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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. "What's really interesting to me is that I've seen a lot of members of marginalized groups in #gamergate #notyourshield. People of every ethnicity, disability" IM BEIN WATCHED Amazing.
  2. wat the fack was that I believe that was Razorfist's review of Fallout: New Vegas. He called it a hard game. :U
  3. wat the fack was that
  4. "If you don't like someone's opinions, don't read them. ....But do keep paying them money to advertise your name while voicing said opinions."
  5. It's ABSURD to argue this is censoring the SJW's freedom of speech. The fact of the matter is those gaming journalists are being paid to have opinions. UNPOPULAR opinions. Society pays people it considers valuable for valuable work, and no, society does not value those journalists, at least not for that quality of work. They are more than welcome to continue running a blog or whatever and voice their opinions more, but will they be paid for the opinions anymore? No, just like you and me, they won't get paid a cent for their opinions. To call this an attack on their freedom of speech is basically implying that somewhere out there, some guy is running a website for the KKK and talking about how much he hates black people, and we're all denying him his freedom of speech because we don't fund his website. Hell, everyone in this chat is being denied their freedom of speech cause none of us are sponsored.
  6. Volo I'm extremely disappointed in your post, I always thought you believed in free speech. But it appears you don't. Its not going to happen but lets say all advertisers due to pressure from GG do pull out from a website like Gamasutra and they close down (as I said its highly unlikely but lets say it happens) Basically what you are advocating is because a website doesn't believe what you believe it should be put out of business. This is fascism and hubris of the worst degree, how are you going to sleep at night knowing you support an organisation (GG) that is so intolerant ? I don't agree with radical feminists but I don't think there websites should be closed down just because of what they believe What he's advocating is democracy, and by no means does this process hinder free speech. Hell, it promotes it. It's very simple: GG and SJW both write the companies with their concerns. But the reality of the matter is that GG outnumbers SJW by a clear undeniable mile. The companies, being companies, review all the emails and quickly realize the majority of their consumer base opposes such websites and thus they all pull advertising, both because they wish not to be associated with them and because it's not profitable to remain. This is how the collective voice of the people will actually be heard, since the journalists themselves have been unwilling to represent both sides. No one's freedom of speech is being harmed. The only thing being harmed is websites and journalists who would house such one sided, self-promoting and inaccurate views of the entire situation. The journalists themselves are still free to voice said opinions, they just won't be able to expect a paycheck for them any longer.
  7. Garnish essentially answered your question for you. No one has a problem with SJWs voicing their opinions. If people like Anita want to point at the people who post troll comments on her vids (or would, IF you could comment) and claim obviously people do, I'm sorry, but that's called the Internet and EVERYONE has to endure "harassment" in that regard. So no one with an inch of seriousness has a problem with SJWs voicing their opinion and how they want things. People DO have a problem with being silenced and told to shutup as though their opinion is invalid or some form of hate speech when it's not. I've posted in these threads since the first one, and not once have I said something disrespectful to women. This is not hate speech, this is a serious opinion about gaming journalism and art censorship. What essentially sparked GamerGate was a suggestion of censoring games alongside an attitude of silencing any opposition or any statements asking for answers from perceived corrupt parties. What I ultimately expect to happen...? Websites like techraptor will spring up and take over on the gaming journalism market. REALISTICALLY I expect the already established websites (at least most of them) to realize their ship is sinking and change their tune before that happens, but in the wake of it all I do expect to see new websites pop up. To give you an idea, read the techraptor article, then read the little snippet of text I quoted from boing boing. Techraptor openly welcomes SJWs and welcomes them to use the same methodology to get advertisers on their side, boing boing is so ungodly bias it's ridiculous. The simple fact of the matter is this: you cannot tell me with a straight face that SJWs outnumber GamerGate supporters. This simply isn't the case, because if that were the case, this never would've gone this far. Techraptor's attitude is to let the people determine how we want our journalism to be. Vote with your voice and with your wallet. Ultimately, yes, the market will show bias towards one side over the other, but it will be an environment where BOTH sides are 100% welcome to openly voice their opinions, at the very least.
