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About DarthAdamRG

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Guitar, Martial arts, Movies, Music, Games
  1. To many games do this with some stupid alignment metre along side your character screen, I know wether my character is good or evil without that, the morality and the choices should be there but no light/dark side please.
  2. Im all for this, completely offensive magic is quite boring in any game to me, and using the melee and raged classes this way as well as to not leave them out is a great idea.
  3. I think a pub would be great, Inn more like, with an upstairs living quarter for your MC, as long as its relevant to the story, say your become knighted and given land in the story of the game, and get some land with a fort on it, or somehow acquire said pub, just make it mean something, not just like, heres a house have fun.
  4. I would like the dealine to be flexible regardless, more like, 2014 and leave it at that, or just TBC.
  5. There are a quite a few pen and paper RPG fantasy games without using elves/dwarves,etc, The connan pen and paper RPG doesn't for example. Then you have a bazillion fantasy books that does not have elves/dwarves/dragons..etc but, are still considered a traditional fantasy setting. You make a good point, I didnt explain myself enough, in the context of this game and being up to 4 or 5 races now, i cant see Dwarven of Elven being left out, if it was one or two races, sure they could be differing humanoids or Faction specific, and I feel that is kind of waht Obsidian are aiming at, a pen and paper mature setting throwback style RPG.
  6. In the form of Elven Corsairs or Dwarven Seafarers, a faction, relevant to the game, I say why not!, but no blackbeard wannabe's or Cap'n Jack Sparrow's.
  7. Inn would work the best, Fortress may be too much?, maybe something like, human normalish house, elven, tree dwelling, dwarven stone caveish style dwelling would be interesting
  8. This sums it up pretty well for me, you have quite a few options to take.
  9. Seems to be more or less agreed upon so hopefully this gets taken into some consideration.
  10. Difference in opinion here might come from play style, some people can rush through a game in 7 10 hours that it may take someone else 40 50 to complete, I myself like to explore every little nook and crannie while some just want the fastest route to the end.
  11. I think the poll results speak for itself, scaling would be a huge turnoff.
  12. How do you make a traditional RPG without including these staples. They may be dressed up and made original and different, but if they were taken out id be far less interested for one.
  13. I really do hope it affects and revolutionizes on a large scale, but sadly companies like Obsidian and Gamers interested in these type of projects are the minority these days.
  14. In a project like this id much rather narration with awesome immersive art work rather then wasting the budget on ridiculous cinematics.
  15. A novel, written by the right person would have me pledging more, this is a great idea.
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