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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Why? I've always been curious as to why people think low levels means a short game? I will admit that one downside to low level caps is that you quickly hit a point where personal improvement comes to a halt. I really liked how New Vegas did it because it was a setup where you would feasibly continue to level up until the game was completed. Granted, they could've tweaked some things for better balance (obviously no long-term planning went into how many skill points you'd get from level 50), but I simply enjoy feeling progress whenever I play, and at a reasonably fast pace. Too slow or too quick to cap and I get a little bored and anxious to just reroll a new character. I like seeing constant improvement gradually over time, even if just a little bit. Infact of course it's worth mentioning that too much improvement too quick is also a no-no as it leads to bland, same-y characters. But yeah there's nothing inheritly wrong with low caps or high caps or anything. It's all about execution.
  2. Happy, no, but I don't like them immensely depressing, which is the only ending I can see for a woman in the Legion, Longknife's optimism notwithstanding. Plus playing a woman who's walking past legionaries at the Fort who are coming out with creepy comments about how attractive some of the new slaves are... her ignoring that and continuing to support the Legion just feels borderline sociopathic. If you all feel differently, that's fine; this is just some feedback from one female fan who informally polled a few of her friends and found the same - that we just weren't able to really get into a Legion playthrough because we found the misogyny too off-putting for one reason or another. It's a roleplaying game. I do not like the Brotherhood of Steel. Second most fun playthrough I've ever had? A hardline conservative Brotherhood Paladin. A consistently fun playthrough I often return to? Pure Legion playthrough, AKA no chems and absolute Legion loyalty. I don't see how this is a failure of the Legion but rather you and factions you morally disagree with simply not mixing. I suggested that a woman with no regard for the other women of the Legion could be perfectly happy in the Legion, and this is true. Absolutely objectively true. You cannot seem to enjoy such a playthrough though, and that's fine. I mean you're not EXPECTED to and it's not like you're playing the game "wrong" for not being able to. It'd be stupid and unfair to claim you're playing it wrong. But it would also be unfair to say Caesar's Legion is wrong because it caters to a character type and playstyle that you yourself get no gratification out of. I also assure you that the game provides far more evidence and support for my rendition of "Caesar is not sexist, he merely wants a productive nation and that requires pregnant women which are terrible at combat" rather than your "he's going to kill you off because for some reason the Almighty Caesar would be killed by his own men or lose control of his entire nation if he supported a woman and said anyone who thought women are inferior misunderstood his leadership." I mean ffs the ending itself says a female Courier would get a coin minted in her honor; kind of a weird little act of gratification for someone he plans on killing off, no?
  3. ...Who asked what questions? He asked questions that were simple and constructive about what you found insightful in the article and then the bottom line was what set it all off, and lo and behold here we are with some stupid discussion instead of one about the article that was linked. And poor Meshugger trying to link other stuff in the middle of it as he's drowned out by stupid crap about whether Malc is cynical or not. Not answering any of the rest of the post because it's either finger-pointing again or it's just going to perpetuate a stupid back-and-forth about whether or not your little "discussion" is justified or if you were right. I see no point in this.
  4. I German too and very close to NRW. But I also not too big on a meeting, so I'mma leave it at that. Just posting to say yeah there's more of us.
  5. I pre-loaded like you asked Obsidian. Now lemme play.
  6. Well he did say enjoyable character. Exactly. eta: regarding the whole "ends justify the means" argument, sure, I could come up with a character who thought that way. But I like to imagine my characters get at least a somewhat happy ending, and I don't really see Caesar's favour lasting past her help securing the victory at the Dam. The existence of a competent, trusted woman in a leadership position for the Legion would be a threat to their power structure, and one "exceptional" individual is more likely to wind up meeting with a messy death if she doesn't fall in line and agree that Caesar knows best on this matter, not end up spearheading some social revolution. Then this is a complaint about Caesar's Legion, not about women and Caesar's Legion. As for the idea she would meet a "messy death," I think you thoroughly misunderstand Caesar. The Legion you see now is not the Legion Caesar ultimately wants. What the Legion is now is a productive army designed and built to be as effective as humanly possible for the sake of winning at all costs so he's free to rule as a supreme dictator once the dust of war settles. Caesar isn't and never has been sexist. Women are forbidden from serving in the military only because they're more valuable and productive as mothers. The moment the Legion settles down, this structure is no longer warranted to the degree it is now. There is no "she threatens the power structure," it's "hey idiots, I never said women were inferior to begin with. You just took their position as slaves the wrong way." And guess what, he's mother ****ing Caesar, so they'll listen.
