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Elerond last won the day on December 26 2024

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About Elerond

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    One of the Obsidian Order

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    reading, gaming, programming


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  1. Considering that COVID vaccines are now some of the most distributed vaccines in world and their long term side effects are close to zero still, but people still are spreading claims that they killed millions of people, caused lots of long term side effects like infertility, miscarriages etc. without proof and same time demanding proof that they work, even with dozens of studies showing that they work at least on short term. So I am quite sure that those people see only things that they feel to prove their claims and anything proving something else is just lies by lizard people
  2. Abortion right was based on constitution until it was not. Supreme court has made lot of decision in history what constitution actually means. What will people do if they decide that interpret this clause to mean that if person's parent's aren't US citizens then the baby is not subject of US jurisdiction and therefore they aren't US citizens All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
  3. United States v. Wong Kim Ark was 6-2 decision, so there are ways to see that it is constitutional even by judges in supreme court
  4. Considering that he was able to create legally enforceable rule with his executive order that court had to suspend speaks says something else. Still government lawyers are arguing in courts that order is justified using tax payers money to do so and arguing that states don't have right to challenge the ruling because they aren't party in the ruling. I would also point that they were aware that it will be challenged in courts and they count on supreme court to change how 14th Amendment is interpret as they appointed their judges there in Trump's last term. Meaning that they think that supreme court will rubberstamp their orders. Another thing they are doing is to put out n+1 executive orders so courts too busy to handle them all, which give them ability to do what they want. And they hope that people see temporal suspension of one of the orders as win as mark that checks and balances are working, without releasing that they have already appointed lots of judges, congress is in their pocket and best that people can expect from them is to pretend that nothing is wrong and worse they will do their best prevent anything that could hinder their new ruler.
  5. At first day in office they declared end of birthright citizenship, which is constitutional right in USA So that seem to be something that can only be done in authoritarian state where constitution is irrelevant
  6. https://open.who.int/2024-25/contributors/contributor Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributes about same amount as USA and is second largest contributor. Interesting tidbit is that based on voluntary contribute percentages, Somalia (0.38%) contributes more than China (0.32%), South Africa (0%), Russia (0.17%) and Brazil (0%) combined. WHO's budget is bit over 6.5 billion dollars, so quite big sunk of the countries would be able to handle it alone without massive problems.
  7. US presidential election is not democratic by design. It was designed to protect state rights. Every state has their own rules for voting (like who are eligible to vote, how to register to vote, where you can vote, how you can vote, when you can vote, when your vote is eligible) and how state electors are elected. US citizens living in US territories like Puerto Rico don't get to choose any electors, because only states have electors. Some states have more electors per capita than other states. Most states give all their electors to person that got most votes, which has lead to situation where many states can be said to belong to republicans or democrats before they even have picked their candidates. There is no federal system that gives people right to vote for their president, there is no federal laws that says that states can't override result of the state vote. We can call it democratic system, but we can also call Russian elections democratic, but that don't change reality how those systems are designed to give people in power to go around will of the general population
  8. Considering that as democracy demands that majority of people support the decision, then less than half of 66% that does not include over 3,2 million citizen of country isn't a democratic way to elect leader. But in this case democracy has never existed.
  9. Finnish Bureau of Investigation currently suspects that nine member of the crew of the Eagle S purposefully cased cable damage. So I am not sure who the nameless officials that WaPo used as their source are.
  10. Price is a lie. 80% of tokens are owned by CIC Digital LLC and Fight Fight Fight LLC, which belong to Trump and his associates. So from the 200 million tokens that they released to market, only 40 million is actually in open market, and some people were given pre-emption to tokens. This is typical meme coin trick to cause coin to gain lots of value and mentions in media. Trump and his associates make most of the money from handling fees that are certain percentage of value of traded tokens. And if there are enough demand on market CIC Digital LLC and Fight Fight Fight LLC will cash in their tokens and will most likely make big bank. And those that end to own tokens in that point will most likely lose their money. They say that they aim to increase token count to billion, but most likely in that point tokens value has already dropped to pennies.
  11. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141417
  12. Assassination of generals happens in every war
  13. But how this will anyway make things worse or increase hostilities? That weren't caused by killing 63 civilians fleeing war on railway station or killing over 20 people by blowing a shopping mall or blowing up a children hospital? Generals are legitimate targets in a war so they will be targets of strikes
  14. You mean that raping and murdering civilians like happened in start of didn't make it already much worse?
  15. This act of terror (I am not sure if it fits in definition, although it somewhat fits in FBI's state sponsored terrorism if we accept Russia saying that Ukraine is terrorist nation ) seem to be odd bit to get much of focus considering that countries involved are in all out war, where they shoot hundreds of cruise missiles to each other civilian and military infrastructure. And hundreds some times thousand people die on fighting somewhere where they probably don't want to be. But then people get their sock twisted when one general and his assistant commanding those troops and ordering those missile strikes get killed in strike that didn't even kill any civilians
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