  8. Here everyone, have a Bonus Pretzel, courtesy of boingboing-dot-net: DAT NON-BIAS OPINION THO On the contrary: what Intel did is proof it CAN change things. The simple fact of the matter was explained when this little GamerGate movement was still young: Journalists attacked their customers. This is suicide. If McDonald's were to greet every customer by slapping them and spitting in their eye, yknow who profits? Burger King. For GamerGate to not have an effect would essentially be gamers bending over and taking the improper treatment from a service they don't need, they don't like (we've long known they're corrupt) and that they don't have to support. All GamerGate has to do is: A) All supporters should continue boycotting the websites with clear bias. Do NOT click links leading to articles from their website. B) Write advertisers like Intel and let them know you're both disgusted by the opinions voiced by said website and you'll absolutely avoid said website at all costs because of it, alongside possibly throwing in a line about how you're disappointed in the advertising company for supporting such a website. It's legit that simple, and that's why this can change things. I would be inclined to agree with you that nothing would change if it would require people to act. But seeing how Step 1 is to....not do anything? To NOT visit websites we've long known to be corrupt? Well, that's pretty friggin' easy, now isn't it?
  9. If GamerGate wants to amount to anything, THIS is how it needs to be done. I'd advise any of you who're serious about this to look into which companies run ads on which journalism websites you disagree with and send a complaint letter. If the journalists refuse to let the people talk, then let money talk for you. And on that subject, anyone know of or can suggest a company to write that sponsors sites like this? Feminists? Counter-culture "rebels" buying a product that long ran on a campaign of "think differently" and directly targeting the hipster mentality of being cooler and better even though it's less widespread than Microsoft? I'd dare say you'll struggle to find one that doesn't use Apple.
  10. Not trying to discredit your point you were trying to make, but on that same exact point, genders are NOT equal. I don't mean that in the sense that I think it's impossible for a woman to best a man in a fight; men get a significant starting advantage on this front, but ultimately the victor will be the one who dedicates more time to the practice. I mean this in the sense that, for example, there was a study recently where companies and employers were willing to openly admit they avoid hiring potential mothers to avoid fronting the bill for maternity leave. In another example perhaps more of you would be familiar with: Caesar's Legion. Caesar himself is by no means sexist (though many of his Legionaires miss this detail and become sexist themselves), he's a realist. Women aren't forbidden from serving the military because he considers them inferior, they're forbidden from serving because he thinks the best way to teach humankind selflessness is via indoctrination. Indoctrination requires children, children require pregnant mothers, and PREGNANT women are absolute ass at fighting. For the Legion to be productive and effective in all it's efforts, from warfare to reforming humanity, Caesar demands a baby in every womb. It's not sexism, it's merely reality. If men were the gender to bear children and go through child labor, the roles would be switched. That women are forbidden from warfare due to childbirth is as natural as the Boomers - a tribe that gives it's oldest living member the leadership title due to the wisdom of their age - having a woman as a leader: because women naturally tend to live longer. The example is fantasy, but the mere point is that no, genders aren't equal. Again not in the sense that one of us is superior to the other, but in the sense that we act differently and our bodies are different. Trying to be concious of that and change it for the universal benefit is one thing. I for one would be 100% for a government effort to diminish the employer mentality of skipping over would-be mothers by offering some extra form of compensation for hiring a woman that gives birth, in attempt to balance it out. Yes yes I'm well aware this can go poorly if it's done TOO well and we get the opposite effect with employers skipping men, but we AT LEAST have to try and surely we can manage to balance it out. Doing so would be in the interest of society as a collective, because a society that leaves a pregnant woman penniless and starving is not a society that'll survive. But trying to eliminate our differences is insanity. Trying to eliminate those differences is the blatant denial of reality. To provide an example of what I mean, a practical one that applies to this situation with feminism in video games? I for one would elect that the canon Courier Six of New Vegas is male, should a canon character ever be decided. Why? Because a female character kind of diminishes the drama and storyline