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About JayDGee

  • Rank
    Juggernaut of the Obsidian Order
    (4) Theurgist

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  • Location
    Glasgow, Scotland
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Wished I could have backed higher at the time.
  2. That is just wonderful. Thank you. Hi Jay Whilst the item will be in game unfortunately it'll be in the expansion not the first instalment of the game due to my late submission on the backer tier (was absent for several months so couldn't complete it when necessary). This is the email I got recently: Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you were in the hospital and were unable to complete your survey by the deadline. We won't be able to incorporate your item in the main game but it will be included in the Expansion Pack. Thanks for your support, Matthew Sheets || QA Lead Obsidian Entertainment Still awesome though.
  3. For on-line gaming with new groups I would suggest fan pages for the game itself. Find groups dedicated to the game who are desperate to start a new one. Another option is to make your game on a site like obsidian portal and advertise for new players their.
  4. I always like the idea of tricking my opponents into wiping themselves out. Basic version. The thieves guild want me dead for stealing something they had there eyes on. The city guard want whoever stole it behind bars. The city guard have been given the location of a thieves guild den by an unknown source.
  5. Title says it all http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/feed-dump/8712-Runners-Sliders-Designers
  6. Creating worlds is something I have often been guilty of as a DM and it is easy to get carried away. I'm guessing your DM spent a lot of time creating areas and adventures but perhaps never put as much time into the start of the game. The intro can be everything to a game if your players are bored before you've even gotten to the plot something went very wrong. I always try to only create the starting area. Let my players loose on it, try desperately to keep up with them and then tailor the rest of the world around their lunacy. When I think to far ahead I can lose track of the start.
  7. Having an NPC who has issues with addiction if done correctly could be very interesting. They start off as a high functioning addict, you wouldn't even know if you hadn't seen them take it. You even believe them when they say its purely recreational. Then the brutality of the campaign sets in. You've all seen death maybe even lost someone close to along way. There's no way its recreational now. The characters health starts to deteriorate they're not as good as they were. Didn't you used to have more gold? You confront them they refuse to admit they have a problem. You only see them again when they've hit the bottom. What the hell happened to them on the way down?
  8. Quick compare on characters and gear is always a welcome addition in an rpg
  9. Welcome. To the forums and all the excitable people they contain.
  10. Welcome, it is a lovely group of people. Who I hid from for a year to avoid spoiling myself on this game.
  11. First of all apologies if this is elsewhere I couldn't find an answer through search. Is it possible to increase my pledge at this time? During the Kickstarter I gave what I could afford, but now I can give more. I am currently on the $50 tier plus OOoE. If possible I would jump to $110 tier plus OOoE.
  12. I watched my grandfather die due to cancer. It was one of the most heart wrenching and heart warming moments of my life as during the long process and afterwards my family spend the whole time telling stories about the man who loved nothing more than to tell stories. Ever since I get a check up annually and do what I can to promote awareness. Including growing facial hair for a month. I hope his end is peaceful and your family can remember not the sick man that he became, but the sailor, the writer and the man who refused to accept defeat.
  13. With the winter break it's to be expected. I'm sure they'll have something new to tease us with soon enough.
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