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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. You only pay taxes on the money that do not escape your country, through let say imports and trade deficits. You also don't pay taxes for items which are circulated in the not-entirely legal cash flows (untaxed incomes, and sales), and there are always items, which corporations and large asset owners can freeze up, through lets say cheap debt and stock buybacks, or investing into assets offshore, where you will never see that money back, but you will feel the price increases in your pocket, once you will start spending 40-50% of your disposable income on basic food needs and another 40+% on your rent (considering median income in US as bemchmark).
  2. I expect things going hotter through June, then some rebound through Q3 with ups and downs, things will look stable and then end of year, early Q1 2022 Late Q3 and Q4 will be pivotal in decisionmaking by FED, Bidens admin and Dems
  3. Come on mr Biden and mr Powell and House Democrats. ONE MORE STIMMY CHECK WITH PRINTED CASH. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/us-core-consumer-prices-explode-higher-fastest-pace-1981 Lets kill the value of dollar and its reserve currency hegemony status. It's like China and Russia don't have to do anything other than wait for the morons to implode Western economy...
  4. How many die of gang voilence and use of firearms in US and how many die of act of voilence in Israel and palestine conflict area outside of the intifadas? You know what are the rights of those people there? I've added a recent interview a post earlier. EDIT: Also, the point is not about comparing the two in terms of rights and wrongs, but to show that continued, stoked and sustained perception of being mistreated, can lead groups of people to explode and act not in a rational way, but rather instinctively, like a wounded/beated animal.
  5. So if someone comes to evict you and beat you up, you just bend a knee and do not react? I guess we should stop criticizing China then? What Hamas done is not right, but we can't ignore underlying issues which created the tensions. People have a breaking point. On one side you condemn profiling by Police, even if data would support such, on the other hand you apporve the same type of data suppprted profiling by Israelis (imagine this type of behavior by US police around various 'hoods') It's good to hear both sides of the conflict, but bear in mind that there is a lot of propaganda wars flying around social medias now.
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/05/11/stanley-druckenmiller-fed-policy-criticism-us-economy.html
  7. I think you grossly overestimate the Navalny part. I'd say it's probably somewhere really far down, not sure if even on the top 100 list.
  8. 20 more years and US will not be able to have a functioning military to counter China, Russia and other raising threats https://about.bgov.com/news/army-anime-courts-teens-from-a-small-pool-of-eligible-gen-zers/ One more conflict, which US will procure, some images of body bags, and US will need to go to mandatory draft. But hey, lets glorify lazines, self entitlement and fatness.
  9. This will be an interesting development to follow. https://mobile.reuters.com/news/picture/jerusalem-violence-leads-to-hamas-rocket-idUSRTXC67C9
  10. Well... Interesting news around B.1.617 (one of India variants). Under peer review now as it seems fully vaccinated people get infected with it and are ill. Not enough data around severity of those cases, but worrying enough, that we might see another global wave.
  11. Ok, this I agree with, but i do not think he will be hosting a show anytime soon
  12. Let them cannibalize each other. Last Oscar ratings perhaps will make this whole segment of people get hit with some reality check. I could not care less for all those award ceremonies. Hopefully we can reach a level where the overpriced entertainment monkeys of holywood will understand their role in society. "shut up and entertain people" I'd rather pay their fees to engineers running space or healthcare programs.
  13. Not going into details, but technically any deal in USD with the use of SWIFT can be seized by the US Gov.
  14. I'm quite sure that FED, if pressed hard, will rather protect the usd from becoming a dumpster material, but there will be a lot of pain just before and after the dollar rescue measures. Poland has its own problems when it comes to incompetency or centrally driven politics by an out of touch lunatic. Poland will be dealing with its own issue of inflation vs rates, and as far as I'm certain that eventually sanity will prevail in US, i do not have the same certainty with the currently ruling overlords of Poland. They are just powerhungry cretins, who wasted good years and will rather sink the ship than give up a steering wheel in time to make repairs amd save it. Another issue is though, that there is no sane people who could take the wheel and rescue from a crash.