of the game in that a female courier has little incentive to support the Legion, making it a dramatic decision amongst three factions rather than four. Likewise Cass seems geared towards being a minor romantic interest, and this sub-plot is just gone with a female Courier. I would want a male Courier because of a logical reason; the story of New Vegas and it's gameplay feel more consistent with a male. But if we decide protagonist gender simply based on meeting a quota and shutting up critics who are quick to play the sexism card, then this story (and others) start to lose impact and value to minor degrees, for NO other reason beyond quotas. You may say sure it's a small degree, but I would argue that again - for the thousandth time - we're essentially censoring art. What's more is that feminism is not a hivemind. There's reasonable feminists, then there's extremists. On top of this we CANNOT be certain the effect would always be small. Who's to say that, if Silverstring media ran things and had run things since, say 2006, Caesar's Legion may never have existed within New Vegas period, based solely on the grounds that their methodology includes sexism and rape? IT'S A TRIGGER!!!! We can't have that! I don't support Caesar's Legion in gameplay, but New Vegas as an artform? Caesar's Legion is hands down one of my favorite factions. They challenged my beliefs and made me think in ways I hadn't before. It dared me to play devil's advocate for all kinds of things, and lo and behold I gained all sorts of perspectives on life I never would've expected. And I for one consider a potential New Vegas without them to be an absolute travesty. But I digress. Genders are not equal, that's reality. To speak out against these differences when it's in the interest of society as a whole (aka we should look out for pregnant women and their well-being, for example) is fine, but to do more...? To do more is insanity, especially when I for one would definitely question the legitimacy of claims stating there's limited female representation in games.
  11. The kill yourself satire part refers to if an israeli person saved your life due to donations or israeli help- the video didn't claim that only israel assisted people in disasters worldwide or thats it's even among the highers contributes, like you mentioned before its still a small country with limited natural resources(up until recently) and many economic obligations due to its surroundings. And yet you still miss the part- its not about how much Israel or the US contriubed to the world, its about how people so quickly dismiss those contributions when it suits their hypocrite. righteous agenda. I posted that video to highlight that hypocrite righteousness which made its way to the ISIS debate, and all the ridiculous mucking about how the US is so evil... If you are a person who lives in a western defined state then I recommend you do a severe house check. Longknife - your country took main part in the severe destruction and a death toll close to a 100 million at a time extent of 31 years. when the big Satan entered your country in 1945 they allowed you to rebuild and return to your powerhouse status - ofcourse it wouldn't have been possibile without the German hard work discipline and strategic planning. Yes it was in their interest to see Germany restored, they wanted a strong Germany to counter the soviet union. But a person cannot ignore the rehabilitative state of mind which took over and replaced the call for vengeance. Without the US capitalistic ways the western states quality of lives would not be as good as it is today. No, it's not about any of that. Because the simple fact of the matter is that Israeli treatment of Palestine and Israeli humanitarian aid and inventions have nothing to do with one another. People aren't hypocrites for speaking out against a war effort they don't support, just because Israel has in some way contributed to their lives. With that same logic, every military that fought the Nazis would have to abstain from using morphine; a Germany discovery. No, just because you don't support Hitler doesn't make you a hypocrite if you likewise enjoy morphine for pain relief post-surgery. And again by the same logic, Russia would be a hypocrite to boycott the USA while also utilizing nukes as a safeguard. The two have nothing to do with each other. To say you disagree with the Israeli government's actions towards Palestine is not to say nothing good ever came from Israel or that all of Israel or monsters. You can see that for yourself when I repeatedly clarify that in actuality only that man is guilty of propaganda, it's just he's acting in such a way that he wishes to (poorly) represent the face of Israel. Again as I recall, Hitler is responsible for the widespread practice of those little reflector thingies we put on the sides of roads to keep people from driving off the road at night, not to mention the Autobahn, or highway system. (he did not make these, he merely led to their widespread usage and support) Are we hypocrites and Nazis for utilizing these...?