  7. How about we act like adults? Seriously this whole pointing fingers back and forth and arguing about who's most petty is what I'm talking about. It's stupid, pointless and dumb. Disappointing to see that's your reaction to me calling you both out on it. So what would you exactly want us to do? Start acting worthy of the generally *chuckles* measured *chuckling intensifies*, objective *chuckling further intensifies; occasional snorts* and highly informative *breaks out in hysterical laughter* discussion going on in this thread? I would expect that two people can discuss a topic without developing what appears to be little grudges against one another. Not grudges like omg you hate each other, I just get the sense this stuff carries on to outside of this thread. It looks "personal" to the extent that I feel like "grudges" made in this thread are gonna carry on to other topics irrelevant to this one. Not really ideal or healthy in my opinion. I like to think that although I disagree with people they still have good intentions and the point of discussion is to, yknow, try and understand each other, bridge that gap and come to an overall conclusion, not discuss who looks more like a butt. As for the discussions going on....it's a discussion. One we all enjoy in our free time. If someone posts something not so relevant about Anita wanting to do a social experiment by housing only female chimps at a zoo exhibit in a belief they'll discover a cure for cancer or something, then cool let's have a chuckle at it. Hell, if one day we come in this thread and I wanna say anti-GG hates America and Barothmuk wants to say GG is responsible for 9/11 and it's both clear we're joking and dicking around, that's cool too. Reason I say "wow you two look dumb" is because there was potential for an actually productive discussion there when he asked those questions, and instead now there's useless bullcrap as you guys make petty jabs - and quite ironically - you make cynical statements about the thread in general while just having gotten done accusing him of detached cynicism.
  8. What a delightfully emotional reaction from someone so fond of pretending nothing penetrates his facade of detached cynicism Both of you sound dumb as **** with the petty jabs, ijs. ...said he, joining the discussion with a petty jab aimed at both participants How about we act like adults? Seriously this whole pointing fingers back and forth and arguing about who's most petty is what I'm talking about. It's stupid, pointless and dumb. Disappointing to see that's your reaction to me calling you both out on it.
  9. https://youtu.be/kfVsfOSbJY0?t=2m13s
  10. What a delightfully emotional reaction from someone so fond of pretending nothing penetrates his facade of detached cynicism Both of you sound dumb as **** with the petty jabs, ijs.
  11. Excuse me but that is ableist to imply I cannot read even though it's clear that I cannot. Check your privilege. Also thanks.
  12. I read the sticky guide THAT I CAN'T REPLY TO, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE ANGST INITIATED and it shows fancy pictures of all these downloads you can confirm like the cookbook and such. I don't have any of that, just the game which I've already redeemed. But if I go to the product tab it says I got the "Digital Fun Pack" which is fun because it says so right there, see? I can open a drop-down menu that shows what it includes and it says "yo dawg you gonna be cooking with Tim Cain" and I think "sweet," but as I said I don't have any options for redeeming my products aside from the game. So what now? Should I panic and launch the nukes? Did I derp? Am I an idiot? I just wanna make sure I don't miss out on my sweet cookbook if I'm supposed to be getting it.
  13. Eh it is a way of thinking that sees people as raw materials. You are either cannon fodder or a cannon fodder factory. Which is a voice of concern regarding the Legion in general, not Legion in regards to women. If you disagree with the Legion that's fine and perfectly understandable, but what I'm arguing is that should you be playing a character that views the Legion as neccesary for the greater good, then the misogyny shouldn't really neccesarily scare you off as a woman because you would be an absolute exception blessed by Caesar himself and you yourself (with Caesar's support) could show the Legion there's no reason to view women as inferior.
  14. To be honest, it actually doesn't. The thing about the Legion is the misogyny is logical, AKA, it only exists because pregnant women make for crappy warriors and producing offspring within the Legion is a top priority. Caesar himself is not misogynist and would see to it that you're treated with absolute respect, though of course there are Legionaires who have developed misogyny because they do not understand the why's of why women are not allowed to serve as Legionaires. In that sense though, if you're selfish and only care about yourself, then why should you care how other women get treated? You'd be golden. Hell, you could even argue your presence would provide the Legion with a much needed lesson that women are capable fighters too, it's just when making kids is top priority, then no, they cannot simultaneously do both like men can, thus they adopt the supportive role. That would kill the misogyny within the Legion and make them think more about the why of things. Example of a coherent concept? Plenty of reasonable people have sided with and/or understood the Legion. Being one of those people should not be relevant to your gender in the sense that you are unaffected regardless and if you do care about the other women of the Legion, it could fall on you to be that example that teaches the Legion better.
  15. Nonek enough with the innuendo and soapbox sermons, it gets tiresome.
  16. Then they're in breach of the NDA. It's not like the review copies are restricted to Act I. Notify Obsidian if you want to. Yes, if you let us know the streamer we can contact him or revoke his key if necessary. Inb4 he doesn't do that because big surprise: he's just some child that wants something to complain about and didn't actually see Chapter 2.
  17. I tried desperately to prove it as parody and couldn't find any indication of such. All I found was this:
  18. Happy birthday Longknife Happy Birthday ;-) I actually totally forgot about my birthday cause I've been bored as **** and focused on PoE's release date. I actually just realized it's my birthday because people messaging me about it on skype and someone just traded me the Fairy Princess Heavy gear for TF2 on Steam.
  19. It's my birthday now. Midnight is here in Germany. Gimme my ****ing game Obsidian.
  20. That has got to be a joke, right? Because, come on. Seriously. Doesn't appear so. Sure functions well as one though, right? Picture a bunch of bulky feminists with cigars in their mouths having flashbacks to 'Nam cause people start clapping. Then picture those same feminists doing jazz hands.
  21. Good thing the forums are back up so all 161 of us can hardcore lurk this thread and do absolutely nothing productive with our lives.
  22. Yeah, section 14b says you have to shows everyone your boobs if you attempt a third party transaction regarding keys.
  23. Western civilization will be saved, ironically enough, by Glorious Nippon. But is Glorious Nippon a match for JAZZ HANDS??? http://imgur.com/xtHbBNO
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