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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I found a bug just before with inspecting items on the ground, I right clicked on an item in a loot pile, and at a delay the item description appeared behind the loot UI, the icon for the item did not work, and I could not close the item description and it persisted on the screen when I loaded my save - the item description was still open in the game UI. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue yet, but if people could try opening up item descriptions of items we loot, we may be able to find it.
  2. I prefer actually testing to see if that's the case in the game, because often I find that what the developers say / what you would think is the case is often not actually the case in the game. Making false statements (even though unintentional) could potentially be harmful to the game balance.
  3. Targeting spells on characters via their portraits is something I (and many others) used to do in the Infinity Engine games and the mouse distance is less than targeting the character in the game world. This used to work properly in a few of the earlier builds of the beta but it now appears to be broken. This video demonstrates that when targeting a heal on one of my characters the caster bugs out, paths to a strange position on the map, then begins to slide on the spot and then continuously slides back and forth at the edge of the NavMesh. Expected Result: When targeting a character portrait with an ability/spell/attack, the targeting cursor should persist (but obviously not the AoE) and it should actually target the character in the game world.
  4. My problem is not that Bears have high per-hit damage. That is fine and makes sense. My problem is that the damage is *too* high. Being dropped in two hits is not fun and really limits the amount of approaches you can take against them. The 97 Accuracy is also probably a balancing issue, as Accuracy is lower across the board in this build.
  5. Dex hasn't been working properly in any build, so how would you be able to determine that? Right now, bumping Dex actually slows down your attack speed with weapons (but it works for spells).
  6. Right, yes you could be right. And unfortunately that is a boring solution. There are many ways they could improve Bears more fun to play against while having less powerful attacks. Higher health but lower damage, faster attacks but lower damage, higher interrupt, a DoT bleeding effect on a hit, a knockdown ability ... the list goes on
  7. When an enemy monster can kill your character in 2 hits, that is a damage problem. Contrast to the Infinity Engine games, unless you were literally right at the start of the game, this didn't happen. Especially around the mid levels. Cave Bears are pretty deadly in Baldur's Gate, and you do have to watch out if you get hit by them, but in Baldur's Gate it was harder to hit and there were no grazes - so a Bear attacking one of my characters might have been miss, miss, hit for 15 damage, miss - something like that. Here, an Elder Bear with 97 Accuracy if left unchecked to attack any character will likely hit or crit for 50-80 damage twice in a row - that character dies, the end. If Engagement didn't exist then this may not be as much of a problem, because you could switch aggro around - but it's not like that.
  8. If they actually hit you though, you're done for. If you don't actually have access to a hard cc, then they'll still kill your party members very quickly. I think they do a bit too much per-hit damage. One of the good things about the Infinity Engine games was that there was always multiple solutions to every encounter, if the answer here to beat things is always "drop chain disables to win", then that's not very fun. I think they would be more fun to fight if they maybe had more health but dealt less damage ? That way that encounter will actually feel like a proper boss encounter or something, rather than relying on pure crowd control and focus fire only because if you don't, you die in a couple of hits. Their accuracy (97) is also too high for this build.
  9. Things are a bit different in this build because it's harder to crit and you miss more often. Rogues have taken a nose-dive into mediocrity. Light weapons are terrible. Monks are still awesome though.
  10. The list of maps in the game code says 170 maps in total. There are 13 Wilderness Areas
  11. Nice to see more of the devs coming out of the woodwork in the past week or so - haven't heard from you Bobby since the KS Glad to see that incorporeal enemies made it into the game and those incoming portraits sound good. The 2D artists you recruited for the project have been very good hires. Hopefully future installments will also allow the time to bring back some of the luxury 2D assets that were in the Infinity Engine games (such as item sketches and things like that).
  12. This is definitely one of the things that makes it difficult to design a Pillars of Eternity UI is because of the differences between all the classes and their abilities - more abilities means more action bar slots and spells and other menus also make it a bit more complicated.
