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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. I've seen some women support it and some women not support it. I'm not sure "support" really matters since everyone views things subjectively anyhow. I would like to highlight how ridiculous this is. "I've seen some women support it and some women not support it." So you mean, just like men? How some men would like the game and some wouldn't? AKA, there's basically no connection whatsoever between gender and approval of that game, and it'd be better to try and draw a correlation between someone's moral views and their support of their game? Compare this to all the guys I had asking me for tips talking to women in high school that would ask "what do women want," as if foolishly expecting some universal answer that ALL WOMEN IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER would fall head over heels for. This is stupid, naive, and has a tone of thinking women are so simple that they can be universally explained, and are by no means as unique and diverse as men. How is Bruce's question of "does it have a large female support base" have a tone that's any different? It's implying that women are going to - for the most part - universally agree on whether a game is good or bad based on one singular aspect of the game: sexuality. Yes, because it defines them right? And they all have the same hivemind opinion? They won't care about the gameplay or soundtrack or difficulty or graphics, they'll just first and foremost care about the size of the protagonist's **** and either approve or disapprove of the game based on that. It's the same damned thing. It's just as ignorant as those 16 year old dudes I had to listen to prod me for some universal answer that unlocks the secret to attracting all females. It's this ignorant belief (or implication here) that women are going to flock towards one ideology over another or one stance on sexuality over another. No, that's stupid. That's not how it works. I have a friend who regularly partakes in phone sex and will even show me her new bras when I visit to ask if they're sexy (and no, we're not dating or in a relationship or anything, she's just naturally flirty), I have another who dare not speak about anything sexual....yknow, just like how I know white knight guys who dare not even jokingly call a female friend a bad name, then I know others who're very bold and use such bad names believing it'll net them the girl faster. Stop reducing people down to nothing but gender, because people are diverse, and one's gender does not validate their opinion moreso than the opinion of someone from the opposite gender. This is not about gender. It never was. This is about a group of people forcing their moral code into the center stage. Jesus Christ, some days I wake up and feel as though a good portion of men are never speaking or conversing with women, and it never ceases to blow my mind how that happens.
  2. I like how women who embrace and enjoy their sexuality are supposedly a myth.
  3. Yeah, I think it's more that I never really sat down and realized just how much these people are offered. And for clarity, I wasn't saying I would be surprised to hear games journalists getting flights and hotels paid, I merely named the TF2 guys because that was completely Blizzard's initiative with TF2 celebrities; they're not reviewers or anything, they're celebrities for a market they wish to overtake. I'd just not realized how easy it would be for these gaming companies to offer these people thousands of dollars for positive coverage. If we assume video games journalism is a minimum wage kind of job (pretty sure it is, or close to it), then ONE accepted bribe can be a huge addition to your annual income. Just puts things into perspective as to how this happened and why some of them are willing to fight tooth and nail. I'd like to point out that YouTube and Twitch celebrities are not analogous to gaming journalists in any way, shape or form. Currently, even midlevel YouTube channels (say, the Worth-a-Buy review channel) are worth more in terms of exposure and sales than positive reviews are across the board. You're unlikely to see journalists get bribes that high since they are, simply put, not worth as much money. What makes you say that? Nowadays sure, absolutely. I think there's enough controversy surrounding games journalism that no game developer would think to bribe them over a youtube celebrity. Fast forward about a year ago though, do you think the same? I don't really have one opinion or another here since I don't exactly know what kind of readership sites like IGN and Kotaku would pull in, but a company interested in advertising would definitely look into that and find it out. If Vinny averages 200,000 to 500,000 views on a video and receives an $8,000 bribe, then presumably any games journalism website that could pull in 200,000 reads for an article could get the same, no? Not neccesarily disagreeing with you, just wondering what your train of thought it. Part of this is me making sense of what led to all of this, so the past leading up to GamerGate, though yeah I think anyone would agree with you now that no one in their right mind is gonna bribe a games journalist for good press now.
