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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Maybe next week. Depends on whether they fix the remaining bugs. *hint hint devs* A couple days notice would be nice
  2. Well one thing about still having the source area files is that IF for some reason UHD comes in waaay faster than we expect, Obsidian can simply re-render all of the areas at a higher base res. This does mean that they will have to paint over everything again and they will have to somehow distribute these really large files to the fans, but it could be offered as a payed download or as part of a future expansion. The game still should be quite playable at 4K res, using the large area assets, closest zoom should be like playing BG2 in 1280x1024.
  3. Well some abilities and spells will be per-rest, and I think I recall Josh saying that some encounters will be balanced against the party being fully rested, even though they might not be.
  4. If you do end up doing an update on modding please don't be afraid to go into the technical jargon about the obstacles / features required for modding. This will be easier as the modding community (which doesn't encompass me) can directly interact with you and give you better feedback. I quote SCO from RPGCodex
  5. Screw most people. If devs listened to most people every game would have automatic win buttons and sh1t. Health Regen speed could be something tied to difficulty or modes. Slower Health Regen could be an Expert mode feature or something, then Gfted1 can just chuck on his dontwannamanageanything mode and be happy.
  6. Yeah Unity hasn't even been reverse engineered yet. You'd be able to store ini files and 'override' files outside of the unity file structure, but I read that your area files will be using Unity compression, which likely means that no new areas will be able to be added, unless you guys provide the modding community with a method of doing it.
  7. Alright, here's my conspiracy theory. Obsidian always planned to release the backer website before Thanksgiving, that was their plan. It was evident in coffeetable's screencap of the preview of the website where the date for the cutoff of pledge changes was the last day of November. (November 31st not even a real date, and one of the bugs in the site). Ever since they hired Brandon Adler as Producer most of the devs took a step back with their community management and handed it all off to him. Before this you had Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer and co. posting on their twitter accounts and in the forums they are active on whether there would be an update or not. This worked just fine until the skips in their update schedule starting in October, where we went for a month without an update and during the second week from the announcement made in the Announcements forum people were disappointed at the lack of an update, but more importantly not knowing about it beforehand, as there was no communication between the devs and the fans during this time until good guy Adam Brennecke came onto the forums to inform the fans that there would not be an update that week either. To make up for it he did some Q&As on the two following friday nights in the thread while he was staying back late to work on the game. People such as C2B stayed up all night waiting for the update and felt that they should have received prior warning so that they did not waste their time doing so, being one of the main community activists regarding the flow of information, there is a wealth of people like C2B who collect information about Project Eternity from the devs various personal sites and forums, trawl google news and do custom searches to find out information - thus bringing this information to the collective. This is the reason why some people take a special disappointment from such a lack of communication especially since it was there during pre-pro. Obsidian slowly started to realize through beta testing the backer portal that they would not be able to release a relatively-bug free backer website in time for the planned Thanksgiving update. It is possible that they gave Darren the benefit of the doubt up until the last moment, but come the 9:00AM meeting on the morn of November 26, they were informed that the bugs were not fixed so they would not be able to release the website on the planned date. Some members of the team felt that this would cause unrest among the fans so a PR spin was placed on Update 68 to try and avoid the storm. Using careful wording, Obsidian stated that they would not have the support staff available over the weekend to deal with any potential problems with the backer site, avoiding the statement that it was still buggy and not ready for release. It is unknown when Obsidian decided against releasing the backer portal on November 26, but the communication about this only passed to the community an hour or so before the update as once again, good guy Adam Brennecke returned to the forums to enlighten the community on Obsidian's decision, when no other dev took it upon themselves to do so. This caused many fans to become disgruntled with Obsidian forum member Sensuki, another member of the collective of Project Eternity information gatherers who started a thread hyping up the countdown to the big update as a throwback to the nostalgia of the Kickstarter campaign, which many fellow members embraced whether they posted or not. The miscommunication by Obsidian caused white knighting forum members to take out their frustration on Sensuki for posting the countdown thread too early, when he was going by the last known official information. It is Obsidian's responsibility to communicate changes in the schedule to the community, and in postponing the relay of this information until the very last minute they created this confusion. Adam did however mention that the site was still being beta tested, giving the impression to the people who read his post that the site was not ready yet. RPGCodex member Roguey was the first to accuse Obsidian of being partially untruthful in her posts in the RPGCodex Project Eternity Mega Thread and stated that if they did not post the website early the following week then it definitely wasn't ready, shielding herself in pessimism to protect herself from disappointment as she like many others longed for gameplay footage of the game. Other people were not convinced and in the early hours of the following Tuesday, the internet forums started to stir with posts from optimistic backers hoping that the backer website was ready to go and they would at last, be able to upgrade their pledge, watch the long awaited gameplay footage and finally be fulfilled. RPGCodex members started rolling dice based on the chance. C2B having not seen Adam Brennecke's previous post was sure the update would be today, he believed in Obsidian, his favourite developer, that their statement was true - the backer website was ready to go - it was Tuesday, it would be today. Alas much to his disappointment, good guy Adam Brennecke stumbled upon the hype thread after reading some new posts on the forums, only to inform the community once again that the Backer Portal was not ready. The internet sighed. Roguey was ecstatic, Obsidian had once again lived up to her expectations that they are beneath her one and only, Josh Sawyer, the shining light of RPG development, the man that can do no wrong. She had successfully shielded herself from disappointment once again. C2B however was not so lucky - his favourite RPG developer had let him down. All of those hours that he put into the community gathering information, championing their cause, what were they for if they could not properly communicate to him the situation, he had cancelled his plans to stay up for the big Project Eternity update only to find that it was once again not ready. He felt betrayed, so immediately he posted a thread titled "Seriously? What the hell?" to convey his disappointment, his feeling of betrayal. The PR spin on Update 68 did not sit well with Obsidians #1 fan. Hope you enjoyed the read
  8. They did, once again. Read what I said. That wasn't the point. Pay attention to the second part of the line, starting from the if. The quarreling isn't even about the update it's because people ITT just don't read through what other people say, they just quickly skim over it, make an assumption and then post things based on what they thought they said. No wonder Josh Sawyer thinks that this is a real problem with people + making RPG characters.
