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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. They may be able to change how it works in a future installment. Eder used to be a Rogue but now he's a Fighter. Rogues took a huge (indirect) nerf in the last patch, I'd even go as far as to say they've plunged into mediocrity, at least at the lower levels of the game.
  2. It was a design decision made before they started actual work on the game. Not a decision I agree with, but this thread is more about passives/modals than buffs.
  3. I've reported this before, but there's a 2D art bug here in the dirt that really needs to be painted over. There's like a line of grass where it looks like the dirt texture has been cut and pasted over it incorrectly or something.
  4. Party Stealth and Combat Only are side effects of the way they coded their game states. Stealth is a game state. Combat is another game state. The two are mutually exclusive.
  5. I think it's the second last build. Brandon Adler said they want to do another one.
  6. No, that sounds pretty optimal. When Dexterity is fixed, that would also be an option too if you wanted to cast quicker. ATM I'd ignore Perception and Resolve.
  7. It's not a non-choice though. Especially if buffs have short durations, casting it before combat can mean you can miss out on one or more rounds of the buff in the IE games. I often see people spamming pre-buffs in videos and their first few buffs run out before combat begins. Pre-buffing could be balanced with a trade off, where if you pre-buff you only get the buff for a shorter duration at the beginning of combat, but if you cast it in combat you probably get it for most of the encounter. They just chose to take the easy way out and remove it.
  8. Dexterity works for spells, but for weapons it currently slows your recovery time rather than making it faster. They've fixed the bug internally - I might PM Adam Brennecke and get him to tell me where the bug is so I can fix it and put it in the IE mod. AoE does not apply to range. Carnage is increased by AoE, and 18 INT Barbarian is *LOL*, that's one of the characters I'm testing with at the moment, super, super good. No it doesn't apply to Engagement range.
  9. I agree that humanoid encounters are a bit of a yawn. Maybe they should do something to Medreth's group to make it a bit better? I've also been repeatedly fighting the Drake Egg dudes tonight and that has been more fun to play than previous - they should change the Wizard AI though so that she always casts her protection spell (Mirror Image?) first. A lot of the issue with the enemy parties is just AI issues. They could use their abilities and spells more optimally, and I haven't ever seen an enemy use an item like a potion or anything either. TBH I miss pre-buffs, because pre-buffed enemies were fun to face off against. The changes to damage calculation and Attack Resolution have definitely made a positive difference in the flow of combat, but I don't think I like the attribute changes.
  10. I hope they look into changing how scene transitions work in either the expansion or PE:2 so you can split your party between houses and the exterior map
  11. Brandon Adler said they might do one more (yay). If you want to have a look at the fix rate, check out this thread They fixed hundreds of my bug reports alone in the last two patches
  12. I already know what I want to be able to do for the UI in this game. Splitting of the central bar (so you can move the clock, menu sections) will do me.
  13. I posted one earlier in the thread Go back and have a look Anyway its MIG + 3% Dam/Heal, Dex +3% Action Speed, Con +3% Health/Endurance, Per +6% Interrupt/+1 Deflection, Int +6% AoE/+5% Duration, Res 6% Concentration/+1 Deflection Dexterity and Perception are currently broken too.
  14. BUGS FROM PE BB V435 Feral Druids not dropping loot in Stormwall Gorge - RECOGNIZED BY QA Boots of Evasion incorrect string - RECOGNIZED BY QA Unlootable Ingredients in the Dyrford Crossing - RECOGNIZED BY QA Missing Strings for UI Option for Disable Engagement Stop- RECOGNIZED BY QA Untidy Health Bars on Solid UI Interrupts occur on killing blows Ogre Cave needs adjusted lighting and Ambient Maps Dwarf Unclothed Texture Issue- RECOGNIZED BY QA Voice Sets in Character Creation can't be interrupted Wrong Shader on Rauatai Male Monk - RECOGNIZED BY QA Solid HUD UI Combat Log Position not saved - RECOGNIZED BY QA Item Description mouse over inconsistency Bug with Enemy AI & Holy Radiance Poor Quality Loading Screen Images Interrupt being calculated incorrectly - RECOGNIZED BY QA Weapon Set Display Issues AI bug when Targeting a character via their portrait- RECOGNIZED BY QA Hendyna's VO plays from right channel only Visual Bug with Engagement Arrows? Issue: NPC Behaviour when you initiate dialogue with them My apologies, this was not fixed in v435 - I reported it as fixed Default Split Item Amount Uses Stack Total rather than 1
  15. For NCarver and the QA guys, here is an updated bug report thread. I have gone through every bug that I have reported that was not replied to by a dev and checked to see whether they have been fixed in v435. Good work on the fix rate, a fair majority of my reported bugs have been fixed in v435. The remaining bugs I have put into sections below, with links along with any relevant information. The posts below this one will contain my new bug reports from v435 onwards. Hopefully this is helpful. Feel free to add this information to the public fix list NOT FIXED HIGH PRIORITY Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr Chant and Number of Hits Action cancel no longer works before the hit frame Pathfinding issue with tight spaces between units Iconic Projection has wonky combat log entries Current Dialogue Node not removed from list when on current node Can't reset dialogue window size Dyrford Crossing Character Shadow Issues Game difficulty resets when you exit the game TAB Functions not uniform across UI screens Edge of Area Map in Stormwall Gorge not obscured by Fog of War - RECOGNIZED BY QA Marquee select is inaccurate Cone and Ray spell interaction Character Hair changing unnecessarily when you press next after gender selection Unit fading into the fog of war doesn't look great Interrupt and Concentration need to be shown on the stat sheet - RECOGNIZED BY QA UI Clicks are counted as a click for double click camera moves Two Minor UI Art Issues Enemy Tooltip shakes in the top left corner of the screen Character models could be better positioned inside the selection circle Character Record Button