  4. Yeah, I think it's more that I never really sat down and realized just how much these people are offered. And for clarity, I wasn't saying I would be surprised to hear games journalists getting flights and hotels paid, I merely named the TF2 guys because that was completely Blizzard's initiative with TF2 celebrities; they're not reviewers or anything, they're celebrities for a market they wish to overtake. I'd just not realized how easy it would be for these gaming companies to offer these people thousands of dollars for positive coverage. If we assume video games journalism is a minimum wage kind of job (pretty sure it is, or close to it), then ONE accepted bribe can be a huge addition to your annual income. Just puts things into perspective as to how this happened and why some of them are willing to fight tooth and nail.
  5. Have you tried looking literally anywhere ever It's easy to find a fake "Russian" strippers, but they are Moldavians, Ukrainians, Central Asians or Jews IRL. We serious? I personally know two from Krasnodar, and it's not exactly hard to find others either. FFS you are aware "Russian mail-order brides" are a thing in the USA, right? (supposedly highly successful too, which is kind of hilarious)
  6. How dare you disrespect the Supreme Leader.
  7. Never heard of the guy. If nobodies are offered close to five figures, i wonder how it is for the really big ones? How have you never heard of Vinny? He's not exactly a nobody. I'd say he's probably one of the first names to come to mind when someone mentions twitch streamers rather than standard Youtubers. His youtube channel still has 250,000 subscribers and he's got plenty of popular highly viewed vids (such as this one: https://youtu.be/SB9Cpjd7PxI?t=1s ), and he's got a newer channel a guy helped set him up with where all his twitch streams get uploaded to. Still, he's not exactly PewDiePie or the like, so yeah he's still modest in size. It looks like a pretty low-budget game too (though to be fair it also looks like a microtransaction cash grab so maybe they put more effort in their marketing than their game), so it's kinda like wtf. Another completely seperate example, recently Blizzard flew out some famous TF2 youtubers so they could play Overwatch and promote it. It doesn't seem they were paid to give positive coverage as two of the four had criticisms to voice alongside their praise, I merely mention it to put in perspective how much companies seem to be willing to pay for coverage. Star, Jerma, B4nny and Muselk all got flown to Los Angeles. To my knowledge Star and Jerma live around New York or Boston, I don't know where B4nny lives and Muselk lives in flippin' Australia. I really don't quite understand it cause I mean wtf this is thousands of dollars here. Then again, $8,000 (for example) means that in order to make their money back, the promotion needs to get at least 160 copies of a $50 game. When we're talking about Youtubers like Vinny or Star or Muselk who can easily get 250,000 views on a video, then the odds are pretty damned good at least 180 of those viewers will make a purchase.
  8. https://youtu.be/YOyNlJ5uetk?t=10m27s So apparently bribe money can be quite high, if Vinny is to be believed. (and I don't see why not. Absolutely doesn't seem like the lying type)
  9. Have you tried looking literally anywhere ever
  10. Only thing colder than Russia itself is the heart of a Russian.
  11. Guis dis gaem comes out a day after my birfday. Happy birfday me.
  12. He did not grope enough breasts while wearing his luchadore mask for that.
  13. Because the original post of this thread referenced Oklahomans talking poorly about black people, and no one cares about Oklahomans.
  14. we didn't read it. so, let us know if you is denying that jews in Germany still suffer from bigotry and intolerance or if you is admitting such stuff exists but that you are blaming on muslims. either way we can rebut, so it don't genuine matter, but is no sense responding to both. HA! Good Fun! I'm saying that Germany does not suffer from anti-semitism anymore than any random country does. which is a far, FAR different thing than suggesting that intolerance o' jews is "absolutely dead" in germany. HA! Good Fun! Which I never stated. If you wanna take it out of context I did, but there's no purpose in that, is there? I clarified that of course you'll find random loons anywhere. I meant that for the issue to be "alive" then it would need to be abnormal and above average. It's not though. I thought that would be the logical conclusion given that acknowledging some degree of anti-semitism contradicts the absolute tone of my other sentence...? You were the one who took it absolutely literally despite the clarification given.