  9. 3. C2B, me (I'm not upset, but I am ~creating drama~) and sesobebo. That's it ffs, how many times do I have to say it. He is not saying that missing the date is lying. ~_~_~_~__~ reading comprehension, use it. The delay isn't the problem. None of us want them to release a buggy backer website. All C2B wanted from Obsidian was that if the site wasn't ready on November 27, then to say so in the update. I don't understand how it's so difficult to understand that from reading his posts.
  10. C2B made the thread accusing them of not saying that the backer website wasn't ready in Update 68. If it wasn't ready and they didn't say so in the update then yes, that is being partially deceptive. Adam posted this before the update was up. Despite what he said earlier (fire extinguisher), that does indicate that it was still buggy last week. They didn't say so in the update which is why C2B was mad. Here is what I said in the Update 68 thread for perspective.
  11. Excuse me. "If the backer website wasn't ready/still buggy, then they should have said so" - is advocating transparency. You obviously haven't been reading any of my posts properly, and there's a good reason why I have you on ignore. I didn't make this thread, C2B did. It's not me that is dissatisfied with the delay. I didn't even think there would be an update today as I posted in the camp out thread and on the RPGCodex. However there are a plethora of people who simply fail at reading posts on the internet 101 and misinterpreted what C2B was saying and why he is upset/disappointed. C2B is obviously disappointed that the site is not ready yet because he wants to see the gameplay video and because of that he feels that they should have said that it wasn't in the Update 68 official post if it wasn't ready, rather than Adam posting it in the forums. He may not have read that post. You posted this in the camp out thread indicating that you disagreed with the simple fact that updates are always posted on Tuesdays, so there's no reason that the 'big update' will be on a Tuesday, and that it will be the day before Thanksgiving. You also thought it was going to be before Thanksgiving. We had no indication until hours before the Update 68 update that it was not going to be the big update, as I said earlier, I was going by the official information that was the correct date. So don't go blaming me for hyping you up in the update thread. Before this Obsidian had never missed an update (technically anyway, during the Kickstarter campaign, they did promise us a Lore update as the 'next' update, but that Lore update came about three updates later (which at the time was a week, max). One of the devs could have came and given us the info about the delay earlier, that's no fault of mine. Haha perhaps I'll go on a false hype train for the beta just to annoy you In all seriousness though I think that I will be adopting a more pessimistic approach from now on. The game also will definitely not be ready by June. Expect more an August/September release - going by their Production spreadsheet from Update 67. $10 schmuck out.
  12. I am merely advocating transparency and being a vigilante moderator / crazy person as categorized by anonymous kickstarter dev. http://www.polygon.com/2013/11/29/5131286/kickstarter-developers-in-the-age-of-crowdfunding
  13. They didn't say major bugs, they said high priority bugs It's probably stuff that would cost staff hours to resolve issues with, so it's definitely a better idea to get the automated system working properly to save those staff hours. btw I see Adam reading the thread - good guy Adam gives the straight answers *thumbsup*
  14. You didn't post anything about it between Update 66 (when they 'announced' the date) and 68. Adam did post that the site wasn't quite done yet on the forums shortly after Brandon's official update post. So the fact that it wasn't ready was omitted from the update itself.
  15. I am the only person who posted about the Big Update being on Thanksgiving, because they said it would be. They only mentioned it was going to be delayed an hour or so before they posted the smaller update instead. Some people may have taken that with a grain of salt, but Obsidian did intend to post the update on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. A lot of people didn't even read the update properly. I'm not even really disappointed about there not being an update, as I said I don't care if it's next year. There's no need for white knighting or petty callouts either. I made a similar thread way back during the Kickstarter campaign for the Environment Art screenshot update - which was delivered on time, when they said it would be and I thought it would be a good callback to the Kickstarter campaign nostalgia to do one for the gameplay video, we didn't know the content was going to be delayed until hours before the update was posted. That isn't my fault, because with the information I had it was the correct date, kind of like if someone posted an official message that a meeting was going to be on a certain night/time and you rock up early only to find that it's been cancelled. What can you do ?
  16. His post wasn't about the delay it was about the (slight) dishonesty in the official update. I don't think anyone is going to go OMG WTF TO THE PITCHFORKS if they said "Sorry guys the backer site isn't quite ready yet, still doing some bug fixing" in the official updates - they will probably do exactly that next week except they might have a nice music update ready to go to keep everyone happy.
  17. The OP might be taking things a little overboard but he does have a point. All he is saying is that if they knew that the site wasn't ready that they should have said that. And I think that's fair.
  18. Are you saying that you don't believe it was somewhat deceptive?
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