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Everything posted by Darkpriest
Not really - imagine you have a house, and this house is getting more valuable by the minute, and you have to pay higher taxes with each passing minute, yet you cannot sell it, because no one would actually be able to buy your house at the price it has at the moment. Would you like to pay more on the value you will never get?
But they can never cash them out at that value to get that money. If Bezos or Musk would try to sell their whole stock now, they would A) never be able to do so at the current price as there would not be enough buyers at that price B) a sell order of such magnitude would crash the stock in extreme, creating a lot of other stock holders dirt poor or even bunkrupt, as a lot of people use leverage on their investments now. C) Crashing stock market would result in crashing economy as suddenly a huge liquidity vacum would hit all the transactions I reality, a lot of that NET Worth is virtual these days, especially after FED printed trillions of dollars into a system.
@Hurlshot I wonder what are your observations on topics such as this https://www.zerohedge.com/political/how-can-84-chicago-public-schools-students-graduate-when-only-26-11th-graders-are It really is interesting for someone outside of the system of us education to look at the actions influencing potential of the given area in lets say 10 years of time.
@Hurlshot I'm not sure how the 'gifted kids' classes worked, but I think they are a better solution to the 'dounce' classes that were created in some other areas of the world (to weed out really slow or problematic kids and let others flourish and be pulled forward by the 'gifted' ones) Might argue which one is better, but in my view, world is highly competitive and each 'team' in the world should play for their best players to be best. You see that in sports, you see that in business, and you see that in science. The push for the results and enabling and pushing your top talents on more demanding tracks is what gives groups an edge. Rush for medicricy and foolish concept of 'social' equity, will just mean that a given group is overall weaker. Aspiring powers, such as China understand that, that's why they are pulling ahead in tech and engineering. Look at the most recent article in Financial Times on hypersonic capabilities of China, which left US confused and worried. (possibly a game changer) Why do you think they are pulling ahead in tech?
Somehow they failed to mention all the business surpression, increased crime, excessive debt by unnecessary rounds of stimmies and ideas to print more money by so called 'progressives' , plus they failed to recognize that you can't shut down carbon based economy, before you have a fully running green economy - that only leads to energy shortages and goods shortages, something people are about to experience in a dramatic way.
Well, this seems like an interesting comparison. You US folk might still have Trump in the game as a real contender for 2024 I'm so curious of the 2022 election cycle as well, what the seats will be like. Next week also seems to be an interesting point in time for the economy and the markets. Will some folks be tempted to buy the recent dip in stocks, or will the house of cards start crumbling, as stagflation roars its ugly head up even more despite all the money printing plus all the excessive governmental spending? Will the large september options expiries and Q3 portfolios rebalancing not find enough buyers making stocks to crash?
This is only another piece on the incompetence of this crew. Botched evac, leaving US citizens behind, killing civilians and a co-worker in a drone strike, and not sharing any details on who they actually killed in another strike (probably some nobody, and given the Kabul strike, probably innocent as well) This presidency might actually become worse than Trumps in terms of foreign policies
So what is this all fuss about? Seems to be on a very far fringe of my news feeds, but some people seem to get very emotiobal about it. Seems like Texas put a some sort of ban on abortions past 6th week (which is 1/6 period of pregnancy?). I'd guess one still has a lot of time prior to that moment to take care of unwanted pregnancy or am I missing something? (it would cover things like r... etc.) I'll be honest, I have not taken any time to read on this topic, so I'm happy to be proven wrong.
What's a fair share? Who decides that? Isn't this the contract between two parties involved? What's an alternative cost to the company then? Hiring 20x 50k workers and paying that annually? OR Hiring 2x150k,workers and paying that annually and paying additionally one time CAPEX of 1mil and deprecating that over 5-10years? If you are in the line of business, where your job can be easily replaced, either by tech or by scores of other people, then it's time to upskill or find a nieche for oneself. I value highly people in education and I'd rather pay them more than some entertainer monkey throwing a ball, kicking a ball or shaking near naked ass while mumbling something incoherent. Problem is, that if the supply of historians, linguists, political sciences etc. is large, then the wages have hardly a reason to move and bargaining power is low. For example I started seeing trends that Chemists, IT teachers, math and physics teachers are getting a better bargaining positions as for them it is easier to pick in alternatives for hire, and some schools have really hard time filling the vacancies. Once that will make a political problem affecting wide swaths of voters (parents of kids, who do not have a math teacher) , money will be found for those teachers. You can also find this shift in blue vs white collar jobs. The median now points to blue collar jobs being better paid than the median of white collar. (the high end is still in favor of the office jobs though). Since women in vast majority go into office and lab jobs, the supply in this place flatlined the growth of median salaries for a long time, while the median of blue collars, like plumbers, electricians, truckies went steadily up, and a lot of paer pushing jobs pay much less. Associate level junior accountant pays much less than a job for a bloke carrying bricks.