  15. we didn't read it. so, let us know if you is denying that jews in Germany still suffer from bigotry and intolerance or if you is admitting such stuff exists but that you are blaming on muslims. either way we can rebut, so it don't genuine matter, but is no sense responding to both. HA! Good Fun! I'm saying that Germany does not suffer from anti-semitism anymore than any random country does. To say "Jews in Germany still suffer from bigotry and intolerance" I find to be a misleading statement as it implies it's widespread, whereas in reality it's not. Such a statement would hold about the same accuracy as "Native Americans in Oklahoma still suffer from bigotry and intolerance." For the most part, no they do not, but to claim an absolute of "Bigotry and intolerance against X is gone" is all but impossible, hence why I said it's practically non-existent save for the loons you'd expect anywhere. You'll always find haters of any group in any country. That's simply a sad truth that exists due to the sheer populations of modern countries. And while no, of course it's just as impossible to claim no Germans (or no French, or no Swedes, or no British...) hate Jews these days, I would definitely state that the amount of muslims within Germany who hate Jews clearly outnumber the random German fringe dudes who hate Jews. Makes sense, no? We have an education system that tries very hard to strain why something like WWII should never occur again, and anyone can go visit Auschwitz themselves to see it firsthand (which I'm told is an absolutely depressing experience that really drives that message home), the muslim immigrants come directly from countries in conflict with Israel in some way, shape or form. They've got the motivation, the Germans do not. But again, the French don't really either, nor do the Greeks, nor do the Spanish, but I'm sure you'd find anti-semites everywhere. Germany however is by no means an anomaly with a higher quota of anti-semitism. If you want an anomaly, look to Russia. It's very hard to explain German culture, I'd say. On one hand they can be distant. Not neccesarily cold, but distant, wanting nothing to do with you but meaning no harm by it. On the other hand, this is a culture in love with dramatic rock ballads and films like Dances with Wolves who will silently watch it alone and cry when no one's looking. I think the best way to explain German culture is to explain a style of upbringing far more common in Germany, namely "do it exactly as I showed you or it's wrong and not good enough." The example I always refer to is that I had a roommate from Colombia and both of us moved in together at like age 18 and 19, me being 18. We didn't know jack of course, so we'd do things like wash the dishes for the first time (having had a dishwasher before or relying on momma) and we'd ask each other if our method of washing dishes was good enough and if the dishes looked clean. Yknow, we didn't know so we'd ask each other just to make sure we weren't doing something dumb. He did it his way, I did it mine, but we both agreed that both methods got the dishes clean so we left it at that. Then later his German girlfriend moved in with us and I'll never forget the way she always worded things: "Here, let me teach you how to do it." It's the type of tone of a teacher to a student or a parent to a child. This is typically the tone you'd expect when learning anything....but that's just it. There was nothing wrong with our method, it's just her method was SOOOOOOOOOOO freaking hammered into her skull that she was under the belief that her way was the correct way and all other ways are wrong and inferior, and that it's super super important to teach everyone else how to be more perfect like her. Now add onto that Germany's preference to be bluntly honest rather than sugarcoat things, and you can imagine what happens: the German population begins to decline because Germans are too busy arguing with each other about who's more correct in their lifestyle, then they forget to make babies like all the other countries do. Here's another great example for you: I recently met a girl who is very active....ridiculously active. I posted in another thread about it where she said she prefers dating Germans because we're "such a productive people" and I silently groaned to myself about how boring I thought that answer was. Yeah man, when I date people, number one thing I'm concerned about is how good their work ethic is! So she recently asked me to help her come up with a birthday present for her roommate. She went on to explain she doesn't like it that he spends a lot of time in his room and doesn't get out a whole lot to be active and do sports, so she wanted a gift to change that. Get what I'm saying here? That's Germany in a nutshell. The gift isn't about something nice that you would appreciate, it's about them showing you the light and what's the proper way to live. It's a very judgemental and even snobby mentality, though I know they don't mean it that way. They mean well, but