  13. Log in the middle is actually the best position, it's just that with the PE default assets you can't make a symmetrical UI with the log in the middle. My actual preference is Middle > Left > Right
  14. I'd like the Jolting Touch spell to be changed back to a ranged spell like it was in v333 or whatever. I agree about being required to be too close for a lot of the spells, and the way in which you have to aim cones/rays is a bit annoying too. The gameplay in this game isn't really that similar to the IE games IMO, and a lot of the D&D style Wizard spells just aren't required. I never cast anything that isn't a damage spell or a Crowd Control spell as a Wizard in this game. I use Arcane Veil, because it doesn't take up a spell slot. Stuff like spell range used to be pretty simple to mod out, but Bester's Unity Editor no longer works with v435, as they moved to Unity 4.6.1 Bester's Editor was for Unity 4.5
  15. That's because Elder Bears are OP on Hard too, I can't imagine how you would beat one on PotD lol. Edit: just spam Slicken over and over again (although that may not work due to increased stats). They nerfed the Paladin too far in a previous build (don't remember which) and yeah the Chanter is nowhere near as good now. But yeah - a lot of these changes are due to the removal of Accuracy from the Attributes, and the fixing of quadratic damage mults. Now everything does less damage, it's a lot harder to punch through DT (although enemy creatures have no problem doing it to you) and you miss more and crit way less often, unless you're a Hearth Orlan. Lead Splitter is a hilarious item, too. Probably the best Firearm? And yeah, Rangers are still the worst class. I might look into making a side-version of the IE mod with +1 Accuracy on Perception again, see if that does anything. I also think that Constitution might be better off granting an integer bonus to Endurance instead of a percentage, at least then it would warrant putting a few points into.
  16. Lore no longer affects the rate at which you unlock Bestiary entries, you do it from killing more of them in combat.
  17. Yeah it's possible that VFX for these modals was unnecessary. Savage Attack has the same issue.
  18. Aumaua Females (There's no portrait that matches the Aumaua Female appearance, the default one isn't very good either) Aumaua Males - maybe one more Wild Orlans - There is none for either sex Female Dwarves - There's one, but it looks like a human and doesn't really match the in-game appearances Male Dwarves - Don't like the single Dwarf portrait, would prefer one based off the model appearances Female Orlans (any) - Default one wasn't done by Kaz or Lindsey Male Orlans (any) Red-haired and/or black-haired females - Don't like the default side on portrait, I'd prefer a Kaz/Lindsey one Earth Godlike female - Don't like the default, would prefer a Kaz/Lindsey one Maybe one more Moon Godlike Female / Death Godlike Female There's some ideas anyway
  19. In that particular case, I think Sneak Attack itself was also nerfed to x1.25, of which a Lesser Sneak Attack of x1.2 makes sense.
  20. Yeah, because you can actually move and not suffer disengagement attacks. If modding takes off, I may do something to offset that. I have many gripes with the mechanic, but the most annoying thing about it is you can't even make a micro-movements in combat without suffering from one, like moving a step to one side. There are also cases where auto-attack and pathfinding AI makes you break engagement and suffer needless disengagement attacks when it shouldn't (although hopefully those issues will eventually be fixed). It's optional and toggleable, so you can try encounters with or without it simply by reloading and ticking/unticking.
  21. In this video, you can see that the Weapon Set UI displays three weapon sets by default even when the character does not have access to three weapon sets. When you mouse away from the Weapon Set bar, the second and third weapon set immediately disappear, but the first set and the bar itself linger for a while before eventually disappearing. Expected Result: Weapon Set HUD bar should only display the weapon sets your character has access to and the behavior of mousing away from the bar should be uniform, either the whole bar instantly disappears or the whole bar lingers for a short time with available sets visible.
  22. You knew what I meant. Unity games "don't take advantage" of HyperThreading. I can disable it in my BIOS with no effect whatsoever. The Source engine (at least, whatever version of OrangeBox CS:S uses does, and when I disable HT in my BIOS I get a substantial performance hit in CS:S (and other games).
  23. Interrupting Blows is also being treated as an Integer I think I found the culprit in the code In CharacterStats.cs public float ComputeInterruptHelper(AttackData.InterruptScale baseInterrupt) { float num = AttackData.InterruptValue(baseInterrupt); float num2 = (this.StatInterruptMultiplier - 1f) * 100f; float num3 = (this.InterruptMultiplier - 1f) * 100f; num += num2; return (num + num3); }Both values StatInterruptMult (which if say 18 would be 1.48) and InterruptMult (Interrupting Blows would be 1.15) are -1 and then * 100, making them 48 and 15, respectively. They are then added to the Base Interrupt
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