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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. I've actually yet to encounter an anti-GG proponent in random communities who I could not either silence (in the case of the extremely loyal SJW types who actively oppose GG) or convince they had the wrong idea. All you need to do is put yourself in the shoes of a neutral: a neutral is a person inexperienced with the issue who hasn't read up on it, and sure enough it they google GamerGate, the top three results are the extremely bias wikipedia article, an article by Gawker, and rationalwiki, which is basically the SJW wiki. They know nothing about it and the little exposure they do have is "IT'S EVIL, SHUN THEM." As such, all you need do is calmly and civily explain what the real issues are or how they might have it wrong. It's pretty simple, in my experience, and I can proudly say I've led a couple people to say they'd look into it after having spoken with me.
  2. I....I did it. I beat Youtube. I've watched everything.... WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW??
  3. It's crazy that internet hobo who sits in their nice apartment addicted to twitter all day makes thousands more than a starving guy on the streets in one pair of dirty clothes might make from begging.
  4. Has anyone looked how much these guys make from Patreon btw? Wu gets 13k a month. If that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself, I dunno what will.
  5. A couple of these make me laugh pretty hard. I'm sure it makes SJWs on the other hand go into a coma:
  6. Watched Tomodachi Life with Vin-eh-sauce's lookalike and saw Sponge get rejected mad hard by Alpaca. Oh and Little Mac and Banana tied the knot. Best soap opera ever.
  7. Longknife

    I Quit

    Or quitting listening to music cause you don't like rap.
  8. As someone concerned with journalism as a whole, I consider this a must read to understand what issues we're facing: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2sn8at/hi_moosh_here_im_an_experienced_journalist_ama/
  9. http://unews.ca/ladies-first-smu-prof-suggests-classroom-rule/ Well **** me sideways, it's happening.
  10. Two reasons it will, plus a bonus: 1) We're the consumers. Those journalism websites won't last long with their pay docked. 2) Intel may get hardcore Israeli defenders involved with this accidently. Not trying to bring politics into this, but whether you support Israel or not....? I hope we can ALL agree Israel and it's supporters have quite a bit of influence themselves. Personal support or lack thereof for Israel is irrelevant, I just want us all to acknowledge Israel has a huge following. If anti-GG under McIntosh collides with Israeli support (which btw, a lot of Intel workers are hosted in Israel), we might see that anti-GG narrative begin to burn. 3) Today there's a thread suggesting journalists are taking the anti-GG spin not so much out of a hate for GamerGate in particular, but because they believe it sells. They believe this sensationalist BS will get viewership and readership from middle-aged parents, thus they buy into it for personal profit. The thread is by a professional journalist within the industry himself, and this claim is verified by the mods of the subreddit. While still disgusting, assuming this is true, it's good news for GamerGate because it means there is NOT NECCESARILY a target on GamerGate's back, and it would be possible to sell our side of the story amidst a journalist group or two.
  11. http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2sh34s/phil_savage_tells_valve_to_make_tf2_exciting_again/ Threads like this and their top comments remind me people care.
  12. I have to take a break now. I feel like my mind is rotting reading this ****. And no, I'm not joking. Like usually people will say things like "my brain is rotting" or "I can feel myself losing brain cells" as a dramatic exaggeration for humorous effect. I'm serious: I feel like **** right now and like I can no longer think straight. I've lost the ability to focus, I don't want to read anything, and where I once found myself calmly assessing what's wrong with their statements and why it's hilarious, I now find myself incapable of focusing enough to analyze their claims and pinpoint the logical fallacies within them. I just feel kinda depressed having read that stuff, as much of it can be summed up as - for example - "racism wasn't the problem that allowed the holocaust to happen. White people were the problem." It's a blatant misunderstanding of how the world works, where the problems lie and what parts of a travesty need to change, in such a way that allows the worst impulses of mankind to survive and adopt a new form. It's a blatant failure of analytical and objective thinking where all the wrong attributes are highlighted as the culprits for terrible deeds. And I even found a post (though I closed the tab it seems, no big loss there) of an "otherkin" declaring they find people who don't believe in otherkin to be absurd, because their lack of belief in that person doesn't cause them to cease to exist. They also called it ableist, whatever that is. This is essentially championing a lie and being proud of a lie. In short, this is a community where lies and inobjective thought processes are heralded as heroes, and it quickly goes from hilarious to sad to downright mind-numbing. I'mma go lay down and do something more mentally stimulating, like watching youtube videos. (again not an exaggeration, I mean that sincerely)
  13. Wow, didn't realize what an insensitive cis you are. Check your privilege.
  14. Show me the ridiculous stuff. I can take it. I have a PhD in Weird Youtube Videos.
  15. I'm sure we can all relate to that!
  16. Are they BW target audience? There is a lot of BW fan fiction. But what you guys are looking at is the birth place of slash fiction. WTF is BW? Please, speak english and not this weird ass tumblr moonspeak. Some of us don't speak that language and are very confused by a multitude of things read thusfar.
  17. Gimme a second, calling an anthropologist I know. I think she'd be interested in studying this strange tumblr tribe and learning their dialect.
  18. Because none of us ever thought: "gee that place sounds horrible. I SHOULD GO THERE." The real question is why did you go there immediately? Also am I allowed to link to a fanfic riddled with hilarious typos and poor grammar titled "twilite sparkle becoms lesban?" I'm not making this **** up.
  20. No seriously, what the **** am I reading:
  21. Thread completed. After making this comment, I realized I've yet to actually visit tumblr myself (at least the portions it's infamous for; many random bloggers etc host stuff on tumblr) and thus didn't feel justified making that comment. I then went on an epic journey to find out why tumblr has such a bad reputation first-hand rather than trusting other individuals accounts of it. What the **** am I reading....
  22. Thread completed.
  23. Obviously they're releasing it a day after my birthday because I'm their favorite customer. In your face, everyone else.
  24. What has gotten into them lately....?
  25. I know it's not literally what he said but my interpretation (and since he's a postmodernist douche, my experience is all that matters) of his tweets is a very clear "I am not Charlie because they had it coming." So he's arguing they deserved it because how they presented themselves? I wonder where I've heard a similar argument... He has another tweet where he's basically crying foul that, apparently there have be 18 attacks ("attacks" ranging anywhere from verbal abuse to beheading a pig and leaving the head on a mosque's doorstep to physical confrontations) on Muslims in french communities since the attack took place, yet none of those made headline international news. To me he's basically implying France only cares about white people.
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