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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Btw, pray that tumultous weather this year will not drive food prices even higher. That's how unrest grows into a dangerous level (when people can barely afford essentials at a median income level) Edit: example of a more sticky food price inflation https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/26/business/oscar-mayer-hot-dogs-velveeta-cheese-kraft-heinz/index.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/farms-are-failing-as-fertilizer-prices-drive-up-cost-of-food-11642770182 Plus some report from dec https://www.fao.org/worldfoodsituation/foodpricesindex/en/
  2. I'm talking on failures with domestic policies... Internationally it is just an act first analtyze later approach by a lot of algo based trading, but the issues with policies persist. We've just hit the peak growth, and it will be downhill from here on now. Inflation hitting low incomers, high gas price and oil price that crunch people on energy costs as well, supply issues due to overly restrict mandates persisting for a long time + overly long state support with various 'stimies' lowering labor participation, etc. (i could write a book on this and it all was predictable as i was mentioning that those 10-11 months ago even here)
  3. Also, US policy is very short sighted... Making China and Russia ties even closer. https://twitter.com/HuXijin_GT/status/1486711175903531014?s=20&t=2QiRtY5phnixdK6LW8upCA
  4. As I said, the only thing that Putin would have gained from a conflict is the piece of land, bridging directly to Crimea. Crimea is never going back to Ukraine, the demographics there were and are predominantly Russians, and it would be insane to think that Russians would lock out themselves from their black sea fleet base... It's like asking US to abandon Hawaii I'm expecting some talks bilaterally and then going to UN, to have a UN overseen referendum on Donbas by populace there. First though, you have to pump threat levels to 11, make markets and economies suffer, and have people panic. As I also said, it is a very convinient topic distracting from issues at home, with various labor shortages, supply chain distruptions caused by policies restricting people to work, amd extreme inflation, including increasing gas price at a pump
  5. CNN making fools of themselves with the whole Ukraine situation and Biden-Zelensky talk...
  6. ""Nothing says 'the U.S. doesn't care about your government's oppression' quite like announcing $2.5 billion in arms sales to Egypt on the anniversary of the January 25 Revolution"" A quote, which shows how much US care... For anything else than political buzz or economic interest. (imagine the turmoil if Russia would be severed from SWIFT and unable to trade with mostly EU countries, including trades in natural gas and oil...)
  7. Powell, given his todays speech, is about to give a market crash and a recession to Biden and Dems in the next 6months, right onto midterms. I expect some calls from WH to FED speakers in order to have them ease the tensions. It seems however, the Dems already are fairly sure of losing in midterms, hence a move around the court, by early retirement of one of the judges and pushing race based candidate for brownie points among who-the-f-knows... Hopefully they can do something about increasing crime. Biden has a lower approval rating than Trump... and I thought it is not possible in such a short time.
  8. The Russia - Ukraine was and still is overblown NATO is heavily divided on this and it looks like really only UK and US want to set this to a catastrophic tone. I guess you might want some replacement topics for Boris and Biden... Boris having issues for covid related scandals Biden having issues with inflation, too much of a debt, and real possibility of recession before midterms. Stock market is puking and throwing a tantrum, waiting for FED to walkback some of the hawkinesh, and if that won't happen, Dems will have a mother of all crashes on their hands.
  9. What an asset this POTUS. He's been delivering ammo for his opponents almost as good as the previous one. Two gaffes in a short time. One about Ukraine (minor incursion thing) and now about Inflation. (hot mic) @Hurlshot - as for 'conspiracy' sometimes being not that much of a conspiracy: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-bombed-key-dam-syria-lied-about-it-called-anyone-who-reported-truth-crazy
  10. If you read the article, you can guess why. Hint: it's worth reading various opinions and weed out bull**** and unbacked catastrophism, but you do occasionally have a chance to discover something, you might have had otherwise missed. In the data driven reality, you do not have room for 'feels' other than trying to quantify the wieght of the 'stupid' and 'zealous' and estimate the impact of the mob mentality leading sheeps to their cliff fall. And what else will potentially get dragged along, so you can appropriately hedge agaonst risk. But i guess, math is a 'racist' concept in some of the 'liberal' teachers minds (not yours of course)
  11. Meanwhile in real world issues, seems the market (W.St.) is hell bound on testing Powell and his Dec 2018 playbook. At the cost of retail investors and pensions... Not even a pause before tomorrows FED meeting
  12. I never said that, and that would be stupid, even if for historical and geographic reasons, but you can have policies that build up a civilized, law abiding, clean and working society, and not a ****hole that looks more like a film with a Kurt Russell.