quite frankly it comes across as unbelievably rude at times and very....bold? Brash? You get the point. This same girl, I daresay I don't know jack about her. Why? Because any time I just wanna....yknow, chat like a normal human being, she HAS to do something. There is no sitting down, there is no pause button, there is no excuse to relax. No, we must go go go all the time. The result is that you're never actually truly socializing in that any small talk going on is related to the chess game you're having, the workout you're doing or the instruments you're playing. I actually stayed with a family just like this in Munich, and I remember distinctly leaving that house without feeling like I knew jack about those people, cause the moment I wanted to chat, the answer was "sure! What should we do?" It felt very empty and fake, and to make matters worse? That family was a family of four, though the son was basically an outcast of the family and no longer lived with them. His crime that led to him being the outcast? The doctor father and anthropologist mother were very disappointed to learn that their software developer son found his hobby to be the computer and not something like rock climbing or hiking. It was like wtf are you serious? You're disappointed in your son for not being active ENOUGH to meet your standards? I'm sorry but this is inhumane. This is insane. They were still on speaking terms with him so it wasn't like they never wanted to hear from him again or something, they just expressed disappointment in him, and lo and behold when I met him, his social skills seemed to surpass theirs cause he could, yknow, calm the hell down? The examples in the above paragraph are absolute extremes and by no means do they reflect German culture as a whole, but it is an existing subculture that I've encountered off and on. Overall my point with naming it is that I believe Germany's issue is too much control. Germans are very very strict with their belief in how things should be, and the result is that they butt heads with others all the more often. I think this then leads to them as a culture being a bit more melancholy and distant, because for them they must quickly realize they will not convince the world to live exactly as they do. The result is they keep their distance and only talk to a few, sitting back and referring to other people as idiots and such who just dunno how to do things right. The lack of humor, I'd imagine, comes from the fact that they're so strict alongside that they probably feel like they'd rather keep their distance due to difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with others 100% (yeah good luck). Don't get me wrong, Germans do have humor. Their humor is actually pretty good. But I know exactly what you mean, and what you mean is that it isn't apparent from an outsider's perspective at all. Really kind of difficult to explain why and how that happens... All I can say is that Germans are more-often serious (though by no means all of them, or even the majority), strict and there's a distance to them. Overall the lesson I'd say to learn from German culture is that a little tolerance goes a long way. No, not tolerance like omg Germans are racist and hate jews. I mean more in the sense that yes Germany, constructive criticism and brutal honest are very nice things indeed, but perhaps we should chill out if the subject matter is nothing but how the dishes get washed so long as they end up clean, or what somebody's diet is. Cause really, are such things worth the conflict? Hell no wtf of course not. This does not however mean that these people are heartless - far from it. No, they've just been raised in such a setting where things HAVE to be done a certain way or omgwtfbbq the sun won't rise tomorrow or something, hell if I know. Chill out, Germany. Just to put things in perspective, my town I live in was practically rebuilt from the ground up. It was an important trade route so it got the crap bombed out of it. To this day, construction workers still occassionally dig up an old WWII bomb and the area gets evacuated for a bit while they call in the bomb defusers. I've been evacuated from my apartment maybe thrice since I moved here. Didn't really know my grandparents, but I did see their photo albums once. I'm not exaggerating when I say most of the town was rebuilt from the ground up. There was absolutely nothing, and there's two buildings in particular that are considered "fancy" simply because they actually survived, and therefore they're like the only non-modern buildings in the downtown area. So yeah, depending on where someone lived, they might not give a crap about politics after the war. My town got hit especially hard though so keep that in mind. I'm sure Celle (buncha hippies who don't care who rules the joint so anytime an army rolls through they just say "yeah sure whatever you're in charge now," so the town has tons of old in tact buildings from the 1400s or so to show for it) on the other hand had room to breathe and discuss politics.