  12. Even before the Codex, he was a fallout fanatic from sites like nma which is how I remember him. Though, I mostly remember him from the BIS forums. DID HE SUPPORT DA ENCLAVE????
  13. ....why are you linking a video that's blatant propaganda...? Go fact check this. I found a grand total of two technologies from that entire video that Israel actually has a claim to. (The farming drip irrigation thingy or whatever and that camera pill you can swallow) There's even an entire section that's essentially "we donated money to help with these disaster relief efforts (along with 99% of the rest of the world) and thus we are fully and solely responsible for saving those lives." And hell, the video doesn't even address it's own point: boycotting =/= you cannot utilize things invented by a country, it means don't buy from them. If we used the logic from that video, anyone who boycotts the USA cannot use light bulbs because light bulbs were invented in the USA. No, factories to make light bulbs now exist all over the world; we'd only need boycott the ones manufactured within the USA. Here Israel is claiming credit for many technologies they CLAIM to have invented but didn't, then saying no one is allowed to use those FOREVER without Israeli consent. Furthermore, having STUDIED economics and not just having believed the first youtube video to give me an onslaught of first claims, you wanna know the REAL countries you'd suffer from boycotting...? China, Germany. These two companies export more goods than anyone (mind you my knowledge on this is dated a few years, haven't checked in), so these two would be the most difficult to boycott. Israel claiming credit for all of that stuff...? In all honesty, if innocent Israeli lives weren't on the line and I were some kind of world dictator, I'd be tempted to boycott Israel just to spite that video and watch their stupid asses (<---- again speaking hypothetically, as realistically no an entire nation doesn't deserve this name on behalf of one idiot with a video making bold inaccurate and self-serving claims) starve to death or get immediately killed and swallowed by the rest of the Middle East. EDIT: sorry, I would've tabbed out to fact check this before, but apples wonderful tablet tech deletes my post if I do so half the time. Thanks Apple for focusing more on making a flashy OS and UI rather than a practical one. You piece of ****. Anyways: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_exports Germany has fallen behind a tad, though the EU as a collective have not. Yes, Germany is ****ing scary insane when you consider their relative size and how much they export. Believe it or not, Germany was #1 until about 2009, meaning 83 million Germans were producing and exporting more goods than about 2 billion Chinese. There's a reason the old saying exists: "Normal people work to live, Germans live to work." And living here I can promise you, yes the culture is just as uptight and anal retentive as you'd expect from those numbers. :D If you want to locate your precious Israel with their bold claims of responsibility for all the great products we use, you'll find them at the ever-so-important ranking of 51st largest exporter in the world. WOW! How could we survive without them!? Bonus points for being two ranks lower than Iran. You obviously missed the point of this video, I am not going to debate what was or what wasn't invented in israel, For its size. the jewish population in Israel have invented many new inventions that benefit people all across the world. This is a fact. The purpose of this video was to show the hypocrisy people show regarding US foreign policies or Foreign policies in general, one one hand people love to enjoy the goods and benefits of these actions, on the other hands they love the feeling of righteousness whenever they shower upon others their 'morale' superiority. Its easy to be morale superior when you aren't the one paying the bill or dealing with the consequences Your distasteful post, where you claim you might end up doing just for spite. And Just for reference, there is a big different between developed and exported, the video mostly regards technologies being developed in Israel, your remark regarding Israel export scale is irrelevant. Most of China export industry is based on products developed in other countries and manufactured in China. And yes, if you really want to boycott US, dont buy light bulbs or work, befriend or buy items from people who use lightbulbs, otherwise your boycott is devoid of any higher morale ground. The treatment people give The US regarding the ISIS and global affairs is so hypocrite, It makes me wonder the state of video