  13. I can only hope, that your hopes will materialize and things will calm down. Isn't there an issue, that even some arrests are made, a lot of those cases are released anyway?
  14. As for other topic here around Ukraine/Russia thing. Nothing major will occur. It's jawboning from both sides of the isle to largely move away focus from pandemic related failures and mismanagment of economics. Russia's only startegic gain would be to secure a land connection to Crimea to ensure a stable flow of goods, water, elecricity, but the cost is too high. It wants to get NATO commit to a deal. In no way they would ever commit to occupation of full Ukraine. They are even hesitant about anexing a much easier Belarus, and you'd think in real terms that they would invade Ukraine? US does not want the conflict, as it would most likely result in a loss anyway, due to no real capability of commitment, other than starting a global conflict. ( a reminder of which is the most recent drill of Russia, Iran and China navy) That's the last thing they want. It is also to make a political play and look competent and keep the anti-russian mask prior to midterms. (and a prestige/reliability loss in such a short time after the Afghaniatan failure, would only bring more pain on the Dems image in the mideterms election year) EU is much divided on the topic, but you can already see that Germany will fold and other than current posturing, they won't do much... (well, they actually block arms transfers to Ukraine). Not in the land of shutting down nuclear plants and issues with energy and economy.
  15. For the Twitter, Netflix (over 20% loss in day!) and Disney... Yes, partially, especially when you tie that to poor outlooks for subs, etc. For the other general sell off, no, that's a result of Bidenomics of the early 2021 and 'soft' pressuring FED to remain dovish, as that would keep debt issuance and rolling cheaper. I'm sure that things will stabilize next week, unless FED will feed into a tantrum, but the end of Q1 has a potential to throw US into a recession, as FED will most likely have to rise rates due to high inflation, straigh into a slowing GDP (who would have guessed what would happen with all those printed 'free' money and driving short term consumption at large trade deficits) Biden already has as low approval as Trump had at his worst? The outlook for midterms looks like a republicans sweep. Btw. How is that crime rate in Cali? I've heard you've gotten back to wild west practice of looting trains there? Net residents flow also does not look like an utopia in the making.
  16. Wow, what a result for a year of Bidenomics/virtuesignomics Rampant inflation Damaged business due to failed covid lock policies And now stock market crashing with such companies like Netflix (25% in 24h!), Twitter (50% vs 6m ago) and Disney (40% from its high) shedding a lot of value (and a bailout cannot come this time so easily for the market, due to inflation) What a beginning of 2022 - some would say, this was predictable, once excessive budget expenses and extra stimmies were signed, and FED was soft pressured to keep dovish policy, as mr Powell wanted his next term... (tone changed surprisingly in December). Also, going too far woke in entertainment is a bad business practice. I wonder how quickly boards will be pressured to go back to what worked and brought money in the past? Phase 4 reshoots already at Disney/Marvel? Cant wait for end of Q1!
  17. @Gromnir Wasn't Eps on a paylist for some clandestine us agency in the past?
  18. I do not recall me calling out in their defense or even implying mental disorders and misunderstanding. I also do not recall me posting on things related to Boulder shooter as well. You have experience in imputing some non-verified characteristics, don't you?
  19. We know he did it conciously and on purpose, lets review his hearing once its made public.
  20. Well, based on what's available from police report, he did it conciously and aimed to hurt people. He had a history of hitting his partner with a car from last October I guess we will learn more after court will examine and interview him, I believe today.
  21. You can cover every _hate_ crime with a mentalnillness by thay logic. Heck, i recall people being assaulted for a hate/terrorism, when they were ina a clear distress attacked by an angry mob on the road.
  22. Still odd to plow through a parade... And not even attempt to dodge people... There have been some whispers that he did so as part of rage for the recent KR verdict, which would make it political. I guess we need to wait until more details will be published. Could be a reckless rampage, could be a hate crime, could be domestic terrorism.
  23. I wonder if they will brand the guy responsible for a recent rampage a domestic terrorist....
  24. @BruceVC Something from your side of the world. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/very-violent-south-africa-sees-nearly-10-000-rapes-over-6-100-murders-in-3-months/2425716 Comments?
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