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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I find the D:OS ambient voices really annoying. The IE "walla" style was a lot better.
  2. He's standing there watching. The three screens are people that haven't loaded the game yet I think.
  3. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/499854395463712768 I'm going to guess a large part of this is due to auto-attack not working properly. The casual player would not handle the extra micromanagement that requires.
  4. That's true, I'm not sure if that's the final load screen, but I'm pretty sure the game background just goes black and once the required amount of tiles have streamed in, it shows the map.
  5. Here's another one: I've seen multiple instance of this in the Gamescom streams: Random font sizes in the OADING part of teh Loading text
  6. For anyone that missed it the latest qu0Te is 3-5 hours playtime for the beta in a standard playthrough.
  7. I think it might be a bit too far now, but I don't really care as long as in the release version, enemies attack you on sight.
  8. Might that be an in-built setting? Usually 1-2 min delay is for competitive match streams to prevent cheating.
  9. Yeah this was noticeable in the Giantbomb First Look EX as well, I brought it up in my thread about it. I also don't like how enemies have a smaller radii than the party and can't see you 10m away. Maybe that's related to difficulty settings though I dunno. When a non-sneaking party member reveals an enemy further away, they should attack you, unless they have a reason not to.
  10. I'm pretty sure moving grass and trees was dropped, but I could be wrong though.
  11. Once you hit a certain level, your lower level spells become per-encounter. We're not 100% sure how it staggers yet.
  12. I'm kind of sad about it tbh, oh well. I personally blame Infinitron.
  13. Fair enough. I'll make sure to mention that and the pathfinding changes in my Let's Play.
  14. the Missile spells need to come from the wand, not the character's navel.
  15. Like I said, if it's like Warcraft 3 where you hold shift and click an icon on the action bar, target it and then do another one - that's fine. The NWN/KotOR style action queue is horrible. I never use those (still manually do everything in DotA 2 lol), but it doesn't get in the way of normal play.
  16. FX is actually pretty good. Nice and sensible, not too flashy, no overuse of blur or lights and proper FX on the characters as well. Hit reactions are missing on enemies though. Haven't seen every spell, but at least we don't have these huge flashy circles and stuff like we've seen previously.
  17. A shift queue system wouldn't even be that useful because there's a delay between your actions (recovery time), usually between 1-2 seconds.
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