People confuse NetWorth with being able and access such to spend. Imgine J. B. liquidating his assets to actually have cash to spend. Immediate crash of stock prices, stock indexes, liquidity tsunami and crashed economy. All thanks to yours truely FED, which printed so much money, that the only place sheltering from rampant inflation is the boost in asset value growth, such as stocks, various coins, or ven recently worthless crap like doge coin or NFTs. Problem is, that eventually excess money sips through to the real economy, creating real inflation of prices and those who had not much, will have even less as their relative purchasing power will decline, even if their nominal pay would somewhat increase. Printing money never ends well. Likewise, socialists experiments also never end well. What's more productive? Someone spending money as he intends i full and making best judgement for how to place own disposable income, and spending more directly in the economy OR Someone taking someone elses money, wasting half of it on non-productive beurocracy, and then sending the remaing part based on not, whats highest return on cash spend, but basically spreading across like butter on a too large sandwitch, and wasting it completely?
Because you have limited supply of those, and greater demand by those who have enough other assets to acquire those. Try telling Beyonce to move to a 40sq meters apartment and divide all the rest of housing space for people who work base salary so they could also live in a 40sq meters apartment. See how well electricity and water perseverance goes in California in times of need? How many people would forgoe such if not forced to? Charity by wealthy individuals is a PR stunt in vast majority of cases or something to occupy time for those, who do not actively run business anymore. What's the percentage of people who are working for free to help others? Do they have other sources of sustaining themselves? How many of those chairtable people would be willing to share house with a currently homeless person? Or would it be similar to a ratio as the ones who want to have clean energy, as long as the power plant is not in their neighbourhood?
The UBI will not work for a simple reason, that for it to work, you'd have to have it done on a global scale, tied to a heavy police state (need to remove crime and circulation of goods and services outside of the tracked money and goods flows) and population control (both migratory and demographic). Earlier, there is a higher chance of a societal collapse, when the social contract will break, as you get more and more people non-working to be sustained by those who do work and pay taxes. You can print all the money in the world you want, but you only have so much resources. And with less reward for high risk, you will have lower incentives to increased productivity. Land, housing, food, eneregy - the more tangible ones. If I would get enough money from non-working to satisfy my needs, why I would want to do anything productive and exhausting? Why would I sacrifice my time for anything else, which is not benefiting just me?
@Gromnir So much text, so little substance... Wonder where I mentioned anything different than that this piece indicated 'lab leak' being possible source of epidemic and pointed to one of reports setting it with 'moderate confidence', which is a large contrast to what was being ciruclated around this topic a year or so. And yes, I was off the boards, as I tend to not bother with much during the summer months. JHole week was a good time to return back to looking at events and what will be happening around markets and economy, so might just as well glance over here from time to time. I expect the next couple months to be very interesting.
@Zoraptor The article is from the SKY UK and not the SKY down under, so not sure if this is a RMs media outlet However, the 'medium confidence' is giving ground for more speculations, and since we know China will never now allow a proper investigation, it will keep spinning various narratives, from using covid for political gains, to Fauci being the satan who engineered it together with Chinese to harm true americans...
True, if you have some 'creative' artists pursuing something new all the time, creating mutable elements and spaghetti code. And they never document what they are actually doing because 'the code is the documentation'
I think, that Lithium rich soil will make Iran, China and Russia co-operate, just to show middle finger to US. They already planned also naval maneuvers for late 2021-early 2022 in the Persian Gulf? Pakistan might also be on board with the stabilization. The anti-sentiment can make really odd people work together. You've experienced that internally in the US against Trump. Btw, not only US did leave biometric data and tools to use it, but apparently they shared the list of co-workes with Taliban so they could be let through Taliban checkpoints...