I like the idea of activated modes for fighter characters. The likes of power attack, combat expertise, etc that can address how your character chooses to engage his enemy in the particular moments, but that aren't spell-analogue maneuvers like a whirlwind attack or whatever. I always play warrior classes in RPGs cRPGs and MMORPGs, and while it does get boring to just click and autoattack, I'm not too keen on going too far in the opposite direction. Dragon Age 2 made me feel way too much like I was aping a dps rotation. If I'm tactically managing a party, I don't really want to jump between my melee guys every few seconds to make sure that they are firing mortal strike, heroic thrust, and ragey blow in the optimium dps order. Ideally for me, playing a fighter could be made more dynamic through adding a depth of combat modes that you don't just sit in, but stance-dance with for maximum effect. Especially if the system can encourage you to play with more than one weapon, rather than just max out greatsword perks and stay married to to that one weapon for the duration of the game.
If a combat experience could involve keeping foes at bay with a polearm while party members position themselves, switching to longsword and buckler to close in, fighting defensively with the shield while party members take down foes, taking the longsword in two hands for an aggressive stance as the enemy numbers dwindle, and then using feints and precise strikes on a heavily armoured opponent... even if it just auto-attacking while I just concentrate on switching my combat modes from minute to minute, that's great. A great depth of hotkey abilities is less important to me than a depth of modes describing how I am fighting in a particular situation and what tactical benefit I derive from it.