games, Mainly i just blame bioware for it due to their gaming agenda "your choices don't really matter... " You basically completely ignored everything I just said. The vast majority of those things are not created by Israelis. The only two parts of that video that I was able to find and confirm as true are the drip irrigation and the little pill camera. Everything else, from the intel processors to google to the little infant respiratory monitor, is absolute grade-A ****ing bull****. If you'd like to verify any of those claims yourself, by all means try, but it seems very clear to me that the information in the video is largely highly fabricated or COMPLETELY misconstrued. (for completely misconstrued, let's say for example that maybe Israel does now have a company that makes infant respiratory monitors, but are by no means the responsible party for their creation or anywhere CLOSE to being the largest distributor). Likewise: You do realize that the very bitter irony of this is that a large point of my post was that with that video, Israel (not Israel, but at least the people involved in making that video) is guilty of this? As I said, it's Israel claiming credit for things they didn't actually do. It's Israel claiming to be above other countries and that it doesn't need them, and that a boycott vs. Israel would backfire and hurt anyone else more than it'd hurt Israel. Lolno, it'd hurt Israel. It'd hurt Israel a lot. Just as a sample using one of my own countries: You are the fourth largest trade partner in the North Africa/Middle East region when referring to the economic giant that is Germany. Israel. Is ****ing. Peanuts. When it comes to trade and innovation, they're small time. Such small time that the claims of that video are nothing short of absurd. And now you may be reacting by saying "how DARE you downplay the contributions of Israel to the world?!" And rightfully so. I found it quite odd that one of the things Israel IS responsible for that wasn't listed in that video is the friggin' USB drive. Hey, I use that. Thanks Israel. But see here's the thing. When you have this video where Israel essentially holds the stance of "we donated some contributions to Hurricane Katrina and therefore if you're alive thanks to aid in that area, you may be alive thanks to Israel. So if you want to boycott Israel, go kill yourself. =)" The problem with this is 99% of the globe provides aid for such situations. Seriously, go look up any major natural disaster, every company chips in. Hurricane Katrina, Haiti, those earthquakes in China a couple years back, the meltdown in Japan....everyone helps. But for Israel to use those contributions not as "hey we helped because we truly care" but rather "hey we helped and therefore claim FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE RELIEF EFFORT and you are therefore forever indebted to us and owe your lives to us..." That's a special kind of immature warped way of thinking that baffles me to think any adult actually finds that mentality acceptable. And more importantly, it downplays the contributions other countries made to the world. If we were REALLY to look at contributions to relief effort, you know who I think would win? Saudi Arabia. Ever look up international reactions and contributions? I actually have. And I distinctly remember everyone providing a nice $6,000,000 or so USD as aid on average, then you scroll down the list and see somebody donating $300,000,000 and think "LOLWAT," and lo and behold it's Saudi Arabia. Here, a random sample from 5 seconds of Googling: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanitarian_response_to_Typhoon_Haiyan In the sample Saudi Arabia is not the top dog, but they certainly do have quite the respectable contribution, with the 3rd highest contribution overall, from what I'm seeing. Their contribution is highly disproportionate to the size of their economies relative to the USA and EU (top two donors). Oh, and you can also find Israel included in there, essentially as a footnote, not donating a dime but providing search and rescue teams. And again, you may say "how DARE you downplay the significance of their help!!" Good point!! ......IT SORTA SOUNDS LIKE THE POINT I'M MAKING ABOUT HOW ISRAEL IS DOWNPLAYING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EVERYONE ELSE AND FLAUNTING AN EGO THE SIZE OF THE SUN! How about that! Funny coincidence, huh? Yes, because that's exactly the point. It's very insulting to hear Israel (again just for clarity, not Israel but that video and all of it's supporters) take credit for things they have a very minimal shareholder percentage of. It's very insulting to hear Israel basically