Highlights not reset on close Issue with Spell-casting/Ability-use, interrupts and engagement Minor Threat Bug Issue/Complaint about changes to Paladin Auras Issue with aiming Ray Spells Can't inspect unused spells of a spell level with fully assigned Grimoire slots - RECOGNIZED BY QA Bug with Iconic Projection targeting, Fog of War, and Walls Issue & Bug with Ability Hotkey changes in v392 Character Art Clipping Bugs with "leather_armor" female version Inconsistency with Opening Item Descriptions Can't bind a hotkey to weapon sets War Bow still not positioned properly on character's backs Blunderbuss needs updated reduced accuracy Issue: DROID ARMY - RECOGNIZED BY QA Incorrect Area Map image showing after ALT-TAB Default Split Item Amount Uses Stack Total rather than 1 Highest recorded damage does not match actual damage values LOW PRIORITY Area Map Close Button is Dark Solo cipher is gimped by combat casting rules Characters disappear at the top of areas Rogue Escape gets cut off by edge of navmesh Some characters have specific interaction locations Hendyna's feet clip through the ground PARTIALLY FIXED Dyrford Crossing Ogre Cave Entrance Navmesh Issue - still needs work, but Unity optimizes NavMesh against designer's will Occlusion not working properly - fixed for geometry, but not trees Inaccurate Area Shadow Maps - I think area shadow maps have been improved, not as noticeably inaccurate as before Poor Quality 3D Door Textures - mip levels have been improved, but the bug is with Unity, not the game itself Really bad UI / Font scaling since v333 - font fixed in v392, but others not fixed Party members should not have AI / override your actions - partially fixed, but auto-attack still needs work Modal UI bug - some issues fixed, but there are still display issues with the action bar highlight fx FPS drops when interacting with character creation buttons - lag when selecting VO fixed, FPS still drops but it's no big deal now Beetles are bypassing 10 DT - There's some bug with the DT calculation now Knock Down Bugs - I think 4/5 of the issues have been fixed AI Loop doesn't update during movement for most enemies - need to check, but it still could use work Beetles don't seem to have updated AI targeting clauses / Beetle pathfinding issues - AI targeting fixed, but loop could update faster Interrupts occur on non-damaging spells - Fixed for some spells/abilities, but not all NOT SURE Quest Issues by Rivmusique Assorted v364 Bugs Spells, Non-weapon based abilities and Ranged weapons need their range in the description BB Wizard Implement attacks launch from PC's body Ranger Animal Companion (or at least the Boar) uses increased Engagement range Dudes that attack Aloth in Gilded Vale don't drop clothing or weapons FIXED IN V392 or V435 (78 bug reports containing at least one bug)
  16. 13 Actual overland Wilderness Area maps. Some of them are in between major locations and you're required to travel through them. Others are completely optional. PE does have less houses in Villages and Cities.
  17. Just FYI, there are no AI differences between any of the difficulty settings, those are changes made for all difficulties. I like that the Wood Beetles now have a ranged attack, I recall suggesting it (along with others) way back in v257/278. There still seems to be some issues with Ivory Spinners, they still seem to randomly cast webs everywhere, but that may just be what they do. The new Stuck FX looks horrible though hahah. Path of the Damned is meant to be a byproduct of all difficulties, so in getting those right, PotD should feel right too, I imagine. I'm talking about Hard difficulty. On Hard difficulty where stats are not modified they have 97 Accuracy and they do 50-80 damage. It may be higher on PotD. I find the fact that they can kill your party members in two hits really boring to play against, as it pigeonholes you into using CC tactics only. I don't find having to do that very fun, I'd prefer to be able to use a variety of different tactics to beat encounters like you could in Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate 2. There are a bunch of ways to make them more interesting to play against and still be challenging rather than just giving them high per hit damage, high accuracy and calling it a day. Using crowd control is not 'a lot more interesting', because it works on pretty much every encounter. It's interesting when there are multiple approaches that work against an encounter. You are theorizing. If you had actually tested all of those methods, you would find that Charm Beast is not working properly in this build
  18. I have two issues with the behavior of initiating dialogue with an NPC #1 - When you click on an NPC to initiate dialogue, I believe that their selection circle should change to a targeting reticle, as that gives better feedback to let you know that you have actually initiated dialogue with that NPC. (This is also what happened in the Infinity Engine games) #2 - It would be better if when you initiated dialogue that the character turn to face you either when you click on them or when dialogue begins (probably when you select them would be better) as that gives better feedback of who you are speaking to, and looks more realistic The NPC could then return to their default stance / position when dialogue ends if combat was not initiated. Here is a video demonstrating this from Baldur's Gate 2
  19. Vanilla Baldur's Gate? I count 106 in my installation folder (not counting the expansion maps). I have a feeling that maybe some of those files contain multiple houses, or something - since you don't have to load the game to enter a house in the IE games, it's part of the larger area. In Pillars of Eternity that isn't the case. So chances are there are lots of little houses that are not counted in that 106 areas.
  20. Expected Result: The game should just probably create movement indicators near the container, rather than bug characters out like that.
  21. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but when you hover your mouse over an unselected character to an enemy, it changes the engagement arrow color to white or something.
  22. In this video, you can hear that Hendyna's VO plays in the right channel only. I understand that VO is recorded in mono, but for the game it should probably be upmixed to Stereo. Expected Result: Hendyna's VO should play from both channels, and possibly from her location in the game world.
  23. Man this new save system is so much better. No more accidentally overwriting my own saves!
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