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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Unity doesn't support HyperThreading, so no
  2. Well now you actually have to attack the enemy animal companion now, and they're not really that tough either. When your companion (or vice versa) goes down you get like -20 to Accuracy so if you're a low level character you're basically dead weight. I have not played extensively with the Ranger yet but they still seem like the flat out worst class. The ability progression table has been improved though.
  3. I have the v364 Assemblies saved. v364 used 1280x720p images that are about ~1.5 mb per image v435 uses 1024x512 images with horrible compression that are about 500k per image Here's some jpegs of the difference anyway (cbf uploading lossless versions) I would prefer the higher quality images be used, please.
  4. resources.assets, you can open it with Unity Studio
  5. Quite right, at least in the Baldur's Gate games. The Combat music in BG1 and BG2 in particular have a strong sense of forward progression though and I think they were composed specifically to be repeated. I didn't find the track in the stream to be particularly progressive or to have starting and ending points neutral to looping. That is however just the impression I got when I listened to the stream. If your combat music is not composed to be as easily repeatable then it may be worth looking into handling how the music is played slightly differently.
  6. Solid Background is compatible with the IE mod I will have a play around with this and make some suggestions based on how they work together. Here's a video demonstrating the new features in IE Mod 435 v3 New Features: - Selection Circle Thickness console command - Changed how Remove Engagement works - explained in video Mod links for Windows, Mac and Linux https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62420848/iemod-435-v3-windows.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62420848/iemod-435-v3-linux.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62420848/iemod-435-v3-macos.zip Also if you're thinking of using the mod, at Adam Brennecke's request please revert back to the default Assembly if you're doing any bug testing. Even though the mod is pretty solid and I haven't found any mod specific bugs for quite some time, it does change many minor things about the game that could be mistakenly reported as a bug. Mod components are documented here: http://rien-ici.com/iemod/
  7. I just exported this image from the game files, it's definitely a lower quality one.
  8. There are now per-character auto save slots (and probably quick save slots too)
  9. Just download Bandicam Free version and run that in the background.
  10. In this video you can see that when the Cowled Dwarf goes to cast Holy Radiance, he targets a friendly unit and runs on the spot. This bug was also present in v392. Expected Result: Enemies should just cast Holy Radiance rather than trying to target an ally and then running on the spot.
  11. v392 had lovely high quality images for Loading screens. In v435 it either looks like they've been changed to lower quality jpeg images or there's something making them look bad. Expected Result: same image quality as v392
  12. Same as: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69793-392-action-cancel-no-longer-works/ Expected Result is that you should be able to cancel actions before the hit frame.
  13. Beetle shell also doesn't look like it stacks either (unless that's intended, but I doubt it).
  14. In this video you can see that while the Small Horned Helm is now sitting correctly on the Dwarf's head, the eye sockets are not lining up with his face and are thus covering his eyes.
  15. Expected Result: Item Stack Number should be in front of the icon
  16. Well Shadowrun Returns is a Unity game that is primarily 2D and has 3D characters, and Wasteland 2 is a fully 3D game (in Unity) so I guess that's why I have the "frame rate entitlement" The interesting thing is, is that people with iMacs and old AMD Athlon64 systems have reported better frame rates than me. I imagine that units in Pillars of Eternity probably have a few Update() methods running at once, which likely slows things down a bit.
  17. This video showcases that there's a massive selection area to highlight the Interrupt text in the dead space in the Item Description page Expected Result: Interrupt should only be highlighted when you're mousing over the text.
  18. I agree. Unfortunately they seem to go the 'nerf the strong one' route rather than buff the weak ones.
  19. I thought I'd create a thread about discussing Performance since it's getting to that stage of the project and I cry tears of joy when I actually get a frame rate as high as or higher than my refresh rate (120Hz). I have the following system Intel Core i7 870 1156 CPU @ 2.93GHz 16GB Corsair DDR3-1600 RAM ASUS HD7970 DirectCUII 3GB Video card Windows 7 x64 SP1 1920x1080 @ 120Hz and I get varying frame rates depending on the levels 60-90 in the Dyrford Village depending on location of the map 50-60 in the Dracogen Inn Level 1, but 90-100 in Level 2 ~100 in small interiors 60-70 in the Dyrford Crossing, Stormwall Gorge and Ogre Cave 20-40 FPS in the Dyrford Ruins (very noticeable stuttering too) Haven't checked Lle A Rhemen this build but I used to get 50-60 FPS in there too Frame rate usually drops in combat, and when there are many units on the screen. In contrast I get 90-120 FPS in Wasteland 2 and 120+ in Shadowrun Returns. I seem to have frame rate issues in larger maps, and in areas where there are lots of units. When I go through the Dyrford Crossing and kill all of the beetles and wolves ... the frame rate in the area increases by 10-20 FPS when there's no units on the screen. More if I go through and clear the area entirely. I think the frame rate issues I am having are a combination of the game having to render multiple 2D layers of the large maps and also something to do with the 3D units, whether it be on the CPU side having to load their data and run their AI or on the 3D rendering side (which may have not been optimized yet). I participated in the Wasteland 2 beta, and during the earlier builds I only got 30 FPS and it seemed as if the game wasn't using any of my GPU power at all, but rather being very tied to the CPU. After they did a full optimization pass my FPS went up to 90-120 in all maps and the GPU usage when running the game increased. Pillars of Eternity will obviously be different because the maps are 2D, but I thought I'd post about this information anyway since tests are currently being done. I've also tried swapping my NVIDIA GeForce GTX-560 TI and I got a worse frame rate. I thought I'd throw that information out there anyway just in case it's of any use to the programmers. I know there's quite a few others with frame rate issues as well - but the game seems to run fine on newer systems (recent i5s / i7 CPUs).
  20. Lots of abilities and talents have poor descriptions. For instance - Weapon Focus has never shown the Accuracy bonus it grants in any build (currently it's +6)
  21. Yes this was one of the first things I noticed too - Dyrford Village, Stormwall Gorge, Majority of the Dyrford Interiors and Dyrford Crossing are all much better, but the Ogre Cave is still murky as.
  22. Confirmed, when casting Iconic Projection I have this issue as well.
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