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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. I just can't get enough word to describe the level of stupid on US side... The recent incident of tresspassing territorial waters near Kuril Islands during Russian Navy trainigs, a day after US seems to bent on telling the world that Russia wants war in Ukraine, seems like the last thing you'd want to do, if you want de-escalation. Is Biden's admin really this stupid? Why have US submarine doing this during such a time? This will only get framed into a hostile provocation and be shown as US being aggresors and put credibility into voices that US is endangering Russias safety. Even effin Bernie S. said recently, that perhaps there should be a step back taken to get a better perspective at Russian concerns...
  2. Thats what I meant, when telling @BruceVCthat US gov just stole 7bn from Afghanistan. This gives more ammo for all the anti-US propaganda, showing them as international bully and thug who does as he pleases without care for others. This is stealing from Afghan people. They are not at war with Taliban, and they recognized them as legitimate gov, when started dealing diplomatically with them. I can understand freezing assets until some future event will bring stability there, but this is an outright pillage, like the case of Syrian oil field being pillaged with assistance of US army. Thats stealing other nations wealth.
  3. I'd say that US has a vastly longer list of miliatry invasions and military interventions that resulted in mass civilian casualties. Even the last raid on the ISIS leader seems to have more and more info emerging, that it wasn't so clean and a lot of explosions happened, which killed civilians. Plus US admin has some really bad timing sense... Seriously, they've just grabbed and stole 7bn in assets from Afghan government, while people there are having issues with getting infrastructure backnin shape and are starving...
  4. Seems Russian speakers are better prepared to their job. Anyone read or saw the information relayed by Zacharowa?
  5. On cultural utopias https://www.yahoo.com/news/chinese-woman-suffers-skull-fractures-012129115.html I wonder if the offender will be accused of racial based hate crime.
  6. Thays what you get when you remove housing prices from CPI and go to low rates environment. Check how CPI was measured in the past, when the housing was removed and when housing went statospheric in prices.
  7. They want to kill an inflation topic in US? Tanking Biden approval? Worst UMich consumer sentiment in a long time? https://www.investopedia.com/consumer-sentiment-down-again-in-early-february-2022-5218847 You do not want to be grilled over weekend with such topics.
  8. I have no idea what drives this thinking. Seems like some kids level of imagination or some comic book villan level of logic. What does Russia gain in case of conflict? What is the end game for it that would mark a success? How does it retain gains and control over a large swath of land with hostile populace? It's not Chechenia, Syria, and its way more difficult than Afghanistan. What's the social and economic benefit? There is a reason why Russia runs it pressure through diplomacy, economic pressure and maybe some third world countries politics like middle east, which is rich with oil. They want to make sure that NATO is not stationed near its border, and they want to make UN more contrarian to US, to show US in a bad light as the ones who ignore international community (something that they were doing well together with China during the Trump era). If they will have the UN on their side, they will be able to run referendums in ethbic russian heavy regio s to make them buffer states or even joi Russia itslef. Thats their end game. UK and US are poised to hurt EU economics (UK to hrut to show that Brexit was a good idea, and US wants more trade, especially in resources to make EU dependent on them) and the leaders need some area in which they can gain some better ratings as both Boris and Biden are tanking. Their diplomacies are a failure though. Just most recent examples 1.unprepared and clearly domestic policy driven UK trip to Russia with a lot of gaffes and errors 2.Biden acting as if Germany was US vassal state and threathening to get rid of Nordstream 2. (not his place to make such decisions!) 3. UK and US undermining all the efforts at easing the conflict and progress that was made by France openly and backdoor Germany, and those two retard english speaking admins are stoking fears to a level that even Ukraine is saying is too much... Bloody dumbasses, but you can't get more out of idealogical zealots like modern democrats. There is **** for brains in those skulls...
  9. In no way, shape or form is the Russia invading full scale Ukraine. Maybe in some alternative universe from comic books, but there is not much to gain, and everything to lose...
  10. Effin braindeads just made comments about imminent R invasion and made oil go up by 5-6usd to almost 100usd a barrel. As i said, too much emo, too little brain and foresight... OR perhaps Pelssi has some of the holdings of those sweet call options at 100USD Oil. Seems US lawmakers were the best fund mangers in 2021... No conflict of interests there at all.
  11. It's a combination of effects of too strong restrictions for too long, too much spending driven by excessive debt, too much money produced by central banks to support crazy policies. That, plus add social conflict and political tribalizm, both national and international. Energy prices are a self induced problem by political activists thinking that you can will an energy transition into an existence, without a realistic plan and effects on various branches of economy using various byproducts of carbon based energy sources (such as fertilizers for example). Unfortuntely dumb activists lack sufficient foresight in their plans. The current gen of 20-30s is a bunch of 'i want it now' spoiled brats...