pretend those millions of dollar contributions from Saudi Arabia don't exist, or that Google is somehow not an American company created by American innovators. (or if you'd like to be technical, Russia could attempt to claim credit seeing as a co-founder is a russian immigrant to the US) Top it all off with the fact that, again, the simple reality is that a boycott vs. Israel would not deny people -ANY- of those technologies listed. In a practical sense, Israel's largest export is electronics and software. Anything outside of those industries, I promise you people won't feel a tickle. And no, Israel is not the only country to export such goods. A good portion of Asia does the exact same, and economies like those seen in the US economy, the Chinese economy and German economy are just absolute beasts, encompassing all of that and more. Israel's economy is literally ~1/24th the size of Germany and the USA. In a nutshell, believing anything in that video and thinking the claims it makes could stand up to reality is nothing short of delusional. But given that you seem all ready to jump on my post about a very specific hypothetical about how I'd boycott Israel IF every citizen of that country held the sentiment and delusion of that video and IF wishing misfortune on that many people for a mistake or ego of theirs weren't, well, ****ing evil....and YET you find it perfectly A-OK that the video literally tells Hurricane Katrina survivors to go kill themselves if they wish to boycott Israel...? Yeah, I can see there's no getting through to you.
  14. ....why are you linking a video that's blatant propaganda...? Go fact check this. I found a grand total of two technologies from that entire video that Israel actually has a claim to. (The farming drip irrigation thingy or whatever and that camera pill you can swallow) There's even an entire section that's essentially "we donated money to help with these disaster relief efforts (along with 99% of the rest of the world) and thus we are fully and solely responsible for saving those lives." And hell, the video doesn't even address it's own point: boycotting =/= you cannot utilize things invented by a country, it means don't buy from them. If we used the logic from that video, anyone who boycotts the USA cannot use light bulbs because light bulbs were invented in the USA. No, factories to make light bulbs now exist all over the world; we'd only need boycott the ones manufactured within the USA. Here Israel is claiming credit for many technologies they CLAIM to have invented but didn't, then saying no one is allowed to use those FOREVER without Israeli consent. Furthermore, having STUDIED economics and not just having believed the first youtube video to give me an onslaught of first claims, you wanna know the REAL countries you'd suffer from boycotting...? China, Germany. These two companies export more goods than anyone (mind you my knowledge on this is dated a few years, haven't checked in), so these two would be the most difficult to boycott. Israel claiming credit for all of that stuff...? In all honesty, if innocent Israeli lives weren't on the line and I were some kind of world dictator, I'd be tempted to boycott Israel just to spite that video and watch their stupid asses (<---- again speaking hypothetically, as realistically no an entire nation doesn't deserve this name on behalf of one idiot with a video making bold inaccurate and self-serving claims) starve to death or get immediately killed and swallowed by the rest of the Middle East. EDIT: sorry, I would've tabbed out to fact check this before, but apples wonderful tablet tech deletes my post if I do so half the time. Thanks Apple for focusing more on making a flashy OS and UI rather than a practical one. You piece of ****. Anyways: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_exports Germany has fallen behind a tad, though the EU as a collective have not. Yes, Germany is ****ing scary insane when you consider their relative size and how much they export. Believe it or not, Germany was #1 until about 2009, meaning 83 million Germans were producing and exporting more goods than about 2 billion Chinese. There's a reason the old saying exists: "Normal people work to live, Germans live to work." And living here I can promise you, yes the culture is just as uptight and anal retentive as you'd expect from those numbers. :D If you want to locate your precious Israel with their bold claims of responsibility for all the great products we use, you'll find them at the ever-so-important ranking of 51st largest exporter in the world. WOW! How could we survive without them!? Bonus points for being two ranks lower than Iran.