  16. I'd agree with you there. Anti-semitism quite clearly exists in the US, it just tends to take a backseat to many of the other popular forms of intolerance and hatred at this time. and yet, that is far different than the earlier claim by longknife: "The days of racism against Jews in Germany are absolutely dead. Sure, of course you could find a loon if you wanted to, but the percent of the population that would support such opinions is so tiny it's not worth mentioning." the populations that would support is worth mentioning. numerous news outlets mentioned. the government created "a new government commission on anti-Semitism" 'cause it were mentioned and were worthy o' mention... even though they screwed that up in a major way. there is continuing anti-semitism in the US and europe and germany specific. pretend that isn't the case is denial of the worst sort. and blame on muslims alone is as ignorant and myopic as Americans believing that here in the US, intolerance o' jews is limited to nazis and white supremacists. pretend that the days of racism against jews in Germany is dead is wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons. It's not far different, you're interpreting it that way. I said they're not worth mentioning and I meant that in the grand scheme of things, you would not hear "Neo-Nazi" and think "Germany," just as you would not think "UK" or "Italy" or "USA." That does not mean however that all three of those lack Neo-Nazis entirely; no, all of the above have some degree of Neo-Nazi presence, it's just so small it lacks any real power or influence. More importantly... Recheck your sources. If the "new" government commission (could not find this in the articles, though the second is now wanting me to subscribe to re-read it, screw that) is the 60 years old one that's existed for ages seen here: http://www.zentralratdjuden.de/de/ Then no, that's not new. Your first link is also within the context of another Israel-Palestine spat with Germany taking the initiative and doing an anti-anti-semitism rally within Berlin, when the anti-semitist commentary were found all across Europe within cities like London and Paris as well. It's all right here in the very article your first opinion piece link leads to and builds off of: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/15/world/europe/germans-rally-to-protest-anti-semitism-over-gaza-war.html The very same string of articles will also go on to say: Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/02/world/europe/anger-in-europe-over-the-israeli-gaza-conflict-reverberates-as-anti-semitism.html Yeah, that's just it: it's most surprising here because like I'm trying to tell you, my experience with Germans has been an attitude of "I'm very sorry, please let me atone for my grandfather." At worst, you get a "wtf I didn't do that crap that was my grandfather, stop trying to accuse me of that and let me live in peace," which is still absolutely right, it's just not as admirable and adorable. The article itself has a tone of the anti-semitism being LEAST expected in Germany, in an article discussing a string of anti-semitism throughout Europe as a whole in response to a Gaza conflict. That's exactly how it always is: Germany takes the initiative on this stuff and tries to combat it. As I said, good luck finding a Neo-Nazi party demonstration in a city that is countered with a counter-protest 100 times it's size or more. Yet you're sitting here pointing the finger at Germany and saying "see, they took counter-measures! That means it's more serious there!!" No dude, you're talking about a culture that's either incredibly ashamed or trying to improve it's reputation. You're basically faulting Germany for going to lengths to make counter measures against the attitude and remind people racism is bad when Paris and London comparatively did jack all when faced with the exact same problems. (or at least it's not mentioned) You are suggesting that because we have clear examples of anti-semitism in Germany listed clearly by the German government or police reports, but you do not take into account the fact that international news would naturally show more interest in German stories on the matter. German stories of anti-semitism? Those'll possibly hit international news. French ones? Unless France is producing a new Hitler, no one will care. Brilliant example is again Russia, which I'd dare say you could probably find as many examples of German incidents as Russian incidents, though the Russian incidents are going to be undeniably more drastic and numerous, it's just Germany's name helps keep it's stories relevant. Look dude, if you wanna have a "let's trashtalk Germany" party, I would gladly be in attendance. I could gladly rant about how people here just act miserable and don't even make an effort to be nice to each other half the time. I could gladly rant about how a friend of mine for example is currently on a quest to get one of her roommates to do more stuff and leave his bedroom; well-intentioned in theory, but I'll be damned if there