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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. @Zoraptorseems you are well versed in various alternative information sources. What do you think on the credibility of this material? https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/06/17/breaking-chinese-defector-confirmed-as-top-counterintelligence-official-n398374 First time looking at this source, so it has my alarm bells tingling, especially as it states 'rumors'.
  2. So in other words, we wasted a year, just because we did not want Trump to possibly be right... https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/lab-leak-theory-science-scientists-rcna1191
  3. It was not roughing up, it was exploiting being stupid and asking stupid questions or rather saying a thesis and expecting Putin to tumble... You don't run a country like Russia for this many years to be taken to some emotionally charged liberal arts graduates and lose face in a discourse... But those journos are plainly too stupid to understand their actions and questions are idiotic. For people like Putin you need to be calm, steady and run them with numbers and events and let them make a mistake or slip something through when they must construct their own thesis. Latch onto inconsistencies, not shout things out. Outrage culture may work in the US, but it doesn't work even south of the US border.
  4. Seems Putin looked better today than Biden in the pressers, and american journos made fools of themselves a few times. I chuckled a bit at the last Putin answer to the Canadian based journo. Smart guy he is, no doubt about it. Biden's conf was more timid than most journos would want, and Biden even snapped at one of the CNN lunatics, only to later smudge it all over with being a wise guy in that situation.
  5. It will work the same way as all the plans EU had for surpassing economically and technologically US of A.
  6. They can always blow themselves up out of existence i guess... https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/chinese-nuclear-plant-vents-gasses-after-imminent-radiological-threat-reported Seems it is being controlled and monitored, although it was the French copartner who reported it and not the Chinese side.
  7. Be your own boss? Or negotiate better! But first upskill!
  8. You might have a whole lot of Africa, South America and Asia to account for and convince. That said, I very much support moves for equal rights and opportunities, but i stop supporting such at the notion of equal outcomes no matter what the input other than some 'assigned' characteristics. I have various friends of a different than majority sexual orientation and even they say, some of the stuff being talked about is ridiculous and outright hurting people like them in their move for equal rights and opportunities (as the more extreme views stick like a **** to a certain image and are used to define majority of the community).
  9. Sometimes i wish they just stopped putting opinions on the news pieces, but i guess everything revolves around politics nowadays and you need to endure crappy clickbaits The underlying issue reported though is a valid observation and indeed it gives more power to China in any economic disputes and attempts at decoupling driven by US. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/more-european-firms-onshoring-china-offshoring-complicates-bidens-decoupling-plan
  10. Knowing and doing are two different things. Physics can be known, but engineering and project coordination are not something you can replicate easily. Also, they were the first to land a vehicle on the far side of the moon. "The Apollo 8 astronauts were the first humans to see the far side in person when they orbited the Moon in 1968. All manned and unmanned soft landings had taken place on the near side of the Moon, until 3 January 2019 when the Chang'e 4 spacecraft made the first landing on the far side."
  11. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-science-suggests-a-wuhan-lab-leak-11622995184 If WSJ is putting this, is it still just a fringe conspiracy theory? @Gromnir
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mach-30-wind-tunnel-propels-china-decades-ahead-global-hypersonic-race 10 to 20years max when China will be a dominant superpower. Meanwhile in US, pronouns and math is racist. EDIT: how long did China take from landing on the darkside of the Moon to Mars landing?
  13. Interesting article as it seems to reinforce the perception that heavily tax burdened states are losing people and tax base, which will only accelerate their debt spiral and a fall into a disfunctional state in disrepair. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-irs-data-reveals-which-states-won-and-lost-battle-people-their-wealth Also, why artificially pushing for higher labor cost (i.e. gov driven) in the times of global and remote workforce are not really good as a policy and has a potential for backfiring https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/yellen-big-push-offshore-us-labor
  14. @Zoraptor It's daily mail, but the two names working on the paper are no nobodies. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9629563/Chinese-scientists-created-COVID-19-lab-tried-cover-tracks-new-study-claims.html @Gromnir If the content of this research paper was sound, would the lab leak theory still be just 'a conspiracy'?