  15. This is like saying we saved Mike Tyson from Jersey Shore's Snookie. Russia did NOT need saving. Pretty much the only thing that put the USA on par with the strength of Russia at that time was a really big ****ing bomb and the USA's willingness to utilize it. It's commonly accepted Russia could've overtaken Germany with relative ease and then swallowed all of Europe with it, if it wanted. They were also the single-most pivotal and important country in the Nazi defeat. I agree with almost all of this. I don't believe that the Soviet Union could have swallowed all of Europe, but the rest is definitely true. Our biggest contribution to the war was our victory over Japan. Not that we didn't help with Germany, but we weren't number 1 or even needed in that department. Let me clarify that by no means did I mean it'd be a simple endeavor. It could even potentially harm Russia more than it helped them, rendering it a phyrric victory. I simply named it as a hypothetical because....an example of how Russia needed "help" was the number of casualties they faced. To that....? You've no idea how big Russia is. The entire conflict between Russia and Germany absolutely dwarfed the combined conflicts within the western front. Russia was an absolute beast at that time. Yes they suffered heavy losses, yes they suffered economic problems, but would it have been a big, BIIIG ****ing problem for Europe had Russia decided it wants Europe's everything? Oh yes.
  16. This is like saying we saved Mike Tyson from Jersey Shore's Snookie. Russia did NOT need saving. Pretty much the only thing that put the USA on par with the strength of Russia at that time was a really big ****ing bomb and the USA's willingness to utilize it. It's commonly accepted Russia could've overtaken Germany with relative ease and then swallowed all of Europe with it, if it wanted. They were also the single-most pivotal and important country in the Nazi defeat.
  17. Damn I'm finding a lot of good images lately wtf:
  18. Honestly my only concern having played the Beta is that there are a decent amount of odd and difficult to explain bugs that need stomping. Assuming much of the game looks like this, then I worry for a potentially buggy release. As far as the actual content within the game though, I'm pleased.
  19. Come at me bro, let's see one of you top this gem. Not quite sure what the mood is though....
  20. I think you just skim through it and go "oh look, strangers noticed me. Yay me" and then go on with your life.
  21. We can also determine from this that there's a Cyrillic-based language where second or minute is pronounced "cent," and that's funny too. It looks like Anita's post is worth 1 cent. Tee hee tee hee
  22. It's ok when ladies rape. Lol, I'll be honest. I'd have been ok with it in high school as well.IMO, high schoolers are old enough to make decisions for themselves. If a seventeen year-old girl has sex with a thirty year-old that's consensual in my book. I'm of a different opinion, though I also don't think it's a crime I'd label as "rape" or anything, just...the older person is kind of an ass. Ever been hit on by a 14 year old? Or a 16 year old? Yes, they're mentally mature and no longer kids, but they ACT like kids, just kids that know what sex is. I for one find it creepy and a complete turn off, and never in a thousand years would I be sincerely interested in a 16 year old for that very reason. They are mentally developed, but what they lack is EXPERIENCE. They cannot possibly say or do anything to consistently hold your interest day by day, because while they now have brains capable of thinking fully, they've yet to really use them. For that reason I typically regard anyone I know dating exceedingly young partners as either being desperate for booty and lying out their ass about loving the partner, or soooooo immature themselves that holy balls they must be pathetic (but hey at least they'd be sincere in their attraction here). Sure enough, even example of personally encountered of such a relationship has been just like this.