aren't waaaay too many Germans who think they know the best lifestyle and that justifies them shoving their lifestyle choices down everyone's throats and forcing it upon them like anal retentive jerks. I will gladly talk about how although Germans can rightfully defend how blunt and honest they are, they're also lacking in sympathy to a degree that they seem incapable of sugar-coating things or voicing constructive criticism politely. On top of it all, Jesus Christ Germany, develop a freaking sense of humor so I don't have to listen to you guys flip out when someone makes a Nazi joke. If they're joking then it means they know it's not true (anymore) and that you can relax and laugh with them. There's no reason to get defensive or offended; you do not see America flipping out when you counter with jokes about what war tyrants the USA is or how Americans are fat and stupid. But this? Quite frankly, this pisses me off because it goes against every experience I've ever had since living here, and I cannot help but feel like it's prejudice based on the past, not on the now. The worst of it is it validates and justifies all those Germans who flip out when people imply all Germans are Nazis... Ever since I moved here, I cannot for the life of me ask a German's opinion on America without their opinion ending with "....but America is still a very important and great country. They've done so much for the world and for us, especially in WWII." I cannot ask an opinion on Israel without things getting awkward as they noticeably try to refrain from any negative opinions on Israeli politics as though they don't believe they have a right to criticize; probably a good half are like this with only the other half being bold enough to state their opinion, and again that's just their basic opinion on the politics or war and not something outrageous like "I hate jews." This portion of German culture is one of the things I find to be one of the most admirable...I dare not ever say it to their faces cause Germans can also be full of themselves really quick so I think even acknowledging it might ruin it (humorously, I recall a top-voted reddit thread on the world cup subreddit after Germany's victory, written by a dutch guy basically acknowledging this and saying nothing but "hey...Germany...it's ok. You can show some pride in your country, it's natural." Jumped out at me cause it was like a "cool, I'm not the only one to notice it and be hesitant to tell them it's ok."), but that does not change how admirable it can be. There's a desire there to become something better. I get this whole discussion devolves into anecdotal evidence as we all are drawing off personal experiences here, but to my knowledge I'm the most familiar with this culture of all the people involved with the discussion, and as I've stated, this whole thing rubs me the wrong way because I feel like you're focusing on Germany not because the situation is more dire here or extremely significant, but rather because we all associate "Germany" with "Hitler" so it's easier to shine the bad light on Germany in this regard. Sure enough, the very articles you cite all stem from spikes of anti-semitism during Gaza conflicts, and they mention ALL of Europe, with Germany only getting special focus for it's history, it's expanded attempts to combat the anti-semitists, and even for being the most surprising of all the countries to actually show some signs of it.
  17. In all fairness, I'd also argue that there isn't any meaningful anti-black sentiment in my country because we have a very low (<1%, if I had to guess) percentage of black population. Would this reasoning be faulty? No. But your country probably didn't gas millions of black people to drive that percentage down. But again it's also not fair to claim the anti-semitism that existed 70 years ago is still there simply because Germany lacks the Jewish population neccesary to show it's true colors, allegedly. It's essentially guilty before proven innocent. As I said, racism stems from ignorant people needing a target to blame, and that target is going to be the most noticeable minority group. Black people and jews do not get targeted because they are not numerous enough. If you were to ask me if there's racism against Turks, Russians or Muslims in Germany, I'd answer "absolutely" with the clarification that it's not any more severe than the same kind of racism you'd encounter in any country. There isn't severe racism towards Jews because they are not large enough of a group to warrant that here. But to claim that WERE they large enough, anti-semitism would run rampant and therefore Germans are still anti-semites? That's guilty before innocent. And if you're argument is that following my logic, racism against jews WOULD exist if they were a large enough minority, then the point is I feel as though the implications being made are that Germany is especially bad about anti-semitism or something, as if Germans instinctually hate Jews or like we have a +10 attack bonus towards them or something. No, the same potential (keyword right there) that would exist here would exist anywhere. I'd actually bet it'd be more diminished here just because there's sooooo many Germans I know who dare not comment on a single Israeli issue or the like out of some kind of belief it's "not their place" to speak on something involving Jewish people. Moreover, to be fair, you're naming two of the biggest cities in the country. (and do you call it Küln in Dutch or was that a typo...?) You'll always encounter more crazies in the bigger cities. Anyone who's ever lived in a city can tell you this. I was born in San Francisco and I could tell you a dozen stories about the loons I or my family/friends encountered there; they're practically a gossip/small talk subject. But you can also find Neo-Nazis in the USA, or in any country. If we wanna name a country with serious Neo-Nazi problems, go to Russia. My main point is that I consider it unfair to attribute anti-semitism to Germany because that seems to be an argument based on Germany's history, and not on Germany's now. I feel just as likely to encounter a Neo Nazi in New York City as I am to encounter one in Berlin, and I would attribute the existence of many of the articles being linked as stemming from the fact that it's easy to see a Neo-Nazi in Germany specifically and get uncomfortable or make extra hoopla about it. That makes sense in a way because a German of all people should understand why it's wrong, but it's still very unfair to attribute anti-semitism to Germany because we happen to house the very same Neo-Nazi loons you can find in every country. The only country that has more serious issues with Neo-Nazis (aka, it's not that random idiot who lives on the streets or a rather small and powerless group of idiots, but rather a larger group with actual influence), to my knowledge, is Russia. tl;dr I feel you guys are unfairly exaggerating the percent of anti-semites within Germany because it's easy to do so given Germany's history, but the reality is that the same percent can probably be found within every first world country.
  18. Going to have to strongly disagree with the accuracy of those articles. I'm not sure if it's the articles themselves or your interpretation of them, but the idea that there's still anti-semitism amongst Germans is absurd. Racism stems from ignorance (of course) and sort of needing a scapegoat to blame things on, and of course stuff gets blamed on the minority that's most noticeable. For example if you were to ask me is there racism against muslims or turks within Germany, I'd say "of course there is," to the exact same degree you'll find racism against mexicans in the US. That's because they're the minority of the country, and just like I hear Americans complain about having to put up with hearing spanish, I'll hear Germans rant about the idea of offering turkish classes in school. But racism against jews....? There's simply no reason for it (there's never reason for it, but what I mean is there tends to be a pattern with how racism occurs and that pattern isn't here). They're not even noticeable, they're not as numerous as Russians or Turks nor do they go about speaking Hebrew instead of German, nor is there some natural culture clash between Germans and Jews to create such conflict. (example, Turks can be much quicker to start a fight, and this is something a German may complain about. Interestingly I hear the fight-happy Turks are only in Germany and this has nothing to do with Turkish culture in Turkey) But I've lived here 8 years. I've encountered one guy spewing hate about jews that was German, and he was homeless, an alcoholic, drunk off his ass, and at that moment he was going down a list of things he could say for shock value with comments against Jews (or rather hand motions, in his case) being just one of many. How many muslim friends have I met that openly admit they hate jews? Quite a few. Even knew a guy from Lebanon that we had to tell him he can get in serious trouble for doing the Hitler salute because he was so open and drastic in his dislike of Israel. Funnily enough we met an Israeli girl not long after and he was very respectful and kind to her, so in his (and other muslim's aswell) defense, he had sense enough to not hold prejudice against any jewish people he personally met. Read the articles again and check the comment section. You'll find plenty of people in the comment section calling it absurd aswell, or saying the only anti-Semites in Germany are not the Germans themselves. The only people who'd voice such racism are Muslim immigrants; not saying that to try and throw those guys under the bus or something, it's just the honest truth. The only time I ever get news about anti-semitism or Nazis is when the Nazi political party visits a town to do a demonstration or whatever and it ends the same every time: they bring 30 people, they get faced with a counter-protest of 30,000 or something ridiculous. My experience here differs so drastically from those articles that yes, I would be so bold as to question the legitimacy of their claims.