  15. @Gorth In layman's terms inverted curve suggests that there is more uncertainty about you being able to buyback your debt in near future than in the far future. Normally you have higher certainty short term than long term, so if it goes belly up, something fishy is going on and you should be on your toes and hedge your risks. I usually monitor 10Y TSY the most as this drives most commercialized debt costs and is a kind of benchmark, but each yield has its purpose and if you think more seriously about investments, you need know the money market and its implications quite well. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/bond/tmubmusd10y?countrycode=bx NOTE: also don't forget about corporate https://ycharts.com/indicators/moodys_seasoned_aaa_corporate_bond_yield or other institutional debt and debt based instruments that bundle up various debt instruments https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/hedge-funds-are-most-short-junk-debt-lehman
  16. If you will notice trends, a lot of central banks started buying aand collecting gold home during last year. Meanwhile Russia slowly but steadily switches from USD to EUR and other currencies, and are preparing to decouple from SWIFT if needed. (this would imply another settlments service, which would be used by countries, which have had enough of US dominance and leave US teethless when it comes to economic sanctions, with the military solution as last available tool of enforcing sanctions) I'm quite sure that we are due for a big crisis, and the longer you kick the can froward, the worse it will be. I expect one by end of 2022. Soon Fed will be caught in the death grip of 'transitory' hyperinflation causing unrest as food (I've made a killing so far on wheat, corn, suggar, less so on coffee and I believe I mentioned these somewhere at the beginning of the year ) and commodities (copper, lumber) expolde or tapering money flows and rising rates, what would kill the debt driven economy. Also some other perspective https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/gundlach-warns-americas-unfunded-liabilities-are-163-trillion-more-5x-national-debt https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/just-throwing-money-it-doesnt-work-dimon-slams-planned-dem-tax-hikes-little-bit-crazy https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/hedge-fund-cio-there-are-just-two-ways-fix-todays-imbalances-economic-depression-or-soaring
  17. Meanwhile you've printed yourself into a debt, which is of what percent of your GDP? What's the increase of trade deficit? At which point you will call for insolvency of the new Socialist Banana States of America and start using USD as a toilet paper?
  18. Nice going California? Want to make everyone equally dumb? https://reason.com/2021/05/04/california-math-framework-woke-equity-calculus/ @Hurlshot What's this about? Or is it some sensationalism writing?
  19. Yet, for some reason US citizens and USA outcompeted most Western countries in personal wealth. The problem is not with the trickle down economy, but how you enable it. US jobs and wealth were hit hard with two punches. 1 with easy capital outflows and offshoring "expensive" jobs 2 with money printing, which drives asset valuations to the moon, while making day to day living more difficult and costly for those with no assets and zero savings, cused by point 1. Tax cuts don't work as capital is now invested offshore or kept in appreciating assets. Both offer more return onninvestment than investing cash in US people. Anything currently published by NYTimes and WaPo is now trash material on a level of the Sun (although the Sun seems to be more entertaining). Taxing personal income with anything other than linear tax rate for all levels and on all types of gains is unjust. That said, there should be tax free amount up the the amount that is deemed above poverty level, and for those who are adding additional income on their retirement after 40 years of work. You should rather be spooked by the fact, that you are creating more and more dependables, who will rely on gov to give them money and be parasiting leeches on the tax paying people. I wonder how quickly you will start hearing about more cash to the people.... After all 2022 regional elections are coming. As for the post that started the conversation. Letting people keep more fruits of their labor and risk taking is different then giving someone else fruits, who were taken by force from someone who spent time and took risks to produce them. Problem with hands out is also in the fact, that people in US will spend it on something largely from imports, so your tax does not go back 100% to your community, but 70% goes to Kumar in India, Piotr in Poland and Xiao in China, while you will be stuck with the bill for 130 % as your govermnet also had to take debt to service all the transfers, but you will have to shore up money for gov to repay that debt in the future.
  20. I guess this type of incident doesn't even make the news in SA @BruceVC? @Guard Dog one is boss the other is a rookie?
  21. @BruceVC For you https://www.discovermagazine.com/environment/solar-panel-waste-the-dark-side-of-clean-energy https://www.wired.co.uk/article/lithium-batteries-environment-impact https://cen.acs.org/materials/energy-storage/time-serious-recycling-lithium/97/i28 Probably recycling tech will improve over time, but currently we will be trading air polution and air heat for a soil polution and water polution, which can be as much if not more damaging
  22. It's about short term goals of political partisans... You need to point to some 'evil' and have people consolidate around. That mentioned gang voilence kills more black people daily than police yearly, but to deal with that, you'd have to talk about some unconfortable truths and wade through some deficiencies and disfunctionalities. People don't want that, often don't understand that, and thus it's much harder to sell, especially if there needs to be work done and some self sacrifice (like with things related to overpopultion, and overconsumption - which are the underlying reasons of all the climate woes we have produced in a collateral damage). No, it's easier to point to some mythical bad guy blocking you and making you miserable, like white, straight, masculine male and its power enforcer the police. These two are almost as vilified for all the bad things as were the jews prior to WW2, who were "hoarding wealth, stealing from nations they do not identify with, and corrupt wealthy and politicians to oppress poor working people"
  23. This might be an intriguing piece https://www.aier.org/article/the-ignorant-world-and-what-to-do-about-it/
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