  15. I wonder how does it look in Sweden, and does this give n outlook that more conservative/law and order type people will be gaining more votes https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/sweden-goes-being-one-safest-countries-europe-second-most-dangerous
  16. I'd agree it was not a bioweapon type of virus. I expect somone being not quite lucky and simply failing or skipping some safety protocol, and contaminating oneself with a virus, which they have studied (specifically the bat and its interactions with the corona type viruses). Given the history with SARS, I suspect they just wanted to understand it better. Someone contaminated area, virus caused large number of hospitalizations and was easily transmitted, Chinese gov paniced, overreacted and put tons of red tape on top, to make sure it will not look bad. And since it most likely will never be established, what exactly was the source, there will be a number of people with various opinions and people will argue, their view is better. The wet market theory is weak The natural bat/pangplier to human transmitio is also weak (that type of a bat does not occur naturally in the ground zero region) The more worrying fact is, that even the mere possibility of talking of such scenario, was considered 'Trump' talk and media ridiculed or banned such theories on a research related accident from the discourse. It should be deemed dangerous, because, if such a thing was a source of pandemic, there should be procedures revised and the type of research put in some more transparent constraints for all the labs of this type globally. EDIT: the biggest red flag is lack of transparency and access to the lab, even for the WHO audit.
  17. In general I'd agree, however this 'conspiracy' theory has some credibility and certain amount of resemblence to other cover ups from totalitarian regimes. You won't get a proof like in a case of lets say Chernobyl, but there is a significant amount of items, that can create a certain picture. You've mentioned. 1) location 2) some reported early records of a sick staff Then there are among the others: 3) type of conducted research 4) some lead scientists writing papers on the transmition of coronaviruses and specifically certain characteristis of bats in relation to coronaviruses 5) very unusual construction of the virus, which looked initially like a merged type of some more common coronaviruses with HIV like characteristics, allowing to bypass some immune responses 6) governmental reaction, once the outbreak was obvious (including harsh police/military actions, which also saw people being welded in their own homes) 7) large number of cell phone usage lost during the pandemic (numbers not conecting to network anymore) and much larger numbers of people on cementaries during the last spring ceremonies to commemorate dead ones. papers and interviews in China on weaponizing similar type of bio-agent, to overwhelm health care system and create civil disorder in the targeted countries. 9) vanishing whistleblowers These are ones i recall from the top of my head. I admit, I have not followed closely each of these and did not dig into sources of that information. I was more interested in governmental responses and for majority of this year I'm looking at economic policies (both monetary and fiscal) to figure out how probable is stagflation vs deflation and crash and if I should be looking to keep Etherum (with 2.0 potential for a real underlying value, unlike Bitcoin) or dump it at a higher value.
  18. I assume you know the term circumstantial evidence or even cases where something was declared true, even without a direct evidence. You know full well, that cases such as this, would never see a direct evidence (or more like with probabilities lower than getting hit by a killer asteroid) , however you can map out actions, events, numbers and apply logical alogirthms with various probabilities to create plausible scenarios from which one can be considered truth. (although it's always better to have hard 'atrifacts'). Can you prove beyond any doubt that is what not a lab leak? Can you prove beyond any doubt that it was a lab leak? In both cases the answer is (currently) a firm NO.
  19. It's conspiracy until proven true I do believe that 2020 would look differently, as the blame and anger would have a nice target to be pointed at, and could be used for dealing with the virus outcomes (say the narrative spin would be: we were told it was a natural occuring, but we should have treated is as a bio-weapon, hence more deaths) I think you are conjuring too many views on me, which I do not have. I work with data and make money out of it. Truth does not care about beliefs, behaviors do.
  20. Lets see, how strong the declarations from EU politbiuros are. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-barring-any-eu-flights-circumnavigate-belarus-alarming-escalation Do you guys think that this will escalate and Russian flights will be blocked from EU skies, or subside and EU will choke a humiliation pill?
  21. Narrative matters, it would be spinned as a foreign hostile action against america's citizens and economy. That people on purpose concealed information, including misinformation from WHO on the origin, and various chinese money funded think tanks, etc. Remember that it was a close call in elections and mostly due to issues created by covid.
  22. It's a matter of accountability, and also a matter that the pandemic's narrative was driven politically and spwcifically denied narrative about a lab leak etc to harm Trumps chances of re-ellection. Imagine if the narrative was, that Trump was right about China's fault and that it was a bio-engineered agent, which harmed lives of american citizens and he was right going strong arm in relation with them. You might have seen a vastly different political labdscape throughout the 2020-2021
  23. This will be interesting, it might even sweep dems and give ground back to Trump for 2024. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/facebook-stops-removing-posts-claiming-covid-19-man-made-after-lab-leak-hypothesis-finally It will also damage the media and social media tech in their credibility even further.
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