  23. I'm sorry, what? What does any of this have to do with feminism? This isn't the result of some feminist outcry, this is pretty much how it's always been. Likewise, that argument has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. The video and sources you provide do very little to explain how the women convicted are getting lighter sentences; I don't doubt it, but he fails to name to which degree and simply says it's a "slap on the wrist" while only pointing at one case where the sentence was a mere nine months. Moreover, the reason there might be so many stories involving women is because typically there are more female teachers than male teachers. IJS. I mean it's like when we say most video games have narratives from a male perspective cause most developers are infact men. It's natural. Lastly he (and you) make some ridiculous statements about why hasn't feminism denounced this and this is what happens when women are given responsibility (forget his exact wording but it's in the latter half of the vid. Sorry I can't quote it directly, on a tablet at the moment and it's a pain to navigate...well anything. Thanks apple for fluffy yet counter intuitive controls) , and that they cry for it but then the moment women have it they go on a power trip and THIS happens. FFS he even makes a ridiculous generalization and warns men away from dating and marrying or having kids with female teachers. This is the same exact **** that has people so pissed about GamerGate: pointing at the minority group that did terrible things and claiming they represent the vast majority of the community. For the love of God, please don't turn around and apply that same bull**** logic to women, because that's absurd. You think it's absurd when it's applied to you? You're right. It's also absurd when you apply it to others. And this is exactly why I say radical feminists do a disservice to the movement: because they spawn this degree of counter-movements which are equally as absurd.
  24. And this is exactly why I don't see eye to eye with the SJW side of things. I believe in this handy thing called "Occam's Razor." I don't go looking for them, I figure the most logical and simplest explanation is correct. A dozen articles all popped up at the same time voicing the same narrative and concern about Anita's safety, you suspect bias and influence from Silverstring. A dozen stories pop up about Zoe Quinn or other related parties participating in coercion with a dozen seperate people verifying or supporting the claims, they're probably guilty of at least a couple of them. And a confirmed corrupt journalism market does things that don't seem to be in the interest of gamers and more on key with propaganda to intimidate them down so they cease discussing how corrupt the journalism market is....? It's probably not in the interest of gamers and more on key with propaganda to intimidate them down so they cease discussing how corrupt the journalism market is. I would consider how much she personally plays them irrelevant, as she's more than capable of making criticisms just by watching Let's Plays. It's nothing but a ****ty move on her part to try and blend in as "one of you!!!" while in reality her interests are more in feminism. Bad PR, but hardly something to discredit her criticisms. But the problem is how watching her videos, you get this undeniable inclination that she knows damned well she's providing some misleading info, like a college student saying "**** it" and writing something they know to be flawed on an exam or term paper, solely in the interest of having -SOMETHING- to turn in to get points. (or in her case, to meet the demands of her kickstarter) It comes off as insulting because ultimately you get a woman who's sworn to expose sexism in gaming, and then when it comes time to do so, half of the sexism she presents has been entirely manufactured by her herself.
  25. I also love how you seem to have missed me pointing out that the intent you mention completely hinges on their side being too stupid and/or blind to realize that they hold no power to make said intent into reality. According to who? Hence my analogy. You may say "oh Stephen Hawking wants to murder someone? No worries, he holds no power or capacity to do so" and dismiss it as case closed, I say "LOLNO we've got a problem that needs to be addressed." According to the fact that now we're having this debate instead of singing "oh those horrible gamers, they're all misogynysts and bastards who should die in a fire, I won't ever call myself a gamer again" in chorus. Way I see it, a more apt analogy would be you saying "Stephen Hawking has rammed into someone with his wheelchair thingie, which proves that he intended to kill that man, only lacked the capacity to do so! He should stand on trial for attempted murder!" while me being like "erm, actually, I think if you look at it objectively, there are other rational explanations which are no less likely than yours". Except despite the fact that we're having this discussion, google news "Gamergate." Read the stories. It's almost universal support for the journalists and feminists, calling GamerGate nothing but a sexist outcry of trolls. That's exactly what I mean with disproportionate representation by a minority voice, as well as an example of how yes, they can gain power and influence. As for your analogy, the flaw is that guess what: that's still assault. The analogy doesn't need to be murder, it can be assault. Point is they acted and attempted to get something done. Something done that they shouldn't've. And sure enough, it's reasonable to suspect he'll ram you with the wheelchair again. That's exactly what I'm doing.
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