  19. Chris-chan came out as anti-gamergate and that didn't stop them so I wouldn't hold your breath. This is at least fully expected though since Chris Chan is into that tomgirl demisexual tumblr bullcrap and such, and he's so obsessed with women and sex that he'd immediately side with the side that has more women. Oh, and he's retarded. Can't forget that. DSP it's like...Like I found the vid of him talking about GamerGate and it starts out actually sounding intelligent, then quickly devolves into "you guys are all idiots for caring" and a bunch of nonsensical crap about how he never complains when people oppose or hate on him (referring to the Gamers are Dead articles) so we shouldn't either. It's just so much "wtf dude" that it's downright shocking how good that guy is at royally screwing up and failing at everything he does. It's like his speech itself makes him sound pro-GG and then he's like "no it's dumb." Yeah ok. Totally unrelated note: I have a bet with myself who will last longer before their life begins to crash and burn, DSP or Chris Chan. My money's on DSP crashing first since Chris Chan will probably get pity support due to his mental disabilities, though I would dare argue DSP must have some mental issues himself that were never properly diagnosed.
  20. Shhh, let him run with it a while. Well it's just like wtf stop looking back and start looking at now. We're talking about the baby boomer generation essentially, and that's a generation that itself realized women can work outside of the kitchen. There's some that don't think that way, but that generation is now in their 60's. They're on their way out, and the people running the show come from the '80's. The only thing the people from the '80's ever oppressed was reasonable fashion sense. My Nazi grandfather passed away two months ago, only heard about it recently. Didn't really know him all that well as my German family is screwy as hell (I mean my uncle found out about his death a month late and via the newspaper, hasn't spoken to his brother (my father) at all and then took his time telling me about it, not to mention my father didn't bother telling him. We're not exactly a close or happy family), and to be fair of course he wasn't a Nazi to his dying breath. Nah, he served in the Nazi army but like many, regretted it later. (though knowing him, he's so spineless he'd re-enlist if the majority voice said to do it again) It got me thinking about how times are changing. He was like 93. He was very healthy and lived very long, and now he's dead. The last of the Nazi generation is currently dying off, and soon you won't be able to find a man on this earth who served during WWII. The days of racism against Jews in Germany are absolutely dead. Sure, of course you could find a loon if you wanted to, but the percent of the population that would support such opinions is so tiny it's not worth mentioning. And here we are again pretending like the 80's is basically the 50's. No, no it's not. The 50's happened twice as long ago as the 80's. The 50's generation is all in the process of retiring; they do not run the world anymore. To act like things are no different from the days of the 50's is nothing short of absurd. It's little things like that that drive me up the wall. Malala is off in the Middle East getting shot in the face so women can actually...yknow, learn things? And here we are discussing if women are oppressed because some older TV shows from bygone generations still show tidbits of sexist attitudes, and men still occassionally hold doors open for women. Good thing we're tackling the important issues head on! Yeah and greasers with an obsession for giving people the thumbs up sign were known for jumping over sharks while water skiing in those days, too.
  21. DSPGaming is anti-GamerGate. I give it a month before anti-GG throws in the towel.
  22. I attempted to flirt with a German girl for the first time in forever because I figured since I live here/am German I should probably....yknow, give it a try? I've stuck safely to Russians, Turks and other foreigners since moving here because I don't quite see eye to eye with German culture and the deep German voices are a turn-off. So we're just talking and the subject comes to different cultures and which ones we get along with. I ask her which culture she likes, she says German. I ask her why. "Because we're such a productive people!" FML, why. How is this interesting? I don't get it. "YA WE WORK HARD AND HATE ACTUALLY TALKING TO EACH OTHER, WOOOO!!" Yeah good for you Germany, have fun with that.
  23. ...Presenten? He didn't know Geschenken so he just made presents sound German-y. I figured that much, it was more he got the rest (mostly) right so I thought a translator might've given him presenten.
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