean suspending diplomatic relations between the countries and entering a state of cold war.
  23. @Bruce, are you sure you have your statistic right? I mean... 1,300 rapes per day is like nearly 475,000 rapes a year.... do you even have women who were never raped? what's the population in SA?
  24. Why not just nuke them? Just kill them all, men, women, children. Why bother. Just drop nukes on everyone and then we can finally have peace. Now I am not sure if this is sarcasting or does it have some backing among more nationalistic movements in Russia :D
  25. I know, Russians will not let it slide...
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