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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. That's the way Josh Sawyer prefers it spelled, he did a Bachelor in Medieval History or something.
  2. Theoretically you could have talents that do reduce the ratio, but I'm a bit worried that would be an automatic choice for any power gamer on many of the classes, and it would be mandatory for pretty much all characters if you create a party without front line characters. That's why I don't think just saying "talents will fix it" is a good idea. It's better to get the core systems worked out properly than to apply patch fixes to the situation with talents, as it doesn't address the core of the problem. One of the design goals is that all classes, character builds and party compositions should be viable - and this decision possibly goes against those goals.
  3. Also for those interested our paper is at around about this amount of completion Section 1: 99.99999% - just need to check for grammatical tense and consistency Section 2: 95% - Matt needs to finish off a new graph and a paragraph Section 3: ~75% - I need to do the section conclusion and Matt needs to do an edit pass and add in needed graphs. Then I need to do a final edit mostly on grammatical tense and consistency across the paper.
  4. Yep, I haven't really investigated all of the Wizard spells yet but that sounds like a plan, if it's a spell on the BB Wizard I might give it a go next. I'm going to try and leave the imbalanced Cipher and Druid for last (even though I've done the Chanter), so I'll probably do Rogue, Priest and Ranger next.
  5. Well they already don't tank as well as the Fighter. And I'm just a bit concerned because I've been asking for more class flexibility ... not less.
  6. Mace and Stiletto can be dual wielded ? They're the only 1H weapons worth using atm because of the -DT property. Hopefully they fix the weapon damage ranges eventually.
  7. I'm sure there'll be a good set of Pantaloons to wear over your breeches.
  8. Paladins don't have as much offensive capability as Fighters though ? Priests are healbots but they don't heal your strategical resource.
  9. I am a bit apprehensive because it pigeonholes the front liners more into the tanking role than ever, and also makes other classes really not quite as good at it. I am willing to give it a go, but I think that there will be problems. Currently Paladins can fill the void pretty well, but if if the ratio change is only given to front liners, they'll fall off very badly. I don't think Stamina is that important atm because you can heal it very easily, whereas Health is way more important.
  10. Hehe - he has me there. I was more going by the fact that in the KS the devs said you'd be able to pick starting gear but changed it to a store (which is probably easier). Now obviously items such as guns might be too good, but there's a lot of weapons and types of armor in PE as well. Winthrop's Inn had most of the weapons, but not all of the armor (understandable due to AC). I saw quite a few items missing from Heodan's store in the videos I think. Armor in PE is technically even as there's a 5% IAS penalty for every DT point.
  11. I noticed you added Pollaxes to the bug list - but there's also Great Swords, Wands and Rods that don't have a best of property either when they should have.
  12. I reported this because when they make character creation cancellable, they will need to make sure this doesn't happen.
  13. I have watched the IGN Preview and IGN First Look EX and it may be that not all weapons will be available from Heodan's store at the start. The selection doesn't have to be huge, but it would be nice if you could simply pick between a few sets of clothing/armor and weapons.
  14. I don't think there will be a new patch this week, we are aware of the fact that we need to get it out soon, so that's why we're aiming for Friday. I am literally finishing off the last section now. Then all that remains is Conclusion, Executive Summary and editing. This one will be purely about the Attribute system. I will be doing some posts on other issues later down the track.
  15. [Description of the issue] Game Difficulty resets to Easy when you prematurely close character creation [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Start a new game Alt-tab and close the .exe Run Pillars of Eternity Start a new game Difficulty will be back to Easy again [Expected behaviour] Game Difficulty should always be what you have it set to
  16. There is also no culture that gives a bonus to Constitution or Perception. I think The White that Wends would be a good fit for Constitution, personally. Since it's bloody cold down there.
  17. I find that I am choosing a culture mostly based on what starting gear I want, however it is a pain that you get such a limited set of options as a class gear-wise when you start a game. I think Culture should have a couple of subsections where players can choose from a list of common weapons and armor that would be used in that culture. Here is a really terrible mspaint mockup: Previous Suggestions: Navmesh for AoE Targeting Animations & Model Collision Inventory Mockup Dyrford Crossing Area Design Main HUD Mockup Beta Version Review v257 bb Fog of War Inventory & Item Tooltips Combat Feedback Comparison - some stuff implemented Re-wrote CC Class Ability Descriptions Item Descriptions and Contextual UI Rant Area Map Functions *IMPLEMENTED* Main UI Tooltip Stuff *IMPLEMENTED* Selection Circles and Targeting *Mostly IMPLEMENTED* Vertical Sync *IMPLEMENTED*
  18. This isn't related to the item but the Reach property itself, happens on all Quarterstaffs and Pikes
  19. I'm also pretty sure all implements are supposed to be best of damage types, but Rods and Wands are not set up properly either. That may have changed though.
  20. Greatswords are also supposed to be best of Slash/Pierce but Josh already knows that/has probably fixed it by now.
  21. Josh Sawyer said that Pollaxes are supposed to be "best of" Slash/Crush weapons. However they only do slashing damage - the beetles have 30 DT vs Slash and 15 DT vs Crush, so if it was working, the Pollaxe would be doing Crush damage.
  22. I am working on the last section now which is related to a balance issue with recovery time. Matt is then going to do an edit pass, then I will do a final edit. We will then make it into a .pdf and I will record a video for non-english speakers who don't read English very quickly narrating the paper. Then we will post it in the forums.
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