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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yes the Inventory and Character Creation windows could present a lot more information - more like what you would see in an ARPG. Might do a suggestion video on that another day.
  2. Kazunori Aruga has actually done a very good job with the UI Art style, but their UI Programmers are not very IE-experienced I don't think, which is likely one of the reasons as to why there is a discrepancy between the functional designs of the UI in Pillars of Eternity and the IE Games and why there isn't much uniformity. That is however just my speculation.
  3. Fog of war is important for dungeons and wilderness areas.
  4. The Doors in the Dracogen Inn Second Floor have really low quality textures compared to the rest of the environment, likely because they are low-poly 3D objects. The detail in the doors needs to be increased to match the environment:
  5. I like the default mouse scroll speed, but a slider would be nice (an individual slider for all methods, not one slider that controls all of them).
  6. Currently when you right click on an weapon to get it's details it displays all the information about the "fine" quality of weapons, rather than what it gives to the actual weapon. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not and perhaps relevancy should be applied - such as only displaying the melee accuracy and damage multiplier on a battle axe, instead of including ranged accuracy, as that would especially be confusing to new players. The parchment itself could do with a solid border. I'm really not a fan of these small screen UIs and much preferred the Infinity Engine style full screen UIs so you could see ALL of the information about an item on the screen rather than having to scroll down. A compromise would be to make this window much bigger, perhaps taking up the whole inventory screen, or most of it. The "On Attack" is something that is also confusing as it implies that the weapon only applies those values "on attack" (even though it probably does). I understand that this is probably a straight dump from the Unity design tools, as I have seen a screenshot that Josh Sawyer put up on his twitter showcasing them. I think the Item format should be laid out in a more intuitive fashion like the IE games items were: So far the Infinity Engine games absolutely rape Pillars of Eternity as far as UI uniformity goes. Every menu works exactly the same, and all of the screens work within a sensible screen space unlike Pillars of Eternity, which uses a mess of small different sized windows that require different methods of interaction. Previous Suggestions: Area Map Functions Main UI / Tooltip Stuff Selection Circles, Targeting Indicators Disable Vertical Sync Previous Discussions: Combat Feels: Activness, Speed and Pace
  7. Music stops playing when you click new game and have to select a difficulty, then starts again once you're in CC.
  8. Pillars of Eternity Area Map Functions Infinity Engine Area Map Functions Previous Suggestions: Main UI / Tooltip Stuff Selection Circles, Targeting Indicators Disable Vertical Sync Previous Discussions: Combat Feels: Activness, Speed and Pace
  9. In a perfect world. Unfortunately I think better use of 2D art time could be made.
  10. I like the gauntlet cursor, but it's a lot smaller at 1920x1080 than the cursor for the IE games were at 640x480 and 800x600. Would be nice if it was a bit larger naturally (but don't upscale the art plz). The BG leather glove cursor did stand out more, yes. The movement cursor is also way too small, but that's likely because it is a direct rip from the IWD2 art assets.
  11. Look a bit harder at the portraits and ability icons, they're pixelated. I have the PNG file of the screenshot if you think it's jpeg compression - because it isn't.
  12. There's nothing wrong with the Damage system, If you take a look at the numbers, grazes don't end up doing a whole lot, particularly vs high DT - my characters were doing 0.6-1 damage vs the Stone Beetles on a graze.
  13. Previous Suggestions Selection Circles, Targeting Indicators Disable Vertical Sync
  14. I booted up the game earlier today in 1280x720 Windowed Mode to test some CPU Usage and RAM usage and noticed that the game had really distorted the portraits and icons: This happened upon loading my save game in this dungeon.
  15. Selection circle colors I've mentioned this one before, and it's a bit of a no-brainer but for the default setting (Colorblind mode unticked), is it possible for NPC units to have the light blue selection circles and player units to have the green selection circles like in the IE games. It's just really jarring to see NPC units with the same color as party members. Selection circle feedback options Currently the game only supports the "BG2" style selection circle feedback where NPC unit selection circles are not shown by default, but only when moused over. The IE games had a slider called marker feedback with six settings that controlled when selection circles were displayed. Currently Pillars of Eternity has an option to completely disable selection circles, but not to enable them always (which is my preferred setting). I also think that the selection circles are too thick and that the single pixel IE style would be better, YMMV. And lastly, many people have expressed interest in being able to pick their own colors for selection circles (whether that be different colors for individual party members etc, I'm not sure) so there's another idea. I am really glad that the IE green made it in though. Thanks for listening to me guys! Targeting Indicators I also think that instead of the blinking circles, the targeting indicators should be changed back to the IE style as well. PAST SUGGESTIONS Disable Vertical Sync
  16. Yeah but they only have a few programmers and there's A LOT of work left to do.
  17. I don't know if these are doable in the time they've got left. Might be something best left for the expansion.
  18. The speed of combat (actions etc) scales with the game speed. Turn the game speed down - recovery times that are currently slow are now suuuuuper slow. Turn the combat speed up - actions that are fast are super fast. Tweaking the game speed to suit your preference is not going to make any difference regarding the disparity between the recovery times of actions. The aim should be to get the default combat speeds right. But I definitely think sliders for speed is something they could add for the people who want to use those features (not me).
  19. Constitution is also purely defensive. Those are the natures of those attributes. I admit, I can totally see ranged characters still dumping Resolve, but I can also totally see them leaving Con at 10 as well. I really don't think splitting Stamina and Health is a good decision. YMMV.
  20. Here's a post I made on Something Awful on August 11th about this issue I also posted pretty much the same thing in the Attribute theory thread like 8 months ago. Armor Pierce (Penetration) is crap because it's basically the same as having more damage, except it does nothing against unarmored targets, which makes it inferior to straight damage, and Might already controls straight damage. Critical Damage is also crap because it only applies on a Critical, and scoring a critical is reliant on your accuracy, which means that if Perception was to control that, then (once again, just like Interrupt) it would be reliant on having a good Dexterity score as well.
  21. I'll update this thread in a bit, but after playing the beta today I have to say I will be VERY surprised if this is actually released in Winter 2014. With the amount of combat rebalancing and bug fixing required I think a Q1 2015 release plus a Steam Early access once the backer beta is more stable is the way to go. We'll see. It depends how fast they can roll out changes.
  22. Agreed, also loot piles. They should highlight when you mouse over, and highlight when you use the object highlighter.
  23. No it doesn't you just send your monk ahead first, the enemies then attack him.
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