  12. Well, if you will arrest all truckers, it wont solve the issue of not having them transporting goods, will it?
  13. From the world of where things actually matter, Inflation highest in 40years, market rates going up, rates inverting at some bond rates levels (7s-10s), food and energy prices soaring and much higher rate than CPI - economy growth peaking and now slowibg down, perfect timing for a recession / stagflation happening exactly on the midterms, and the 'progressive' (brain dead with no math skills) wing of democrats wants to pump even more money by even more debt... as if not recognizing that the current situation is a direct result of their policies from early 2021 (should never get extended stimuli and pandemic emergency measures like holding rent payments) , and unnecessary level of restraints (movement and workplace restrins should have been removed the moment Omicron was known to be a much milder version) . Should have also make Powell feel secure in case he would start withdrawing QE in Q2-2021, that he would be re-elected anyway. (he waited until re-election to turn hawkish...)
  14. For various types of punishment, each type has its place, but none should be abused, as at one point it will lose its effectiveness and in case of physical punishment is just turning into a sadistic action. However, there is a reason why as a specie we are rather receptive to pain inducing events. Some level of physical disciplining IS productive, as long as it is used rare and not for trivial issues. It also should not be equated with someone beating the crap out of another. Usually a sudden, swift and strong stimuli confined in a short amount of time is enough to get a point across that something is utterly unacceptable and crossing boundries too far.
  15. The article mentioned that the board denied it, so in your opinion, the clips and parents reactions do not have a basis in facts? So the school could take them to court for defamation?
  16. So the claims by the parents are not accurate and defamatory? Or the claims quoted in the article did not take place?
  17. Does anyone, maybe @Hurlshot, know more about such a topic? Feels a bit overblown in terms of narration, but i wonder if some of the facts check out and how common would such a thing potentially be in other areas of US. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/teacher-made-white-elementary-school-children-apologize-black-kids-their-skin-color
  18. I guess they are the ones whose families were not killed off during the Ottoman occupation of Romania? I mean, you are quite ignorant, if you think that only people sold to slavery over the Atlantic by tribes who captured villagers of other tribes had it hard. There has been plenty of slave trade in the arabic and ottoman world (of white eauropeans no less, shocking!) , there was plenty of use of forced labor during various wars of conuest in every single part of the world. For some reason though each section of the world should simply blindly accept the view of slave owning democrats trying to clear their own conciousnes for domestic votes? Funnily enough, the Unions descendnands do not even think of returning the land and governance of it to the native americans? Shouldn't that part of history be better accounted for and resolved?
  19. Trying to make a point, that it's not about a skin tone, but more about ethnicity/culture. You cannot claim that a certain palette of skine tone is more privilaged than the other. You can say, that those who amassed wealth by conquest and were not devastated by a major military conflict (yet...) You can't tell me and prove that an immigrant to US from Romania has some privilage over a west african descendand, who was raised in US... I recall first hand how badly immigrants from central EU were treated in Germany or UK as borders opened for them after EU accession. The obly real privilage is wealth and networking. Anyone thinking otherwise is deluded and never travelled a world. I've experienced racism from Hindu, Persians, Arabs, East Asians (China, Japan, South Korea), various african descendands, 'muricans (all sorts of colonialist descendands), swedes, germans, irish, english (because being a slav descendand is a problem apparently). I've had to prove my worth on so many ocassions I can't count them anymore. I' m sure I wouldn't have to go through more than half of that if I was a law abiding kid of some middle class african family living 3rd gen in US...
  20. I somehow doubt that a white russian would get the privilage you are talking about in Oz, when compared for example to a Spanish white person or an Argentinian...
  21. I'm not surprised. There is so much ignorance on the left regarding racial things (they apparently see only black and white). Germanic (Suebie, Franks, Angles) tribes, have been different than celtic tribes, which have been different than iberian, greek, latin, slav, nordic, caspian, sarmathian etc. Same as there are differences in west africans, equator ones, east africans etc. But it would not fit well, if there is more than just black and white and some more generalization. It would break a narrative that all with more pale look are somehow privileged...
  22. So far Russians have been fullfilling their contract. The difference is, EU for some reason did not build up reserves during summer time, and now with cold weather this winter have much increased demand. I guess planners hoped for milder winter due to generally warmer weather during the year? Russia is simply unwilling to go much over the contracted capacity without a new transit route aka NordStream 2. If they would be cut off from SWIFT how do you imagine they would be getting paid? Airplanes with cash or gold? The immediate response would be to cease all transit until new settlement protocol would be adopted. No payments, no gas.... Simple as that and logical, right?
  23. I guess rising Oil prices made WH reconsider their policy and are now telling to drill more oil!!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/01/27/oil-gas-leasing-biden-climate/
  24. IF for some reason US would be stupid enough to impose SWIFT ban, it would be a very short lived victory and a death knell to EU economies... Energy would skyrocket as the gas wpuld stop flowing, trading would halt and no sales to Russia (amd Germany and a lot if EU countries do much more business with Russia than with US) Russia would implement and go live with their own settlement system, which they've been working since they were threathened once with SWIFT during the Obama era. If most of Asia would go onto the Russian standard of settlements, including China, the whole new block would strong arm Western economies to adopt the Russian/Chinese standard or kiss natural resources and manufacturing goodbye... The fallout in terms of such created economic crisis would be massive. Russians and Chinese can live without Western economies - at lower standard, but they would be able to endure... The Western countries, and especially EU, would not be able to cope with it. Populace is so entitled to luxury style, plentiful of resources they can consume, etc., that lack of it would cause heavy social unrest and a more militant tribalizm.
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